The rise of cloud-based IDEs

Development tools in the cloud enable programming from anywhere, but they're not suited for all app dev needs

Development tools in the cloud enable programming from anywhere, but they're not suited for all app dev needs

Given the growing volume of workloads being在云计算中完成, ranging from CRM to content sharing to social networking, it's no surprise that software development is moving there, too. The rise in mobile development is also boosting the cloud IDE phenomenon.

Services like Cloud9 IDE, Codenvy, Exadel Tiggzi, the beta, and Telerik's beta Icenium are enticing developers to the cloud. They promise ease-of-use and collaboration capabilities, as well as universal access from anywhere and from multiple computers. "I can be anywhere with an Internet connection creating apps. It's convenient," says developer Cheston Contaoi, a user of Tiggzi and owner of Driveframe, which develops mobile applications.

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“发展这种方式的好处是,你消除很多故障率,”比如桌面配置问题Codenvy CEO泰勒·杰维尔说。

Why go to the cloud?移动应用开发是基于云的开发平台的主要用途。例如,Icenium和Tiggzi让开发人员创建iOS和Android原生应用程序,使用本地应用程序中的核心HTML应用程序,并Codenvy让开发人员创建Web应用程序意味着在移动设备上使用。

Developers using cloud-based tooling can partner with public cloud platforms to host their applications. Codenvy, for example, lets developers deploy their apps via Amazon Web Services, CloudBees, and Google App Engine.

基于云计算的发展也提供了随收随付你去范式工具的使用。“对于初创企业和小企业,没有资本支出较少,因此随收随付你使用的是有吸引力的,” Ovum的分析师Michael Azoff说。采用随收随付你去开发服务还可以减少“闲置不用”,它位于未使用或初始部署后,很少使用软件的费用,他说。“我听说一体的大型企业有关最近在授权为ALM [应用程序生命周期管理]套件,它没有用,除了一个项目,这是可以在任何情况下自由支付每年$ 500,000。”

Uniting developers in the cloudCloud9 user Brian Pollack, who has his own software development firm (, sees globally dispersed development as the key mover for cloud-based IDEs. Teams are not necessarily in one building anymore, he notes. "They're distributed all over the world."

Cloud development also has significant benefits for ramp-up and development times, says Cloud9 CEO Ruben Daniels. And companies can more easily monitor offshore teams, says Codenvy's Jewell. "In the cloud system, the code lives in the cloud, so the organization can track everyone who's had access to it."

The barriers to cloud developmentStill, cloud development still has some hurdles to clear. "You need to have good online access. This can be an issue if work is offshored and broadband services are variable, but there are solutions to mitigate that," Ovum's Azoff says. "Testing against complex system environments may be another issue, so some work may only be possible behind the firewall."

C++ development is not likely a candidate for cloud-based development, given old tooling for the language, Daniels says.

User Pollack notes, "It's not as fast as having a native IDE, and I can't use it for really enterprise-level work because there are privacy and security concerns about where the code lives." Still, Pollack views Cloud9 as a game-changer and a "pretty amazing program" technically.

Despite cloud development's benefits, attitudes about control could limit the use of cloud-based IDEs in enterprise businesses. "We've consistently found that developers who work in Eclipse and Visual Studio despise cloud- and browser-based IDEs," says Forrester Researcher analyst John Rymer. "They want local development environments, and they want control over those environments. Eclipse is almost infinitely extensible, as an example. Cloud IDEs have far more limits on customization and extensibility. And they aren't local."

Even with these limitations, it is likely that more and more development will take place in the cloud. A certain percentage of developers will no longer need to rely on Microsoft, Eclipse, or other organization to provide them with desktop-based IDEs. "Overall, cloud-based app dev will grow," says Ovum's Azoff.

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这个故事, ”The rise of cloud-based IDEs" was originally published byInfoWorld

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