人权组织要求美国间谍法院的理由啊f Verizon order





order of the FISC court,上周在英国的卫报公布,授权美国国家安全局收集来自Verizon的客户所谓的电话元在美国的顺序是later confirmed美国国家情报总监,詹姆斯·R·克拉珀。

该metadata includes communications routing information such as session-identifying information, trunk identifier, telephone calling card numbers, and time and duration of call, according to the document. It does not, however, contain the content of a communication, or the name, address, and financial information of the customer. The requirement to turn in metadata applies to calls within the U.S., and calls between the U.S. and abroad.



U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday called for a public debate on the tradeoff between privacy and security.

该American Civil Liberties Union and Yale Law School's Media Freedom and Information Clinic on Monday filed运动国库之前,要求其发布的爱国者法案,他们说的形式在Verizon订单的基础上的第215的含义,范围和合宪的意见。


由于订单都伴随着“禁言令”,从透露,他们甚至收到了记录的需求禁止收件人,“美国人很少知道政府第215条下索赔的权力和记录由政府收购的程度这些命令下,”帕特里克C. Toomey的ACLU的国家安全项目研究员写了a blog poston Monday.



Larry Klayman, the founder of watchdog websites Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch and a former Department of Justice prosecutor, filed a lawsuit Friday in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia over the Verizon order, alleging that the surveillance violates the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are among the defendants in the case.

Pew Research Center, however, reported Monday that 56 percent of a sample of 1,004 adults, 18 years of age or older, living in the continental U.S. said the NSA's tracking of telephone records of millions of Americans is "an acceptable way for the government to investigate terrorism." 41 percent said it was unacceptable.


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