
安全专家Bruce Schneier的进行呼叫“停止疯狂”国家安全局“网络战”的努力

NSA tesify


NSA director Gen. Keith Alexander and other U.S. officials testifying before Congress

Mounting backlash against National Security Agency spying practices is now coming from sources as varied as security expert Bruce Schneier, former Reagan-era budget director David Stockman and high-level representatives of European countries.

Fallout from Edward Snowden’s bombshell accusations about spying and cyber-attacks carried out by the NSA sent agency director Gen. Keith Alexander to defend the outfit’s surveillance practices before the House Intelligence Committee Tuesday.

[快速浏览:The NSA Security Quagmire]

Gen. Alexander was accompanied by high-level officials from the NSA, the U.S. Department of Justice and Office of the Director of National Intelligence who also answered questions from Congressional lawmakers who were mainly worried about how NSA mining of data on phone records collected and held by the NSA might impact the privacy of American citizens. Gen. Alexander staunchly defended NSA surveillance, saying it’s focused on catching terrorists abroad and that 50 terrorist attacks had been foiled with NSA-collected information. He added that any concerns about terrorism arising from associated domestic phone-call records is handed over as tips for the FBI to handle.

Regardless of such claims, vocal critics in recent days include former Reagan-era budget director David Stockman, who yesterday called Snowden’s revelations a “wake-up call” to repeal the Patriot Act that allows the NSA data collection. Among other voices heard, security expert Bruce Schneier, in an opinion piece onCNN.com,指出了斯诺登的指责,称国家安全局上进行数以万计的秘密网络攻击的“外部网络”。施奈尔写了国家安全局在迎来了“网络战军备竞赛,军备竞赛,将在21世纪定义互联网。”


在听证会上,在回答众议员问题特丽休厄尔(d丙氨酸) - “如何做一个比较低层次的系统管理员有这个分类信息?”- 将军亚历山大说,仍然被调查。

这位29岁的斯诺登曾在一个系统管理员的角色一直在夏威夷三个月由博思艾伦提供的NSA合同工。斯诺登这个月开始漏油通过国家安全局的秘密GuardianandWashington Post,然后上市,说he was in Hong Kong and wanted to defend himself in court there against any U.S. criminal prosecution. Booz Allen fired him on June 10.

昨天,Gen. Alexander said as an administrator, Snowden had access to web forums the NSA uses which rely on use of digital certificates for security and had obtained some information he leaked publicly that way. The NSA is examining an audit trail to try and find out exactly what Snowden did. In the future, the NSA appears likely to adopt a two-person control approach toward any sysadmin tasks as a security measure to prevent the rogue admin problem that Snowden represents.


斯诺登的系统管理员的工作,他的数据溢出行动促使许多安全厂商看到它作为一个警世故事。埃里克·邱Hytrust的总裁和创始人,说系统管理员往往有“钥匙王国。”而你是否认为斯诺登为英雄或恶棍,“事实是,他自己也承认,他的技术“当局给了他巨大的力量,”邱笔记。该安全公司的首席说,对企业的教训是要认识到发生了什么事NSA可以发生在任何一个组织 - 加入博思艾伦,它做了很多工作,为政府,可能面临的声誉造成长期损害。

斯诺登声称他曾在美国国家安全局,整个情报界获得大家的工作的名册和便衣资产遍布世界各地。昨天,Snowden said国家安全局分析师能够访问的美国目标的电话和电子邮件的内容,而法院的命令。

The NSA’s woes are also becoming the woes of U.S. industry, with Facebook, Yahoo and Google, for example, trying to provide assurances to their customers about how much data they give the NSA based on legal requests they get. As more is learned about the NSA’s role in demanding information from U.S.-based companies and service providers, it could result in a growing aversion toward using U.S.-based service providers. And it could eventually be assumed that others countries with known surveillance efforts, such as China, may have similar data-sharing relationships with local companies. It’s all leading to a sense of increased nationalization of the Internet and high-tech companies.

NSA’s role in leading the U.S. Cyber Command

The Ft. Meade, Md.-based NSA does not only undertake surveillance based on collection of phone records and the data collection program called Prism, which involves making requests for customer multi-media data from Google, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook and other U.S.-based service providers. The spy agency is also the center for America’s cyberwar defense and offense in running the U.S. Cyber Command.

Snowden last week accused the NSA, somewhat vaguely, of conducting 61,000 cyber operations globally to penetrate foreign government, university and business networks. Snowden has also said, “We hack huge Internet backbones — like huge Internet routers, basically — that give us access to the communications of hundreds of thousands of computers without having to hack a single one.”

Security expert Bruce Schneier, who finds Snowden’s stance and leaked documents credible so far, yesterday expressed outrage against what it appears the NSA and its Cyber Command is doing. “The NSA and the U.S. Cyber Command are basically the same thing. They’re both at Ft. Meade, Maryland, and they’re both led by Gen. Keith Alexander. The same people who hack network backbones are also building weapons to destroy both backbones.”

Schneier noted that last March in a Senate briefing, Gen. Alexander had alluded to creating more than a dozen offensive cyber units. Schneier pointed out that author James Bamford recently described an NSA system and applications that can display where NSA has penetrated into networks worldwide, and custom-design exploits that can be used against them.

Is this all laying the ground for acts of war or even an act of undeclared war? “That’s the key question: How much of what the United States is currently doing is an act of war by international definitions? Already we’re accusing China of penetrating our systems to map ‘military capabilities that could be exploited during a crisis." Schneier writes in his opinion piece on CNN.com.

“All this mapping of vulnerabilities and keeping them secret for offensive use makes the Internet less secure, and these pre-targeted, ready-to-unleash cyberweapons are destabilizing forces on international relationships,” Schneier concludes. “Rooting around in other countries’ networks, analyzing vulnerabilities, creating back doors, and leaving logic bombs could easily be construed as an act of war. And all it takes is one over-achieving national leader for this all to tumble into actual war.”


— Bruce Schneier

Schneier adds: “It’s time to stop the madness.” Though the military needs to invest in cyberwar capabilities, there needs to be some kind of international rules of cyberwar and more transparency from the U.S., he concluded.

4月在网络世界的采访足球竞猜app软件the Snowden scandal erupted, Booz Allen Vice President Dr. Ron Sanders, former associate director of national intelligence for the U.S. government, said Gen. Alexander’s efforts to hire 4,000 or so cyber-specialists for the U.S. Cyber Command is likely to involve a training effort that could run three years or more. In April, he said the challenge for the U.S. is that the Cyber Command will be competing against private industry which is also hiring security specialists.

Former Booz Allen employee Snowden’s public disclosures about the NSA, which violated his oath of secrecy, have split public opinion. Some consider Snowden’s actions a betrayal of national security with no redeeming value, while others regard Snowden as something of a hero for exposing the U.S. role in cyber-espionage and cyberattacks.


“He’s done a great service to this country,” said Stockman. He said it all constitutes a “wake-up call” to repeal the Patriot Act, passed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, that allow this data collection and compel U.S.-based industry to comply. Stockman said he had his own fights in the past over budget with the military and industry supporting them. He said the current data-collection practices of the NSA are “an absurdity” and excessive in terms of both cost and loss of privacy, representing a “danger” to the country.

有关NSA的启示是其在世界各地的影响,其中最有力的反对意见来自欧洲国家,如未来Germanywhich have strict data-privacy laws. But one source familiar with intelligence collection practices who wishes to remain unidentified said what the NSA is doing in terms of surveillance and network infiltrations is also practiced by the governments of Russia, China, Great Britain, France and Israel if not several others. The U.S. public, he notes, is upset when terrorists slip through the net because law enforcement “failed to connect the dots.” But he points out, it’s tools the NSA uses, like the collection of phone records, that make “connecting the dots” possible.



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