iPad 3的传言汇总2月21日的一周



WithiPad的3,新闻泄漏是什么,确认自己的思考和渴望。本周,iOSsphere渴望一个较小的iPad,视网膜显示,在秘密的启示苹果供应链,和品味的与iPad 2差的微妙。



"However, it is entirely possible this particular reseller is exploiting the iPad 3 hype to get some attention."

〜基督教Zibreg,9to5Mac的,整齐地总结的iPad 3 rumoring的整个价值链。



两只股票分析师预测,iPad 3的只会是第一个下一代iPad在2012年推出的第二个:一个“更小,更便宜”的iPad采用了7英寸屏幕和$ 299的价格标签。

That's according to a story atEE Times通过西尔维巴拉克。这只是一个持续的,长达数月的iOSsphere信念的最新版本,更小的iPad的想法简直是这样的声音,苹果必须规划它。

In this newest prediction, the iSmall will be considered the affordable iPad, with iPad 2, repriced lower, taking the mid-range, and iPad 3 at the high-end, according to Brett Simpson and Richard Kramer of Arete Research. EE Times quoted from their assessment: "Given the iPad 3 aims to use higher spec parts (quad-core CPU, higher resolution display, LTE, and improved camera) there is plenty of scope to offer a cost down model supporting ~$100 lower bill of materials." (Clearly, they've been reading plenty of other iPad 3 rumors.)

But the same could be said of repriced iPad 2 models - a "cost down model" with a lower price tag. Apple has been repricing iPhones each time the latest generation is announced. Currently, the three Wi-Fi-only iPad models, with 16G, 32G and 64GB of storage are $499, $599 and $699; with 3G, each models adds about $130.

作为EE Times的巴拉克指出,已故的史蒂夫·乔布斯痛骂小屏幕平板电脑;而9.7英寸大小的iPad似乎已经基于一系列冗长的内部设计迭代。巴拉克写两位分析师“认为,新的管理层正在重新考虑这个想法”,但他们显然没有提供任何证据支持这一点。

iPad 3的零部件展将有视网膜显示屏

“iPad 3的零部件理应突然出现在中国各地,”writes Christian Zibreg, at 9to5Mac. And the latest ones are from the Japanese Website, Macotakara, which republished photos first posted by a parts reseller, Eye Lab Factory, of a tablet's display componentry.

眼实验室显然要求所述显示器是由Sharp,它的分辨率高,它的9.7英寸对角线,而且“其扁平电缆对应于类似的电缆连接的iPad 2的LCD面板可以在主板上,” Zibreg写入。

Zibreg adds the pro forma iOSsphere caveats about taking all this with "several grains of salt." And after he describes another parts reseller posting images of things like an iPad 3 "internal earphone jack and a Bluetooth antenna flex cable," he cautions, "However, it is entirely possible this particular reseller is exploiting the iPad 3 hype to get some attention."


当然不是苹果手机5新闻博客,其结论是无法查证的,未经证实的和无法核实显示实际“证实“那iPad 3的是在生产,三月发布日期是可能的。

它这样做,写Michale纳采,因为照片“iPad 3的新显示屏的传闻,和配合的匹配与早先的报告[即传闻]这表明iPad 3的生产已经进行了一段时间了。”

Nace swears that "it's never easy to get excited about the release of a new gadget based solely on sightings of abstract components like the one pictured in this article." Clearly, the opposite is true. Nevertheless, "it does help to complete the picture that rumors of a March-released iPad 3, complete with a lustrous new retina display, seems to be playing out as true." The unverifiable picture helps to complete the picture painted by other unverifiable pictures and rumors.


一个清晰的,现实的评估,这是他及时破坏了他的下一句:“但也有其他最近的照片表明,所有的iPad 3的关键部位的正在生产和组装”其他最近的照片,很少有人真正合格确认的有效性,但可以很容易地制造或篡改。这些照片。


Rollup isn't certain but Nace seems to be saying that when rumored photos, which can't be verified and might be doctored, make their way into rumors which are then repeated by blogs like his own, then they are transformed into foreshadowings of imminent product releases. Sort of like alchemy transforming lead into gold.

这里的关键是积极思考。“这些照片re undoubtedly building a 'breadcrumb trail' that indicates we will indeed see a March iPad 3 release, which should in turn give us increased hope that the iPhone 5 could be on the horizon for June," Nace concludes.

ipad公司3将具有锥形边缘和8 megpixel背面相机

That's the conclusion of a Taiwanese web site, Apple Daily, aka壹传媒,该发布的照片​​显示了前两个iPad和什么样的网站声称,在中国,是一个iPad 3外壳的外壳或壳。

There's nothing quite like well-lit, clear photographs to fascinate the iOSsphere. Arnold Kim, at加拿大家园,满意地看到,iPad 3的外壳“应该很熟悉,因为它似乎是我们以前发布的同一部分。”


另一组照片,其可以是相同的外壳,出现了在M.I.C.小工具,也迅速通过iOSsphere在Mac上,那里的崇拜闪现,如Charlie Sorrel observed该“硬件泄漏滴正在变成洪流”。在的WebProNew,Shaylin克拉克对这些图像进行故事标题“更多iPad 3的泄漏确认最新传闻”仿佛从未具名消息人士的照片及其他信息本身不是谣言。


What the good-looking Apple Daily photos show Arnold Kim is that the alleged iPad 3 has a "more gradual taper to the edges than the iPad 2" and the camera "lens does appear larger," with the Taiwanese rumor site claiming the Next iPad's rear camera will be 8 megapixels instead of one, the loneliest number.

"Overall, the images here seem to match up to other parts that have been floating around China," observes Kim, revealing Macrumors' standard for verifying rumors. "Apple Daily is described, however, as a 'tabloid-style' newspaper, but the Hong Kong edition is said to be quite popular as the second best selling publication."


iPad的3 displays by Samsung seen at Chinese factory

You can tell a lot from a photograph, although the picture quality is quite poor. You just have to know how to look for those subtle changes.

这就是ITProPortal的拉杜Tyrsina做到了,当他看到一个最初由中国科技网站App.wepost.me出版的“图像显示明显的iPad 3显示器在中国的工厂准备装运,集”。


“尽管紧张securityin that plant," Tyrsina writes, "the set of 20 snapshots manages to offer us a rare glimpse into the iPad supply chain, although the picture quality is quite poor."

"Quite poor" is an understatement by several orders of magnitude. The photos showed byApp.wepost.melook like they were shot underwater by someone suffering fromnitrogen narcosis




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