

苹果公司(Apple)仍是这个星球上的移动设备巨头,该公司公布了创纪录的季度营收和利润,这是由其移动设备持续增长的销售速度推动的。在截至6月25日的季度中,该公司共销售了2,000多万台iphone和900多万台ipad。此外,针对这些iOS设备的配件本身对苹果来说是一项数十亿美元的业务:在刚刚结束的这个季度,其销售额为60亿美元,而一年前为22亿美元。第三季度营收达到创纪录的285.7亿美元,同比增长82%。净利润也创下新高,为73.1亿美元,摊薄每股7.79美元,较去年的32.5亿美元和摊薄每股3.51美元增长125%。毛利润率高于管理层的预期,从去年同期的39.1%升至41.7%。该公司目前有近三分之二的收入来自美国以外地区。该季度,国际销售收入占总收入的62%。苹果首席运营官蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)在今天的财报电话会议上表示:“坦率地说,苹果业绩的实际环比改善得益于新兴和发展中市场。”他特别提到了中国、拉丁美洲和中东。苹果表示,7月至9月的最后一个财季不会达到上述水平:高管们预计,这一财季的营收约为250亿美元。高管们说,到目前为止,苹果本财年的利润同比增长了95亿美元,令人吃惊,比去年同期的三个季度增长了99%。根据苹果公司的数据,第三季度iOS设备的总销量为2.22亿部。 Sales of iPhones in Q3 soared 142 percent compared to the last year’s quarter, more than twice the growth rate for the overall smartphone market, according to Apple executives. The iPhone accounted for 46% of the period’s revenues.iPad sales were up 183 percent, and accounted for 21% of the the quarterly revenue. Apple’s Cook said that the “supply of iPad[s] improved dramatically over the quarter: we added almost 100% supply over the quarter.” In addition, Apple improved iPad supply still more in the first weeks of July, according to Cook.In response to questions, Cook described briefly Apple’s strategy for iOS device sales to the enterprise. The company trains and works extensively with the business sales arms of its carrier partners, because “many of these enterprises want one of our devices connected to a carrier” via an integrated cellular radio. Secondly, Apple does some direct enterprise sales on its own or acts as “an overlay sales force to a channel [partner] that serves enterprise.”Sales of Mac computers were also up, though not so dramatically. Apple sold 3.95 million Mac computers in the quarter, up 14 percent from a year ago. In the earnings call, Apple said it will release the Mac Lion OS X version on Wednesday. Cook said there was some cannibalization by customers who bought an iPad instead of a Mac. But he also said that more customers bought iPads than bought Windows PCs during that same period. Some customers delayed a Mac purchase, waiting for the release of Mac OS X Lion, he said. iPods continued their expected decline, dropping 20 percent compared to the same quarter last year. The Wi-Fi-based iPod touch, which is very similar to the iPhone, accounts for about half of all iPod sales, according to Apple.Apple’s iTunes store The iTunes Store reaped nearly $1.4 billion in revenue for the quarter. Apple said that by the end of the third quarter, it had paid a total of $2.5 billion to application developers. Cook was asked about the spate of patent battles Apple is embroiled in, many of them launched by Apple itself. “We have a very simple view here,” Cook said. “We love competition and think it's great for us and for everyone. But we want people to invent their own stuff. We're going to make sure we defend our own [patent] portfolio appropriately.”


