

你多久附加图片到电子邮件,发送给别人,后来才想挖掘的是相同的画面附着并与他人分享?当然还有Facebook的,Instagram的,Flickr的,等所有工作伟大的照片共享。但随后的工作中,你需要共享一个Word文档,PowerPoint演示文稿,PDF文件等,它们都不能很好地了Facebook,Instagram的,Flickr的全球共享。This is where I’ve come to realize that Microsoft’s SkyDrive has REALLY fit in to a great overall content sharing medium for me!Probably many of you, like I, have used SkyDrive for a while, but the old Web-interface was clunky and didn’t really allow for sharing of content very easily which is why we had all turned to other photo sharing solutions on the Web. BUT what has really helped me leverage SkyDrive have been the APPs for my endpoint devices (ie: SkyDrive app for iPad, Windows Mobile, Apple Mac, Windows, Android, etc).


  • 有自动上传到SkyDrive的照片(在我的情况,我让他们在默认情况下未共享文件夹)
  • 简单地标记单张照片在我的SkyDrive文件夹和一个单一的点击分享照片
  • Easily move or copy photos into a shared SkyDrive folder (which I find easier to manage) so that my photos are auto-sync’d up to SkyDrive (thus backed up), and I move photos I want to share into a share I call “shared photos”
  • 降PowerPoint演示文稿,Word文档,PDF文件等进入共享文件夹轻松共享出来的内容!


You’ll also find that SkyDrive allows you to open and save content straight from within recent versions of Microsoft Office (like Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2011 for Mac), so as shown in the following graphic, I can simply File/Open, File/Save to SkyDrive. AND since I’m opening and saving content from within SkyDrive, I have the content immediately available on all other systems that I access from SkyDrive, so I might work on a doc on my Mac, then be sitting on my iPad and want to grap the same file, and at work I might be sitting on a Windows PC running Office 2010, the file is always accessible to me (“no more thumbdrives!!!”)

要查看SkyDrive中的VS喜欢的Dropbox,谷歌驱动器,其他的iCloud云存储解决方案进行比较,看http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/skydrive/compareIf its been a while since you’ve fiddled with SkyDrive, definitely if you haven’t downloaded or fiddled with the “Apps” on the various iPad, Android, Mac, Windows, etc platforms or you’re running a modern version of Office that has built-in save/retrieve support to SkyDrive, give it a try… In the past few months I’ve been fiddling with SkyDrive, it has REALLY simplified basic processes for me…By the way, Microsoft has this SkyDrive Insider program going on, if you find SkyDrive helpful, want to become a “SkyDrive Insider” yourself, or just want to understand what a SkyDrive Insider is all about, go tohttp://sdrv.ms/V0buD7//m.banksfrench.com/community/morimoto看到所有的各种博客文章,我多年来所付出的列表。希望这个信息是有帮助的!

兰德森本是收敛计算的总统(http://www.cco.com)微软是把Windows Server 2012中在生产环境中超过18个月的产品发布前的早期采用者的合作伙伴。兰德也是本书的作者“Windows Server 2012中如虎添翼,”过提示,技巧,最佳实践和经验教训在Windows 2012,由萨姆斯出版的1565的页面。兰德也合着的“Exchange 2013如虎添翼”和“系统中心2012偷跑”的书籍也是基于早期采用者动手和现实世界的实现。

对于其他的帖子我已经做了在Windows Server 2012中,Exchange 2013,系统中心2012年等,只需点击下一篇文章或者这个博客帖子上篇文章按钮去其他文章中,我已经介绍了,还是去


