SQL Server 2008 R2 -主数据服务


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在构建数据仓库,我们必须经过一个“数据发现”阶段,商业智能解决方案的需求映射到实际的操作系统,这样我们可以提取转换和加载(ETL)数据到数据仓库。这是一个重大的努力,尤其是如果您有多个应用程序小组应对。并不是所有的系统使用适当的和友好的命名约定!通常我们得到一个大的电子表格的所有交叉引用信息和我们进行设计DW和增量地构建ETL流程需要填充它。好了,现在有一个更好的办法——主数据服务。一个Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2的许多有趣的特性是主数据服务(MDS)。此增强功能允许一个组织创建一个“主数据中心”,提供了一个“单一来源的真理”为企业的众多数据实体和层次结构。典型的大型公司中有许多完全不同的系统,一些继承自合并或收购,每个使用自己的数据源。这些数据源可以使用中心辐射型结构一致的交叉引用数据实体到中央数据库,可用于审计、变更跟踪和整合。它甚至可以帮助您构建数据仓库你一直在思考。 Discovering the data specifications can be time-consuming but when stored centrally and maintained with version control and change tracking, the business can benefit from this understanding of it mission critical data. When building a Data Warehouse, much of this data discovery needs to be performed but instead of recording this information in an isolated spreadsheet, now the information can be recorded in a centralized database for all to access and contribute to. Through Web Applications, individual application groups can be held accountable for “their” data specifications through ownership, allowing all parts of the organization to contribute to the centralized “Master Data”. Ongoing Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence efforts can then benefit with the Master Data being readily available and up-to-date. Master Data Services consists of the following components: • Master Data Services Configuration Manager – used to setup the MDS Database and configure the Web application • Master Data Manager – ASP.NET application used to manage your master data • Master Data Services Web Service – used by developers to extend and customize the functionality of Master Data Services Note that Master Data Services (MDS) is available on only the 64-bit editions of SQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter, Enterprise and Developer. It is not supported on the 32-bit platform. It requires the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or later. For running the Web Applications, IIS is required with ASP.NET and Windows Authentication enabled. If you run into problems with the 64-Bit install of SQL Server see my blog entry: //m.banksfrench.com/community/node/69817 Here is a good MSDN Blog on installing MDS: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/mds_team/archive/2009/12/10/installing-and-configuring-master-data-services-2008-r2-november-ctp.aspx Good luck! Brian

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