Trivial Pursuit 'Battle of the Sexes' races toward photo finish

As days to play dwindle to a few, women hold the slimmest of leads

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Tick-tock, trivia buffs: Monday is the deadline for doing your side any good in anonline Trivial Pursuit contest- men vs. women -- that right now is so close it needs a breath mint.

当我打字时,比赛产生了超过800万个正确的答案 - 错误的答案没有计算 - 并且女性比男性拥有优势,而男性自昨天以来最好被乍得悬挂:11,638。女性为50.07%,男性为49.93%。(请参阅下面的更新。)

The lead has changed hands several times since this game - Hasbro cheekily calls it an "experiment" -- began back on Oct. 7.

When I first wrote about it Oct. 27, women held a commanding 58% to 42% lead. However, that post quickly gained attention on social media sites such asDigg,Farkreddit, which resulted in a less-than-24-hour turnaround that left the men ahead 54% to 46% (although at that juncture the total number of questions answered correctly numbered fewer than a million).

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The contest proved so popular that Hasbro extended the original Dec. 31 finish line to Monday, Feb. 22 - I'm still trying to get an exact time - at which point the company says the score counting will stop and a winner will be declared.

The contest rules are simple enough: You go to Hasbro's specialTrivial Pursuit Web site, announce your gender, and start answering questions in the familiar categories -- art/literature, sports/leisure, science/nature, geography, history and entertainment. Yes, people can lie about their gender. However, since only correct answers count -- there's no penalty assessed for a wrong answer -- it's not possible that anyone is sabotaging their opposite sex by intentionally tanking questions. You get only 20 seconds to give your answer, so you either know, don't know, or are mighty fast with a search engine.

You say this contest is nothing but a marketing gimmick and it's probably been rigged by Hasbro to provide maximum drama? Well, you're absolutely right on the first score - Hasbro is quite open about the fact that it is promoting a new game called Trivial Pursuit Team. As for stacking the deck? There's nothing that I'm aware of to support the suspicion, once you get by the obvious fact that marketers have been known to do dastardly deeds.

Commercial interests and conspiracy theories aside, the contest has engendered a wide variety of reactions, both good-natured and decidedly negative.

This advertising/marketing blogthinks it's a hoot- and effective.

A Fark reader commented: "Really Hasbro? As if the new Risk-but-with-extra-testosterone-EXTREME weren't enough, now this? Keep your Barbie/G.I.Joe divisiveness out of my board games."

The London presstook notice.

And, there even have been arguments over grammar, witness thispoint/counterpointabout Hasbro's question: "Who's smarter than who?" (After risking math earlier in this post, I feel no need to get involved in this one.)

Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the game, of course, but this much is known for certain: Time is running out and it's clear that the outcome -- and whatever bragging rights may be at stake -- could go either way.

(顺便说一句,较早的乍得参考让我急切地找到实际官方塔利from Bush/Gore/Florida/2000 and turns out it was even closer than this weighty trivia contest, not to mention closer than I had remembered: 537 votes, or roughly one one-thousandth of one percent of the 5.8 million votes tabulated.)

(Update, 1:30 p.m.: Have checked a few times today and that lead of 11,638 that the women enjoyed earlier this morning has been dwindling. Now stands at 7,079.)

(Update, 3:45: Not trending well for the women. Lead down to 4,647.)


(Update, 8:45: Men lead by 1,601. Has seemed inevitable all day.)


(Update, Fri, 4:40 p.m.: Lead for men now 4,055.)


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