

我的上一个帖子我谈到的是被抛起来,只要有人不知道如何或不想解决问题的神奇门槛。而在最后,我认为,知识是真的,以避免非理性型思维的最佳途径。I started thinking about it though and there are some other ways you can avoid these types of things and the reason I didn’t mention them before was that I was concentrating on the individual and how one can avoid that tendency, but now I want to turn to the company, or at least the group and see how you can turn things around on a more global scale. Because let’s face it, you may be the one sitting in the corner who knows that it’s BS to suggest a magic threshold, but unless you can communicate that effectively, then you’ll never get rid of that cancer. So here are some of the ways you can help alleviate this in your environment.


这一点可能是最重要的。许多dba更喜欢回到办公桌前抱怨事情的现状,而不是从内部工作来改变它们。每天当你工作的时候,你工作的很大一部分就是宣传和增加关于你产品的知识。例如,当涉及到一个大表时,有人说SQL Server无法处理太多数据,你可以不同意,但他们可能不会听。您需要做的是找到问题之外的工作示例,其中有性能非常好的大型表。不过先看一下当前的问题。在危机时期不是挑起战争的时候。找到问题并解决它,然后寻找日后传播福音的方法。特别找出那些认为表太大而无法由DB处理的人,并向他们展示其他大型表的示例。然后向他们解释在事件中实际发生了什么以及为什么。 And then explain to them that this issue could easily have happened on a much smaller table and the results would have been the same. Don’t do it in an I-told-you-so manner though. You’re just trying to prove to them that the issue wasn’t size. And once you prove it to them, then they’ll actually help you evangelize it in the future because now it’s something tangible to them. I’ve even gone so far as to produce a similar table and fill it with double the amount of data the production table has and run the same queries against it and shown them that the DB can clearly handle a lot more than what we’re currently doing. This is a really powerful demo because it shows them without a doubt that we’re nowhere near a threshold of any kind.




这是我的公司所做的一件很有价值的事情。我希望我和它有关,但它早在我来这里之前就已经存在了。我们所做的是,每当我们的第1层系统出现性能问题时,需要来自各个支持部门的人来参加会议,我们一起解决问题。所以不是每个人都互相指责,而是每个人都在场现场检查自己的地盘。然后我们在电话里和每个人核对。dba,是DB吗?不,看起来不像。思杰,你呢?不,看起来也不是我们。网络,它是怎样的? So far it looks fine but… [Citrix] wait, I just found something. I think it’s us. Now, it’s kind of a pain to have to stop what you’re doing, but it shortens the troubleshooting time because everyone is in direct contact. So it’s really one of the things we get right. In fact, and this is no lie, I’m actually sitting on a bridge right now which is what spawned this post. And yeah, you’ll have those people who are stubborn about their views no matter how many hard numbers you throw at them. And frankly, that just amazes me, but that’s another post isn’t it? So there you have it.


1.传福音 - 告诉人们,他们的误解,是没有根据的。




