

“光纤通道是死了。”That was the controversial conclusion of one participant in a heated debate at an industry conference back in 2000. Industry vendors were investigating a new protocol – storage over IP – that they said would replace the then dominant Fibre Channel.

光纤通道是死了。”That was the controversial conclusion of one participant in a heated debate at an industry conference in 2000. Industry vendors were investigating a new protocol – storage over IP – that they said would replace the then dominant Fibre Channel. That newfangled transport protocol, which allowed storage traffic to flow across the Gigabit Ethernet network, would become – it would be implemented by individuals who were familiar with Ethernet networking, but not with the more complicated and expensive光纤通道

旋转向前7年,光纤通道之间的斗争和iSCSI现在过时了。光纤通道不是死的,它仍然是占主导地位的存储协议,iSCSI正在以越来越快的速度来实现。根据IDC, iSCSI吩咐只是3%的市场份额在外部磁盘存储系统(光纤通道占其余),研究公司预计,市场份额增加到2010年的21%。现在这两种技术甚至存在于同一个网络。

光纤通道用于企业主机事务和数据密集型操作,因为它的性能和保证交付的数据;iSCSI,廉价的技术,经营最重要的千兆以太网,被组织,没有专用storage-savvy IT人员和中小企业和部门在企业主机中档业务关键型应用程序,不需要光纤通道性能的证明

今天,这个行业是审查iSCSI上运行10 gbps以太网,它可以利用TCP卸载,远程DMA和I / O虚拟化功能。研究公司Dell ' oro组大小10 gbps以太网交换机市场在100000年港口出货量在2006年第四季度营收为10亿美元。10 gbps以太网继续增长,可能没有办法停止iSCSI的市场动力。



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