Top 15 free tools for every Windows desktop

Powerful Windows utilities for a fast, productive desktop environment

Top 15 free tools for every Windows desktop

Some people collect Windows utilities like windshields collect bugs. But for most of us, the wordutilityis key. If we find ourselves not using the tool a few times a week, we give it the heave-ho.

Utilities change all the time – and not always for the better. Newcomers usurp entrenched old favorites. Some find themselves in the news for the wrong reasons. And so you have to refresh your set of tools time and again.

Here are 15 utilities that belong in every Windows user’s bag of tricks. They’re all free for personal use, and many are free for corporate use as well.

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至少有十几种不同的产品会同步跨多台计算机,平板电脑和电话的文件。SpiderOak突出其“零知识”的安全解决方案。总之,有没有办法的SpiderOak的人可以看看你的数据:你独自一人,持有加密密钥。的SpiderOak提供了多种独特功能,包括自动文件版本,可采历史。它允许你设置限制“分享房间”里只有被邀请的人都可以参加。Dropboxis a popular and powerful alternative, but不是没有它的安全问题BoxSugarSync也值得一看,但如果安全是你的头号关注的,是的SpiderOak考虑产品。

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Free Windows tool No. 2: SyncToy

Microsoft’s free的SyncToyoriginated with the Windows XP PowerToy package, and has been improved regularly. The latest version takes advantage of Sync Framework. To use SyncToy, pick two folders. Let’s call one Left (for reasons manifest in the screen shot) and the other Right. Here’s what you can do:Synchronize: New files, and files changed since last sync, are copied between Left and Right folders. If a file has been renamed or deleted in one, it’s renamed or deleted in the other.Echo: New and changed files are copied left to right, with renamed/deleted files on the left renamed/deleted on the right.有助于: Same as Echo, but deletions on the left are NOT deleted on the right.

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Over the years I’ve used many programs to retrieve software license keys, identify hardware, measure temperatures and fan speeds, run down memory chip details, and monitor CPU and network loads. Now, finally, I’ve found one program that does it all:System Information for Windows。此工具可报告三个单独的类型的数据:(1)软件,包括文件关联,ActiveX控件,和文件名的关联;(2)硬件,诸如BIOS版本,视频和声音适配器,CPU细节;(3)网络,包括邻居设备,共享和开放的端口。有数以百计的个别条目,都整齐排列着在屏幕左侧的树。

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Free Windows tool No. 4: Recuva

File undelete has been a mainstay PC utility since DOS. But there’s never been an undeleter better thanRecuva的(pronounced “recover”): fast, thorough, and free. When you throw out the Windows Recycle Bin trash, the files aren’t destroyed; rather the space they occupy is earmarked for new data. Undelete routines scan the flotsam and jetsam and put the pieces back together. As long as you haven’t added new data to a drive, undelete (almost) always works; and even if you’ve added some data, there’s a good chance you can get most of the deleted stuff back. Recuva can also be used to undelete data on a USB drive, an SD card (see screen shot), even an MP3 player.

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Free Windows tool No. 5: 7Zip


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Once upon a time, the Windows XP PowerToys project included a fabulous, simple, fast image resizer. Right-click on a photo fresh out of your camera, choose Resize Pictures, and the photo’s reduced in size to a fraction of the original. But XP came and went, and Microsoft didn’t keep the PowerToys updated. Enter Brice Lambson, a Microsoft employee with a heart of gold – and a mission to bring the freeImage ResizerPowerToy to the latest versions of Windows. The updated PowerToy installs in seconds, and works without a hitch. Microsoft still doesn’t support Image Resizer. But you can submit tech support questions on the download site, and they’re likely to be answered by Brice himself.

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Free Windows tool No. 7: Auslogic Duplicate File Finder

如果你是准备的正牌成员,射击,硬盘维修目的的学校,经过这一个。但是,如果你愿意仔细考虑所提供的信息,Auslogic的自由Duplicate File Findercan help you reclaim enormous amounts of hard disk space. The trick with any duplicate file cleaner lies in judicious use of the gray matter between your ears. That said, Auslogic’s easy-to-use interface makes it relatively easy to find and select the files you want to delete, then stick the selected files in the Recycle Bin, where you can bring them back if need be.

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Free Windows tool No. 8: Revo Uninstaller Freeware

雷沃卸载truly uninstalls programs, and does so in an unexpected way. When you use Revo, it runs the program’s uninstaller and watches while the uninstaller works, looking for the location of program files and for Registry keys that the uninstaller zaps. It then goes in and removes leftover pieces, based on the locations and keys that the program’s uninstaller took out. Revo also consults its own internal database for commonly-left-behind bits, and roots those out as well. Revo gives you a great deal of flexibility in deciding just how much you want to clean. The not-free “Pro” version monitors your system when you install a program, making removal easier and more complete.

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Free Windows tool No. 9: Paint.Net

拥有数十名左右优秀的免费图像编辑器,它是很难挑选一个。Irfanviewhas tremendous viewing, organizing, and resizing capabilities.GIMPships with powerful tools and an enormous array of add-ins.Faststone Image Viewerlets you edit full-screen, and has a screen-capture capability. And that doesn’t even brush the surface of thePicasavs.Windows Live照片库maelstrom – a religious debate worthy of volumes. For powerful, easy-to-use photo editing, with layers, plug-ins, and all sorts of special effects, along with a compact, easily understood interface, I’ll stick withPaint.Net。Although it requires the .Net Framework, the program puts all the editing tools a non-professional might expect into an intuitive package.

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Free Windows tool No. 10: Autoruns

Programs that run automatically when Windows starts bedevil everyone. This industrial-strength autostart listing tool knows all, and lets you do something about it. If you’ve never usedAutoruns, you’re in for a shock. Autostarting programs lurk in the most obscure corners of Windows. The “Everything” tab (shown in the screen shot) lists every program that starts automatically, in the order in which it is run. Click on the program to see details. Right-click and choose Search Online to look up the program on the Web, using your default browser and search engine. You can filter out the Microsoft programs, and have Autoruns show just the third-party interlopers that have been deposited on your machine.

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Free Windows tool No. 11: LastPass

Store all your passwords on a web site. Sounds crazy, right? I’d been using AI Roboform to manage passwords for years, until I bumped into this cloud password manager. Like Roboform,LastPasskeeps track of your user ids, passwords, and other settings, and offers them to you with a click. But there’s a big difference. Roboform stores your passwords on your PC. LastPass encrypts them, then stores them in the cloud. LastPass does its AES-256 encrypting and decrypting您的PC上使用一个主密码,你必须提供 - 和记忆。存储在云中的数据被加密,并且没有密钥,所存储的密码不能被打破,除非你可以破解AES-256加密。

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Free Windows tool No. 12: VLC Media Player

Another poster child for open source software,VLC Media Playerplays just about anything – including YouTube Flash FLV files – with no additional software, no downloads, no headaches. Unlike other media players (notably the versatile but complexKM Player), VLC sports simple, Spartan controls, built-in codecs for almost every file type imaginable, and a large and vocal online support community. VLC plays Internet streaming media with a click, records played media, converts between file types, and even supports individual frame screen shots. VLC is well-known for tolerating incomplete or damaged media files. It will even start to play downloaded media before the download’s finished.

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Free Windows tool No. 13: Jaangle

While VLC excels at playing videos,Jaangle涵盖了音乐基地,标记和我见过库支持的最佳组合。Jaangle伸出到网络和获取的关于音乐的辅助信息令人眼花​​缭乱。如果你厌倦了看到了同样的老专辑封面的,这就像一股清新的空气。标签编辑器只是一个右键点击即可。更重要的是,你可以在一首歌右键点击并下载谷歌歌词,在那里里面Jaangle。最后,我们看到用于除订购更多的歌曲以外的其他在线音乐库。可自定义选项,切片和切块,重新排序和重新组织,Jaangle需要一个新的,新的方法来组织和管理的音乐收藏。

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Free Windows tool No. 14: Process Explorer

The granddaddy of program monitors, Microsoft'sProcess Explorer是15到版本。如果你从未使用过这个l, you've never seen what's going on under Windows' covers. If you have, this new version boasts new tricks and a much-needed makeover for the CPU and memory monitor. PE shows you all running processes and subprocesses, and with a click or mouse-over, divulges details about what's really going on. Want to know which program has a file locked? Curious about the origin of all of those svchost.exe programs running on your machine? PE also tells you everything about CPU cycles, memory usage, and I/O. Best of all, PE doesn't have an installer. It just runs, and runs well.

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Free Windows tool No. 15: PicPick

如果你曾经尝试过用Windows 7截图工具捕获稍纵即逝的画面,你是在一种享受。PicPick您可以采取截图与您所选择的组合键,不会使对盖屏幕运行短暂的物品。你可以,根据不同的按键组合,捕捉全屏,活动窗口,屏幕上的一个矩形或写意的地区。如果你需要对拍摄单色背景下,PicPick白板让屏幕的你“擦除”方便部分。该PicPick编辑器包括调整大小和编辑工具,自动文件命名,屏幕上的放大倍率,并incldues像素的统治者,拾色器,和半打其他screenshooting助剂,使其成为一个功能强大的射手。

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