随着Windows 10了,但定制的硬件才刚刚开始出现,有可能永远是一个更好的时间来买打折的Windows 8.1的机器 - 你是否打算继续赢8.1或免费升级到Windows 10与眼睛向***升级,我把最好的和最流行的13英寸笔记本电脑的六到我广泛,真实世界,“我真的能生活和工作与他们”的考验。
All six machines that ran my gauntlet of usability, performance, and battery tests -- the Acer Aspire R13, the Asus ZenBook 13, the Dell XPS 13, the HP EliteBook Pro 1020, the Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro, and Microsoft’s Surface Pro 3 -- have unique advantages. A few are classic clamshells. A few are contortionists suited to both laptop and tablet duty. One, the Surface Pro 3, is a slate with a strap-on keyboard and laptop aspirations.
让他们与Windows 8.1的所有一流的锻炼后,我将它们升级到Windows 10,使用标准就地安装。这就是你现在会使用与你无疑看到了“获取Windows 10”声明中的相同的安装方法。在任何情况下,升级到Windows 10顺利。
If you’re going to use the laptop as a desktop adjunct or replacement -- or if you’re going to haul it off to meetings and you don’t anticipate using it in contortionist positions, like on an airplane -- you may prefer a traditional clamshell. (I do.)
如果你想有一个翻盖和金钱是没有对象,戴尔XPS 13是战胜机器。其华丽的画面和出色的性能掩盖其微小的尺寸,但仍存在不足之处。对于一个几百美元以上,惠普EliteBook开本1020不小,它的屏幕并没有那么多的像素,但它的圆滑,键盘局促少,电池持续时间更长。