

Despite widespread public condemnation, Hong Kong toy maker VTech is not backing down from a change in its Terms and Conditions ducking its responsibilities in the event of a breach.


这是在回应数据泄露前fall which affected about 5 million parent accounts and more than 6 million children's' accounts. The children profiles included names, genders, birthdates, headshots and chat logs while the parent accounts included email addresses, passwords, secret questions and answers, IP addresses, and mailing addresses.

“No company that operates online can provide a 100 percent guarantee that it won’t be hacked," said Grace Pang, head of corporate marketing at伟易达集团。“学习小屋条款和条件,如条款及细则许多在线网站和服务,只是通过限制公司对第三方的行为的责任,如黑客承认这一事实。这样的限制是在网络上司空见惯。”

杰夫·希尔,在安全厂商渠道营销经理STEALTHbits Technologies


“It won't hold water," said Troy Hunt, Microsoft MVP for developer security at微软。




“Terms like this are unlikely to have any tangible impact on the outcome," he said. "Particularly in the European Union, where privacy laws are strengthening and penalties increasing... it's unlikely to make any difference to legal outcomes and merely serves to shine them in a bad light."

This is why when companies do include similar statements in their terms of service, he added, they typically have some caveat such as "to the full extent permissible by law."

“There are really no guarantees that a company can offer, we all recognize that," said Glen Segal, CFO at cloud productivity vendorAccellion.“但是,这并不意味着你可以推卸所有的责任隐私,什么一些公司正在尝试做的这是行不通的,从法律的角度来看,它肯定是从商业角度看是行不通的。 -- 尤其是当你在处理孩子的信息。”

Companies should spend more time actually protecting themselves from attacks, instead of trying to protect themselves against liability, said John Gunn, spokesman for security vendorVASCO Data Security.



然而,企业可以为他们与免责声明造成伤害不仅仅是打歪责任,他说。“还有消费者舒适的购买从一个公司一个产品 - 前场 - 明确disavows为他们的产品对客户坦白影响的任何责任,这只是普通懒惰,显然不能代替一个称职的数据安全方案。”

Now, VTech, in addition to suffering a massive data breach involving children, and being publicly humiliated for its shoddy security, is also facing a public relations nightmare.

“他们与相互作用在任何情况下都保护自己的数字身份,该公司消费者想要信任” Vanita潘迪,在产品总监ThreatMetrix。“这些连接消费者不关心他们的凭据在欺诈者手中如何得到,只有他们做到了。”




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