Cloud computing and the 'last mile'

While cloud computing has moved applications and data out of the corporate data center, it hasn't fulfilled the promise of a highly distributed infrastructure. Missing from the equation is the 'last mile.'

What does food and beverage production have to do with cloud and the last mile? There are several interesting parallels.

未知的对大多数人来说,食物和饮料industry operates on razor-thin margins. As a result, producers look for any advantage they can get through automation, scale and supply chain optimization. Water is both bulky and heavy while also plentiful and cheap. As the percentage content of water increases in a food or beverage, producers are incented to remove the water during production in a way that it can be reintroduced at the point of consumption. From soups to sodas, this model keeps transportation costs low while expanding profit margins.



Data analytics is a multi-step process as shown below:

  1. Capture data at the point of origination
  2. Move the data to the data center
  3. 变换和加载数据
  4. 与其他数据来拓宽视角结合数据
  5. 对数据执行分析
  6. Use the result to generate a recommendation/decision
  7. 沟通的结果返回给请求者


在过去的几年中,我一直主张另一种方法:移动从集中式数据中心的分析出在网络“边缘”或者高度分散的分析点,“最后一英里”。2020欧洲杯预赛我仍然认为,最好的长期解决方案是将移动分析到最终用户的设备(我称之为无服务器计算), but even then at least some analysis will occur outside the device. As the volume of data increases and tolerance for latency decreases, moving analytics closer and closer to the last mile will emerge as a key enabler of analytics.


Where would these analysis points be built? Perhaps in those hardened data centers that already sit at the origination point of the last mile. What if these locations, built to house massive telecom computing power for routing voice calls and data packets, were loaded with high-density compute and storage? With the advent of mobile phones and the pending deployment of 5G, these local exchange carriers (LECs) and competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) can be the enabler for bringing cloud out of the super-regional data centers of public cloud providers and down to the local infrastructure.



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