什么是5G?Fast wireless technology for enterprises an phones

5G networks will boost wireless throughput by a factor of 10 and may replace wired broadband. But when will they be available, and why are 5G and IoT so linked together?



什么是5G?Technology or buzzword?

It will be years before the technology reaches its full potential worldwide, but meanwhile some 5G network services are being rolled out today. 5G is as much a marketing buzzword as a technical term, and not all services marketed as 5G are standard.

[From Mobile World Congress:5G的时间几乎是在这里]

5G网络速度VS 4G

With every new generation of wireless technology, the biggest appeal is increased speed. 5G networks have potential peak download speeds of20 Gbps, with 10 Gbps being seen as typical。That's not just faster than current 4G networks, which currently top out at around 1 Gbps, but also faster than cable internet connections that deliver broadband to many people's homes. 5G offers network speeds that rival optical-fiber connections.

Throughput alone isn't 5G's only important speed improvement; it also features a huge reduction in network latencyThat's an important distinction: throughput measures how long it would take to download a large file, while latency is determined by network bottlenecks and delays that slow down responses in back-and-forth communication.



The technology underpinnings of 5G are defined by a series of standards that have been in the works for the better part of a decade. One of the most important of these is 5G New Radio, or 5G NR,formalized by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project, a standards organization that develops protocols for mobile telephony. 5G NR will dictate many of the ways in which consumer 5G devicesoperate, and was在2018年六月敲定

A number of individual technologies have come together to make the speed and latency improvements of 5G possible, and below are some of the most important.


5G networks will for the most part use frequencies in the 30 to 300 GHz range. (Wavelengths at these frequencies are between 1 and 10 millimeters, thus the name.) This high-frequency band cancarry much more information per unit of time than the lower-frequency signalscurrently used by 4G LTE, which is generally below 1 GHz, or Wi-Fi, which tops out at 6 GHz.

Millimeter-wave technology has traditionally been expensive and difficult to deploy. Technical advances have overcome those difficulties, which is part of what's made 5G possible today.

Small cells

One drawback of millimeter wave transmission is that it's more prone to interference than Wi-Fi or 4G signals as they pass through physical objects.

To overcome this, the model for 5G infrastructure will be different from 4G's. Instead of the large cellular-antenna masts we've come to accept as part of the landscape, 5G networks will be powered bymuch smaller base stations spread throughout cities about 250 meters apart, creating cells of service that are also smaller.

These 5G base stations have lower power requirements than those for 4G and can be attached to buildings and utility poles more easily.

Massive MIMO

尽管5G基站比他们的同行4G小得多,他们包在更多的天线。这些天线多输入多输出(MIMO), meaning that they can handle multiple two-way conversations over the same data signal simultaneously. 5G networks can handle more than20 times more conversations in this way than 4G networks

Massive MIMO promises toradically improve on base station capacity limits, allowing individual base stations to have conversations with many more devices. This in particular is why 5G may drive wider adoption of IoT. In theory, a lot more internet-connected wireless gadgets will be able to be deployed in the same space without overwhelming the network.


确保所有这些对话回去forth to the right places is tricky, especially with the aforementioned problems millimeter-wave signals have with interference. To overcome those issues, 5G stations deploy advanced beamforming techniques, which use constructive and destructive radio interference to make signals directional rather than broadcast. That effectively boosts signal strength and range in a particular direction.

5G-network services availability

The first commercial 5G network wasrolled out in Qatar in May 2018。此后,网络已经涌现在世界各地,从阿根廷到越南。Lifewire has a good, frequently updated list

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that not all 5G networks deliver on all the technology's promises yet. Some early 5G offerings piggyback on existing 4G infrastructure, which reduces the potential speed gains; other services dubbed 5G for marketing purposes don't even comply with the standard. A closer look at offerings from U.S. wireless carriers will demonstrate some of the pitfalls.



Verizon is making probably the biggest early 5G push. It announced5G Home在2018年十月四个城市,需要采用特殊的5G热点连接到网络和饲料它通过Wi-Fi的其它设备提供服务的部分。

Verizon planned an April rollout of amobile service in Minneapolis and Chicago, which will spread to other cities over the course of the year. Accessing the 5G network will cost customers an extra monthly fee plus what they’ll have to spend on a phone that can actually connect to it (more on that in a moment). As an added wrinkle, Verizon is deploying what it calls5G TF, which doesn't match up with the 5G NR standard.

AT&T5G宣布在12个美国城市的可用性在2018年十二月, with nine more coming by the end of 2019, but even in those cities, availability is limited to the downtown areas. To use the network requires a special Netgear hotspot that connects to the service, then provides a Wi-Fi signal to phones and other devices.

Meanwhile, AT&T is also rolling out speed boosts to its 4G network, which it's dubbed 5GE even though these improvements aren't related to 5G networking. (This is causing backlash。)

Sprint will have 5G service in parts of four cities by May of 2019, and five more by the end of the year. But while Sprint's 5G offering makes use of massive MIMO cells, they不使用毫米波信号, meaning that Sprint users won't see as much of a speed boost as customers of other carriers.

T-Mobile is pursuing a similar model,and it不会推出其服务,直到2019年年底because there won't be any phones to connect to it.

One kink that might stop a rapid spread of 5G is the need to spread out all those small-cell base stations. Their small size and low power requirements make them easier to deploy than current 4G tech in a technical sense, but that doesn't mean it's simple to convince governments and property owners to install dozens of them everywhere. Verizon actually set up awebsite that you can use to petition your local elected officials加快5G基站部署。

5G phones: When available? When to buy?

第一个主要的5G手机将要公布的是三星Galaxy S10 5G,这应该是可利用的2019年夏季你也可以订购的终结“Moto Mod" from Verizon, which改造摩托Z3手机变成5G兼容设备s.

But unless you can't resist the lure of being an early adopter, you may wish to hold off for a bit; some of the quirks and looming questions about carrier rollout may mean that you end up with a phone thatisn't compatible with your carrier's entire 5G network

One laggard that may surprise you is Apple: analysts believe that there won't be a5G-compatible iPhone until 2020 at the earliest。But this isn't out of character for the company; Applealso lagged behind Samsung in releasing 4G-compatible phonesin back in 2012.

Still, the 5G flood is coming. 5G-compatible devices主导巴塞罗那的移动世界大会2019年, so expect to have a lot more choice on the horizon.


一些专家说,5G将不能满足延迟和可靠性目标it is shooting for. These skeptics are already looking ahead to 6G, which they say will try to address these projected shortcomings.

是研究新技术,一组可以卷成6Gthat calls itself

The Center for Converged TeraHertz Communications and Sensing (ComSenTer). Part of the spec they’re working on calls for 100Gbps speed for every device.


Even in its embryonic form, 6G may already be facing security concerns due to the emergence of newly discoveredpotential for man-in-the-middle attacks in tera-hertz based networks。The good news is that there’s plenty of time to find solutions to the problem. 6G networks aren’t expected to start rolling out until 2030.

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