REVIEW: Icinga - Enterprise-grade, open-source network-monitoring that scales


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继续我们对健壮的,企业级的开源网络监控任务,我们测试Icinga睿2(2.8.1版)和单机Icinga的Web 2.0接口。创建于2009年的Nagios的网络监控工具的一个分支,Icinga已经走过了很长的路要走。


一世cinga runs on most of the popular Linux distros and the vendor provides detailed installation instructions for Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat (including CentOS and Fedora) and SUSE/SLES. Icinga does not publish specific hardware requirements, but our installation ran well on a quad-core processor with 4 GB RAM and this is probably a good starting point for a basic installation.


Network World > Open-Source Monitoring Tools > Icinga > Pros + Cons 一世DG

我们能够只用在提示符下一些简单的命令在Ubuntu 16.04 LTS快速安装Icinga。第一个步骤是必要的文件下载到本地资源库,然后安装实际Icinga应用。Icinga可用于监视来自交换机的主机和服务和路由器的可用性以及像HTTP,SMTP和SSH各种网络服务。




Icinga提供了令人印象深刻的粒度如何hosts and services are monitored. For instance, you can create what Icinga calls a ‘host object’, which is essentially a rule or task, to monitor a server. For each server you can define what services to check, from a simple ping command to make sure the server is on and responding, or checking to see if the HTTP or FTP services are running. Icinga provides flexibility in how often to check, with various warning levels defining how and who to alert when something needs attention.


一世cinga utilizes different monitoring methods; the most common is the use of a pre-built or custom service-monitoring plugin. With the abundance of available plugins, you may never need to build your own, but Icinga provides instructions on how to accomplish this, if desired.

插件可用于监视主机和服务,如Linux,Windows中,数据库,SMTP,Web服务,硬件,邮件服务器和VMware和SAP的第三方应用程序。在情况下,远程访问可能不可用,Icinga提供基于代理的监控。一种常用方法是一个SNMP守护程序,在远程系统上运行。对于那些需要坚实的Windows支持,Icinga可以利用NSClient ++运行本地脚本,提供详细的系统信息。



一世cinga Web 2 module: Icinga Director, configuration deployment tool 一世cinga

一世cinga Director


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