How to backup hyperconverged infrastructure

Backing up hyperconvered infrastructure means backing up virtual machines, and that means several options to choose from.


企业运行的管理程序上hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI)systems typically have backup options available to them that are not available to those running on generic hardware. Such customers may also have additional backup challenges depending on the HCI vendor and hypervisor they have chosen. Let’s take a look.


当备份物理服务器可能会在同一时间运行在所有设备上的完整备份,这很好。这是一个完全不同的情况,如果所有这些服务器都采用了虚拟机共享相同的物理服务器。即使运行多个完整文件incremental backups(backing up the entire file even if only one byte has changed) at the same time can significantly affect the performance of yourhypervisor. That’s why most customers using server-virtualization products such as VMware or Hyper-V have switched to more hypervisor-friendly methods.

选项包括块级增量或源极侧重复数据删除方法。虽然他们在技术上并不专为虚拟机备份,也可以是非常有帮助的,因为这两个数量级或以上的订单显著减少备份的I / O需求。他们还可以在不影响系统管理程序的整体性能运行虚拟机级备份。一个缺点是,它减少了虚拟化的效率,因为它需要在每个虚拟机的安装和客户端软件的维护。这就是为什么大多数人备份VM齐齐管理程序级备份。

管理程序级备份软件使用或API在虚拟机管理程序级别。每一个主要的虚拟机管理程序提供这样的API。使用这些API接口的备份系统通常能够要求管理程序自上次成功备份已更改的块。备份系统仅备份改变的块,显著降低了I / O要求,减少CPU的要求来识别和定位的改变的块的数量。这两个特征的组合效果显著降低了备份在管理程序的影响。

Snapshot-based backup

一些存储产品connected hypervisor-backup APIs with their snapshot capability as a backup methodology. All customers need to do is to put their datastore on the storage system in question and provide the appropriate level of authentication into the hypervisor. At the agreed-upon schedule, the snapshot system interfaces with the hypervisor, places the various VMs in the appropriate backup mode, and takes a storage-level snapshot. The snapshot takes only a few seconds to make, then the VMs can be taken out of backup mode. This is faster than the previous backup method and has a lower impact on backup performance.

The snapshots would need to be replicated to another storage system in order to be considered a valid backup. Such replication typically requires very little bandwidth and CPU and is relatively easy to accomplish. This allows enterprises using this backup method to have both an on-premises and off-premises copy without ever having to perform what most people consider to be a backup.

Snapshot backups and HCI

基于快照的备份 - 只要它们被复制到其他位置 - 提供一些最快recovery time objectives and tightest recovery point objectives在同行业中。一个缺点使用他们的是,他们传统上需要一个单独的存储产品,一个可能是相当昂贵的。


Some take integrated data protection even further, and integrate these backups into the cloud, providing a DR function as well. This allows you to recover your entire datacenter to the cloud, without ever running a traditional backup or replicating data the way you would in a typical DR scenario.

What about lesser-used hypervisors?



从一些HCI集成的数据保护和灾难恢复功能,厂商达到或超过什么是可能使用第三方工具。这些公司认为,这是他们正在简化只是一件事,那就是一个坚实的论据。如果一个产品能够满足您的计算,网络和存储需求,同时也确保你在停电或灾难发生时保护 - 这是一个引人注目的报价。

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