足球竞猜app软件网络世界安迪帕特里齐奥 //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 周五,2020年4月10日21时31分二十三秒-0700 周五,2020年4月10日21时31分二十三秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 施耐德电气启动冷却边缘设备 星期三,2020年4月8日21:00:00 -0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥

Schneider Electric has introduced a system for cooling individual server racks in remote and edge locations that aren’t well suited for traditional data-center cooling schemes.

Uniflair Rack Mounted Cooling is a split system consisting of the air conditioning unit that goes in the cabinet and a fan that vents hot air from the cabinet to the outside. The external unit can be up to 20 meters away and up to five meters above or below the cooling unit.

The 5U, Freon-based air-conditioner unit blows cool air up the front of the cabinet where it is sucked into the servers by their front fans and absorbs heat generated by the servers. The hot air is expelled out the back and drawn down, cooled, and recirculated upwards.

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联想介绍了一个运行Azure stack的edge平台 星期二,2020年4月7日15:50:00 -0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥

Lenovo is boosting its ties to Microsoft with an edge-to-cloud platform that runs Microsoft’s Azure Stack in a hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), putting HCI on the edge of the network rather than in a data center.

The Lenovo ThinkAgile MX1021 server analyzes data at the edge near where it is gathered, a change in direction for the usual edge strategy. In earlier edge schemes,  data collected at an edge endpoint is merely sorted, and only the relevant data is sent up to the main data center where it is analyzed.

The ThinkAgile MX1021 platform is a ruggedized, half-width, short-depth, 1U compact server that can be installed almost anywhere: hung on a wall, stacked on a shelf, or mounted in a rack. For connectivity, it supports Wi-Fi, 4G and 5G.

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富士通能在高性能计算竞赛中击败英伟达吗? 孙,2020年4月5日19时49分○○秒-0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 <文章> <节类= “页”>

在服务器上的ARM处理器已经从故障开始(Calxeda的),以适度的成功(ThunderX2)到实际竞争者(ThunderX3,安培)消失了。Now, details have emerged about Japanese IT giant Fujitsu’s Arm processor, which it claims will offer better HPC performance than Nvidia GPUs but at a lower power cost.

Fujitsu is developing the A64FX, a 48-core Arm8 derivative specifically engineered for high-performance computing (HPC). Rather than design general-purpose compute cores, Fujitsu has added compute engines specific to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other technologies specific to the needs of HPC.

It will go in a new supercomputer called Fugaku, or Post-K. Post-K is a reference to the K supercomputer, at one time the fastest supercomputer in the world, that ran on custom Sparc chips before RIKEN Lab, where it was installed, pulled the plug.

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数千台PC的突破exaFLOP屏障 周三,2020年4月1日21:00:00 -0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 <文章> <节类=“页”>


这是exaFLOP是一个三次方(10 18 )每秒浮点运算,或1000千万亿次。要配什么一个exaFLOP计算机系统可以在一秒做,你必须执行一个计算每一秒31688765000年。

虽然超级中坚继续构建自己的系统,Folding @ Home的只是 crossed the exaFLOP barrier ahead of IBM, Intel, Nvidia, and the Department of Energy.

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调查:大多数数据中心不能满2020欧洲杯预赛足用户的需求 星期三,2020年3月25日21:00:00 -0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



未来数据中心的报告说,将不可避免地需要足够的处理能力 2020欧洲杯预赛- 本地云并在边缘 - 有效地管理各地的带宽,安全的新挑战,technologiesAI,高级分析,5G,边缘计算与其他。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3533998/survey-most-data-centers-dont-meet-the-needs-of-their-users.html 提示响应冠状病毒清理数据中心齿轮 星期二,2020年3月24日10:18:00 -0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


虽然很容易让你的办公桌干净,那你的数据中心?2020欧洲杯预赛人们进出和触摸的东西所有的时间。橡胶手套是一种选择,但与齿轮或触摸屏工作时,他们可以是滋扰 <一边类=“fakesidebar fakesidebar-汽车侧栏”>

<强>了解更多: COVID-19最好用于数据中心运营商 要阅读在这篇文章中满,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3534029/tips-for-cleaning-data-center-gear-in-response-to-coronavirus.html Marvell的宣布96芯ThunderX3臂服务器处理器 孙,2020年3月22日21:00:00 -0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥

Marvell got into the Arm server business with the 2018 acquisition of Cavium, maker of the ThunderX Arm server processor. Now the company is introducing the first major revision to the product line since the acquisition, and it's a doozy.

The ThunderX3 line tops out at a stunning 96 cores with four threads per core, for a total of 384 threads per processor. Intel and AMD have only two threads per core, and the top-end Intel Xeon maxes out at 56 cores while the AMD Epyc is at 64 cores.

Marvell also bests Ampere, the startup run by former Intel exec Renee James that's also working on an Arm-based server chip. Ampere recently announced the Altra Q80-30 processor a few weeks back sporting 80 cores, but no hyperthreading. Ampere's strategy is cores over threads.

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英特尔至强重新洗牌阵容 星期四,2020年3月19日21:00:00 -0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



库珀湖的大声名鹊起的是,它会支持AVX-512矢量单元内bfloat16指令。The bfloat16 standard was developed by Google for AI training and is extremely technical (here's a deep dive on the functionality if you wish to learn more).

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HPE滚出交钥匙5G-作为一种服务 2020年3月15日星期日21:00:00 -0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 <文章> <节类= “网页”>

HPE在进入 5G 市场,取平方瞄准电信网络设备供应商,如华为,诺基亚,爱立信和用新5G核心网络软件栈直接电信公司的目标。

本公司是销售HPE 5G核心堆栈,一个开放的,云本地5G核心网络专用5G网络的部署解决方案。HPE 5G Core Stack will be available as a pre-integrated software and hardware solution through the company’s HPE GreenLake pay-per-use service.

HPE notes that while some carriers have already started deploying 5G radio access networks (RAN) services, the true value of 5G will only be realized when access networks are combined with a 5G core network. Some telcos have made 5G deployments and are boasting of it in TV ads, but their services run on top of 4G networks. 5G Core Stack is a pure 5G play and promises greater speed and low latency for not having to run on a legacy 4G network.

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Inphi使用新的硬件增强网络馈电 星期四,2020年3月12日10:01:00 -0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 <文章> <节类=“页”>

一个越来越多厂商正在吞吐量更智能网络控制器寻找升压网络。 Last week I wrote about Xilinx jumping on the SmartNIC bandwagon. This week, both Mellanox and Inphi announced new products.

Mellanox has begun shipping its SN4000 Ethernet switches. The new switches are powered by the vendor's Spectrum-3 12.8 Tbps Ethernet switch ASIC, which is optimized for cloud, Ethernet storage fabric, and AI interconnect applications. SN4000 platforms come in flexible form-factors that support a combination of up to 32 ports of 400GbE, 64 ports of 200GbE and 128 ports of 100/50/25/10GbE.

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是AI准备在数据中心单飞?2020欧洲杯预赛 周三,2020年3月11日9点56分00秒-0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 服务器供应商,尤其是Oracle,正在更努力地推动自动化、人工智能驱动的服务器技术。我们准备好放手了吗?https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3510647/is-ai-ready-to-fly-solo-in-your-data-center.html 数据中心能耗持稳 星期二,2020年3月10日21:00:00 -0700 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 <文章> <节类=“页”>

一个由数据中心的预测消耗功率爆炸并未表现由于在功率效率的进步,并具有讽刺意味的是,在移动到云,根据新的报告。<2020欧洲杯预赛/ p>


2020欧洲杯预赛数据中心在2018年占用电约205瓦时,这是所有电力消耗全世界大约1%,根据该报告。(That's well below the often-cited stat that data centers consume 2% of the world's electricity). The 205 terawatt-hours represent a 6% increase in total power consumption since 2010, but global data center compute instances rose by 550% over that same time period.

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赛灵思跳跃的SmartNIC行列 星期四,2020年3月5日21:00:00 -0800 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


去年,Mellanox公司推出了SmartNIC,的ConnectX-6 。英特尔有一个叫做以太网800系列可编程适配器,虽然它属于略低于一SmartNIC的,因为它不是灵活的它可以通过编程来执行条款。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3530364/xilinx-jumps-on-the-smartnic-bandwagon.html 报告:大多数物联网交易并不安全 周三,2020年3月4日21时05分00秒-0800 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥 <文章> <节类= “页”>

在大多数Internet of Things (IoT) transactions don’t use even basic security, and there is a great deal of unauthorized IoT taking place inside the perimeter of enterprise firewalls thanks to shadow IT, a new study finds.

Security vendor Zscaler analyzed nearly 500 million IoT transactions from more than 2,000 organizations over a two-week period. The survey found 553 different IoT devices from more than 200 different manufacturers, many of which had their security turned off.

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8个大理由hyperconverged基础设施,数据中心2020欧洲杯预赛 孙,2020年3月1日21:00:00 -0800 安迪帕特里齐奥 安迪帕特里齐奥

Demand for on-premises data center equipment is shrinking as organizations move workloads to the cloud. But on-prem is far from dead, and one segment that’s thriving is hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI).

HCI is a form of scale-out, software-integrated infrastructure that applies a modular approach to compute, network and storage capacity. Rather than silos with specialized hardware, HCI leverages distributed, horizontal blocks of commodity hardware and delivers a single-pane dashboard for reporting and management. Form factors vary: Enterprises can choose to deploy hardware-agnostic hyperconvergence software from vendors such as Nutanix and VMware, or an integrated HCI appliance from vendors such as HP Enterprise, Dell, Cisco, and Lenovo.

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