足球竞猜app软件网络世界Deepak Puri //m.banksfrench.com en - us 星期三,2020年8月12日15时39分10秒-0700 星期三,2020年8月12日15时39分10秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 监测亚马逊森林大火与卫星,物联网传感器和GIS 星期三,2019年8月28日5点07分00秒-0700 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里

The Amazon spans 2.1 million square miles of rain forest spread over nine countries. And on its edges are miles of agricultural fields, whose farmers routinely burn in order to control pests and weeds, and to encourage new growth.

Brazil is the largest cattle exporter in the world with over 200 million head of cattle. Ranchers often set fires to clear land for grazing, reports the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. However, these long-practiced techniques have raised concerns of the threat that accidental forest fires could pose during drought years. Climate change, which is beginning to show its effects around the world, could exacerbate this threat.

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启用物联网航运集装箱驶向公海改善全球供应链。 星期四,2019年8月15日五时43分00秒-0700 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

全球贸易流经运输容器。制造商依赖于他们得到及时的原材料和产成品运送到市场。IoT is being applied to monitor containers and make sure that their contents aren’t damaged or stolen.

Inter-modal containers

Containers have standardized dimensions, which lets transporters easily ship, stack and store them. There are over twenty million containers in motion right now. Containers are pre-filled which reduces the time that trucks need to get loaded. Their standard size allows them to be easily transferred between trucks, planes, ships and trains.

Global supply chains based on containers enable manufacturers to minimize their costs with ‘just-in-time’ inventory. This makes it important to track containers’ location and the condition of their contents.

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机器人扩展了物联网应用的范围 周一,2019年4月29日13时02分00秒-0700 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里 <文章> <节类=“页”>


That’s where the similarities end. Most IoT applications handle well-defined tasks, whereas robots autonomously handle anticipated situations. Let’s consider both from six different vectors:

1. Sensor

  • IoT – Binary output from stationary sensor. “Is the door open or closed?”
  • Robots – Complex output from multiple sensors. “What is in front of me? How do I navigate around it?”

2. Processing

  • IoT – Simple data stream of signals handled with well-known programming methods.
  • Robots – Large complex data streams handled by neural network computing.

3. Mobility

  • IoT – Sensors are stationary and signal processing is done in the cloud.
  • Robots – The sensor laden robot is mobile and signal processing is done locally and autonomously.

4. Response

  • IoT – The action to take in response to a situation is well defined.
  • Robots – Multiple actions could be taken in response to a situation.

5. Learning

  • IoT – The application typically does not ‘evolve’ on its own and develop new features.
  • Robots – Machine learning and other techniques are used to let the robots ‘learn’ and increase their capacity to deal with new situations. E.g. self-driving cars collectively get smarter as more situations are deal with.

6. Design

  • IoT – Stationary sensors. Processing done centrally where power is readily available. Need for communication channels between sensor and the cloud.
  • Robots – Weight, size and power demand are important design considerations. Communication capability is less important.


IoT applications are centralized with edge devices with little intelligence of their own. Low cost sensors transmit signals to a control center in the cloud which analyzes the data stream and decides the action to take. The cost of the central hub can be amortized over thousands of sensor-based applications making IoT applications more affordable. Network connectivity and latency limit the range of applications that IoT can meet.

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难道物联网的网络攻击造成纽约州电力变压器爆炸? 星期四,2019年1月3日八时53分00秒-0800 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里 <文章> <节类= “页”>



攻击对手的基础设施是不对称战争。它会产生很多的损害的一个非常小的成本。网络攻击是一种理想武器,因为他们掩饰谁可能是在他们身后,使得报复更难。  Attacks on the power grid for airports are especially devastating as they ground flights, stranding passengers and disrupting business nationwide. Just take a look at recent power outages:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3330646/did-iot-cyberattacks-cause-ny-power-transformers-to-explode.html 防范来自物联网杀手无人机的威胁 星期二,2018年9月4日7点09分00秒-0700 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里

IoT is being weaponized. The same sensors, networks and real-time data analysis used monitoring classrooms can morph into weapons for targeted killing. How do such malicious drones operate and what can be done to protest against their airborne threat?


Here are three data-points of weaponized drones.

  1. The recent assassination attempt on the President of Venezuela with drones. “Aug 4, 2018. CARACAS, Venezuela — A drone attack caused pandemonium at a military ceremony where President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela was speaking on Saturday, sending National Guard troops scurrying in what administration officials called an assassination attempt.”
  2. The use of drones to shoot down incendiary kites in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ”IDF reservists to help; troops able to shoot down flying objects 40 seconds from detection”
  3. Slaugtherbots. “A video by the Future of Life Institute and Stuart Russell, a professor of computer science at Berkeley presenting a dramatized near-future scenario where swarms of inexpensive microdrones use artificial intelligence and facial recognition to assassinate political opponents based on preprogrammed criteria.”

How do they work?

Drones are aerial IoT devices. They’re mounted with sensors that relay their location, altitude and other sensor readings such as images to a back-end system or controller which determines what action the drone should take. Such drones have to remain within sight for a human control to operate them. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) stipulates that Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) users must (1) Register their UAS with the FAA (2) Fly the UAS within visual line-of-sight. The examples above with the Venezuelan assassination attempt and shooting down incendiary kites both involve human controllers.

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技术在泰国洞穴救援任务中的重要作用 星期一,2018年7月23日9点23分零零秒-0700 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


谭銮馕非为六英里长的地下洞穴在泰国清莱省复杂。A boy’s soccer team was reported missing in July 2018. Thai Navy SEAL divers' found them in a cave that could only be reached after a six hour underground journey in the dark, swimming through narrow tunnels and climbing boulders. An international rescue teams with experts from Thailand, China, Japan, Australia, the US and Britain were able to rescue them.

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物联网传感器、先进的ESRI地图和Alexa提醒居民洪水即将来临 周三,2018年5月9日六时35分00秒-0700 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里

Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator’s assertion that “global warming might be beneficial” may be reassuring to some, but others living close to the coast prefer the safety of an early warning when they might be flooded from rising sea levels.

Predicting floods from storm surges, rain, hurricanes and tides over miles of coastline is hard. How do your monitor water levels over such a broad area? How can floods be predicted with these data streams? How can thousands of people be alerted?  The Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) is pioneering an innovative approach that combines IoT sensors, advanced mapping and Alexa.

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改善与物联网和blockchain供应链 星期二,2018年4月24日8时15分零零秒-0700 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently advised "consumers to throw away any store-bought romaine lettuce and warned restaurants not to serve it amid an E. coli outbreak that has sickened more than 50 people in several states."

This problem highlights the dangers of modern supply chains. They help lower costs and improve business efficiency, but they’re complex and a single failure can sicken people thousands of miles away. The food we eat and the medicines we use come from remote suppliers, transported in refrigerated trucks, and stored in different warehouses. How can perishable commodities be tracked from suppliers to customers? How can the temperature conditions during shipment be monitored to avoid contamination? How can spoilt products be quickly recalled even if they’re in transit or stored in a warehouse?

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如何物联网跟踪器可以打偷猎者 星期二,2018年1月2日08:00 -0800 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

海龟已经生存了数百万年,但现在面临灭绝。  as poachers. How do you protect sea turtles eggs on remote, miles-long beaches in developing countries from poachers working in the dark?

Global System for Mobile Communications, or GSM, enabled IoT trackers may provide an answer to this scourge.


Poachers kill sea turtles for their shells and their eggs are considered a delicacy and aphrodisiac. Sad but true. The trade of sea turtle products is restricted, but that doesn’t stop poachers. Tracking this illegal trafficking is difficult. The transit routes and final destinations are unknown.

Sea turtle products are the second most frequently trafficked wildlife product smuggled from Latin America to the US. Eggs are a quarter of illegal imports and most originate in Mexico or Central America. This trade is devastating to turtle populations. A recent shipment of a thousand turtle eggs that was intercepted at the Mexico/U.S. border represented nearly 5 percent of the year’s total egg production for the beach from which they were poached!

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的IoT设备通过啁啾通信 周一,2017年12月11日六时20分○○秒-0800 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里 <文章> <节类=“网页”>



大多数的IoT装置通过任一个蓝牙,WiFi, LoRaWAN ,SIGfox或蜂窝连接。选择由所述有效载荷的大小来确定的模式要被发送时,待运行的距离,并提供给发送装置的功率。墙壁,其他电子设备和冲突的无线电信号也影响所使用的协议的选择。What’s needed is that can work in ‘noisy’ environments and work with very little power.

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饮用水铅污染的水?更好地检查你的传感器 周三,2017年11月22日6点19分零零秒-0800 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里

President Ronald Reagan once advised “trust, but verify” about nuclear disarmament. The same could be said about some official information on public health and safety issues. Remember Flint, Michigan?

LeeAnne Walters is a mother of four in Flint, Michigan. She was alarmed when her entire family started losing clumps of hair and her twins kept breaking out in rashes, reported Mother Jones. The family was suffering from the effects of lead in Flint’s water supply. Frustrated with the city’s response, Walters contacted a manager at the EPA which helped unleash a chain of investigations into the crisis.

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思想和祈祷不能阻止大规模枪击事件。可能的技术。 2017年11月10日星期五05:14:00 -0800 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里

It’s heartbreaking. Gun violence kills 93 Americans every day while politicians send their thoughts and prayers. 2017 has seen two of the deadliest mass shootings in American history.

How can technology help reduce mass shootings? How can shooters be authenticated before they can fire? How can the police be alerted when a large number of firearms are present at an unusual location? Can an excessive number of shots fired be prevented?


Americans make up about 4.4 percent of the global population but own 42 percent of the world’s guns. And approximately one in three gunmen is American according to a study by Adam Lankford, a professor at the University of Alabama. Firearms are an $11 billion per year industry with over 300 million existing guns in circulation. About 40% of Americans say they own a gun or live in a household with one. A recent survey reports that the US has the highest rate of murder by firearms in the developed world. Mass shootings cost Americans over $229 billion per year.

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ElectOS使用开源的投票机恢复信任 周一,2017年11月6日7时41分00秒-0800 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


投票要求的最终的IoT机(借用 BMW )。这些机器与他们的传感器的组合的完整性,安全性和数据分析产生的结果影响的所有我们生活的各个方面。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3236191/electos-uses-open-source-to-restore-trust-in-voting-machines.html Oracle的数字双简化了复杂的物联网系统的设计过程 2017年11月3日星期五06:29:00 -0700 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里 <文章> <节类=“网页”>





博士迈克尔的伤逝密歇根大学率先提出了“数字双胞胎”的想法。数字双是一个物理设备的虚拟表示,以确保设计执行如预期。他定义了数字双床原型(DTP)作为资产的信息。如设备的3D模型,其材料和工艺的条例草案充分描述的资产,它应该如何工作。 These digital proxies generate sensor readings and communicate just as their physical counterparts and help IoT designers with:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3235962/oracles-digital-twin-simplifies-design-process-for-complex-iot-systems.html 技术帮助第一批反应者对抗加州的火灾 星期二,2017年10月24日7点21分零零秒-0700 迪帕克·普里 迪帕克·普里 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



传感器,无人机,消防凸轮,众包和地理信息系统,都有助于减少损失和死亡。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3234655/technology-helps-first-responders-fight-california-fires.html