足球竞猜app软件网络世界马克Hachman //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 星期六,2020年4月18日15时05分32秒-0700 星期六,2020年4月18日15时05分32秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 如何升级从Windows 10秒到Windows 10 Pro的成本可能你 周五,2017年5月5日五点26分00秒-0700 马克Hachman 马克Hachman

There’s plenty about Microsoft’s new Windows 10 S that’s not fully understood, not the least of which is its built-in upgrade path to Windows 10 Pro. Which Windows 10 S device you buy and where you buy it, however, will decide whether you’ll pay a $49 fee for the the upgrade—or have Microsoft pay you with a year’s subscription to Office 365.

With most Windows 10 S devices reserved for closely managed classrooms, there's arguably only one Windows 10 S device where the transition from Windows 10 S to Windows 10 Pro becomes an important decision: Microsoft's Surface Laptop, designed for college students. But as hardware vendors start shipping more laptops with Windows S installed, more users will have to consider how they handle this upgrade path. We'll explain what we know so far. 

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什么微软未能在Windows 10创作者更新交付 星期四,2017年3月30日5点38分00秒-0700 马克Hachman 马克Hachman <本文> <节课=“页面”>

如果在Windows 10创作者更新已制定出微软曾许诺,我们都将采取3D自拍,其导入到Windows,然后我们最亲密的朋友之间分享他们coworkers via Office presentations and mixed-reality headsets.

Microsoft sold us that vision as part of the Creators Update launch last fall. But somewhere between then and the Creators Update rollout announcement April 29, key pieces went missing. Microsoft previously said that its My People experience would be left for the “Redstone 3” update in the fall. The company never warned us, however, that we wouldn't see the Windows Capture app, which creates 3D objects simply by tapping your smartphone. If there’s a way to share 3D objects within the Holotour app within the HoloLens, I haven’t seen it. And, of course, neither the HoloLens nor the third-party mixed-reality devices are commercially available yet.

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AMD透露Ryzen 5种价格,因为它回避的性能问题 星期四,2017年3月16日6点03分00秒-0700 马克Hachman 马克Hachman

As AMD reveals its Ryzen 5 prices and release date, the company marks an important transition: After launching its eagerly awaited Ryzen 7 chip for high-end PCs, AMD hopes to parlay that goodwill into mainstream success.

AMD said it will ship its Ryzen 5 desktop processors on April 11, the same day it will begin accepting its first orders for the chip. All of the four new Ryzen 5 chips will be priced at less than $250, the same price range that Intel currently offers for its own Core i5 chips at. However, the number of cores and threads that the Ryzen 5 offers pushes into Intel’s Core i7 territory, potentially offering much more value for the price.

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Windows Vista中有短短30天的生活 星期二,2017年3月14日5时32分00秒-0700 马克Hachman 马克Hachman

In a month’s time, Microsoft will put Windows Vista to rest once and for all. If you’re one of the few people still using it, you have just a few weeks to find another option before time runs out.

After April 11, 2017, Microsoft will no longer support Windows Vista: no new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options, or online technical content updates, Microsoft says. (Mainstream Vista support expired in 2012.) Like it did for Windows XP, Microsoft has moved on to better things after a decade of supporting Vista.

As Microsoft notes, however, running an older operating system means taking risks—and those risks will become far worse after the deadline. Vista’s Internet Explorer 9 has long since expired, and the lack of any further updates means that any existing vulnerabilities will never be patched—ever. Even if you have Microsoft’s Security Essentials installed—Vista’s own antivirus program—you’ll only receive new signatures for a limited time.

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如何删除勒索:使用此作战计划反击 星期一,2017年3月13日5时54分00秒-0700 马克Hachman 马克Hachman

Ransomware doesn’t sneak into your PC like ordinary malware. It bursts in, points a gun at your data, and screams for cash—or else. And if you don’t learn to defend yourself, it could happen again and again.

Armed gangs of digital thieves roaming the information superhighway sounds like an overwrought action movie, but the numbers say it’s true: Ransomware attacks rose from 3.8 million in 2015 to 638 million in 2016, an increase of 167 times year over year, according to Sonicwall—even as the number of malware attacks declined. Why steal data when you can simply demand cash?

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为什么AMD不得不禅名称更改为Ryzen其新的芯片架构 2017年2月23日星期四06:22:00 -0800 马克Hachman 马克Hachman

You know when AMD’s Ryzen is launching, how much it’ll cost, and you even have a pretty good idea of its performance. But you might not know why AMD dropped the original Zen name for Ryzen, so we asked. And it all begins with what AMD couldn’t do with the brand.

As John Taylor, corporate vice president of marketing for AMD, describes it, AMD was between a rock and a hard place. Mike Clark, an engineering fellow at AMD who led the Zen architecture development, had dubbed the architecture “Zen” for the balance it struck between various aspects of the design. Fans who had followed Zen’s development would buttonhole AMD execs and rave about the Zen name: “‘I love Zen...there’s something about it I’m just connecting with,’ they’d say,” Taylor said.

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AMD的Ryzen推出3月2日,在价格的一小部分表现优于英特尔的酷睿i7 星期三,2017年2月22日10:47:00 -0800 马克Hachman 马克Hachman <文章> <节类= “网页”>

Ryzen在这里。AMD周三表示,该公司计划其前三Ryzen处理器的“硬启动” 3月2日,超越英特尔的高端芯片,而多达54%削弱中国的价格。 

AMD executives confidently unveiled the first three desktop chips to attack Intel’s Core i7, supported by several top-tier motherboard vendors and boutique system builders. In many cases, executives said, AMD will offer more for less. The top-tier Ryzen 7 1800X will cost less than half of what Intel’s thousand-dollar Core i7-6900K chip does—and outperform it, too. You can preorder Ryzen chips and systems from 180 retailers and system integrators today.

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技术的7安全威胁恐吓专家最 星期四,2017年2月16日五点24分00秒-0800 马克Hachman 马克Hachman <本文> <节课=“页面”>

会发生什么,如果一个坏演员关闭你的热量在隆冬时节,则需要$ 1,000重新打开它?甚至拥有一个小城市的赎金权力?这些类型的个人,企业和基础设施技术攻击是最关注的问题来自SANS研究所,谁在旧金山举行的RSA会议上发言周三安全专家之一。

+更多来自RSA:热门产品在RSA 2017 +

有些威胁的直接目标消费者,但即使是那些目标公司最终可能会“过滤器下”给消费者,但效果可能不会觉得有一段时间了。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3170836/what-happens-if-your-thermostat-is-hacked-researchers-name-the-top-7-security-threats.html 英特尔(Intel)下调了个人电脑的性能,让数据中心芯片首次尝试新技术 周五,2017年2月10日4点35分00秒-0800 马克Hachman 马克Hachman

With Intel’s forecasts projecting the PC could be the smallest moneymaker five years from now, the company has gone “data center first”—giving Intel’s server business first crack at new manufacturing technologies.

It’s another sign of massive change within Intel, as the traditional PC business is shoved to the side. In a slide presented during Intel’s investor day on Thursday, the company showed off how the total available market (TAM) for its PC CPU business was just $30 billion or so, less than half that of the data center.

The TAM, as its known, projects the maximum available revenue Intel could pull in if it owned the entire market—which won’t happen. It’s an excellent guide to which segments Intel is prioritizing, however: the data center, non-volatile memory like flash and its new Optane, plus mobile communications and various embedded segments. 

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从英特尔金史蒂文森的退出暗示在PC业务问题 星期四,2017年2月9日四点59分00秒-0800 马克Hachman 马克Hachman

Kim Stevenson, who served as the second-in-command at Intel’s PC chip division, has left the company after just six months in her new role.

Stevenson tweeted last week that she had left the company after serving more than seven years at Intel, and she would move “on to new adventures.”  She served as the chief operating officer for its Client and Internet of Things Business and Systems Architecture group—a catchall for Intel’s consumer-focused products, including its traditional PC business. Stevenson reported to Murthy Renduchintala, the group’s president.

Kim stevenson larger LinkedIn

Kim Stevenson has left Intel for "new adventures."ent.

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微软杀死了缓存,它用evernote做笔记的实验,谷歌保留愿望 周五,2017年1月20日5时二十分00秒-0800 马克Hachman 马克Hachman

When Microsoft launched its Cache note-taking experiment last year, we hoped it could become Microsoft’s version of Google Keep, if Microsoft devoted enough resources to it. Sadly, that’s not the case.

In a note to users, Microsoft said Thursday that it would shut down Cache at the end of February, and would no longer market it as a standalone service.

“Over the course of this year, we learned that there was an appetite for a service like Cache, but more importantly, your feedback taught us a lot about the extent of the challenges people have with managing and organizing their work,” Microsoft said in an email from the Cache team.

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在Windows 10内幕预览生成15002 22个最好的变化 星期四,2017年1月12日五点48分00秒-0800 马克Hachman 马克Hachman <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>

微软发布新版本的Windows 10为它的内幕beta测试者每隔一段时间- 一些未成年人,还真有些显著。You can call Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15002, released this week, a really big deal.

Microsoft’s notes on the new build ran to over a dozen pages, according to the company, and we found over 20 notable new features. (We left out some minor tweaks to keep this list manageable.) Some are cosmetic improvements that enhance the user experience, while others add powerful new features that Windows lacked before.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3157078/the-22-best-changes-in-windows-10-insider-preview-build-15002.html 微软的最大的胜利,失败,2016年WTF时刻 周一,2016年12月19日4时58分00秒-0800 马克Hachman 马克Hachman <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “幻灯片”>
2016年一年要记住......也许 由<跨度类=图片 “slideCreditText”>微软

2016是忙碌的一年微软胜失败。From Windows phones to the Surface Studio, and Windows 10 to Minecraft, the company and its products dominated headlines in both hardware and software.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3151849/microsofts-biggest-wins-fails-and-wtf-moments-of-2016.html 7节最坏的高科技礼物,你绝对不应该买这个假期 星期二,2016年11月15日四点57分00秒-0800 马克Hachman 马克Hachman <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
不买什么过节 图像通过 <跨度类= “slideCreditText”>恶埃林

没有线索?是的,我们得到它。每年我们要弄清楚什么就买什么我们显著人,和一个伟大的高科技礼物常常荣登榜首。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3141560/the-7-worst-tech-gifts-you-absolutely-shouldnt-buy-this-holiday.html 微软似乎准备放弃在Windows手机,如果不能在Windows 10移动 星期二,2016年11月1日6时42分〇〇秒-0700 马克Hachman 马克Hachman <本文> <节课=“页面”>


谣言和类别界定表面手机的希望都没有在微软的新闻满意上周三的事件。该公司甚至没有提到的Windows 10移动。随着Windows手机的集体市场份额停滞不前,在约1%,客户和合作伙伴都奇怪为什么有人要这么做在微软的移动战略投资。  

In an interview with ZDnet’s Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft executive vice president of Windows and Devices Terry Myerson was asked just that. But instead of committing wholeheartedly to Windows phones—or declaring that product line dead—Myerson tried a different tack: obscurity.

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