足球竞猜app软件网络世界尼尔·温伯格 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 2020年5月23日星期六06:39:39 -0700 2020年5月23日星期六06:39:39 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 IBM的大混合云赌博 孙,2020年4月26日21:00:00 -0700 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

凭借其带和掌舵新的云精明的CEO在2019年收购的开源巨头红帽,IBM正在扭转收入下滑和下垂股价与大胆的战略十年专注于混合云。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3540191/ibm-goes-all-in-on-hybrid-cloud.html IDG内幕 私有云作为重新想象中多的云世界的平等的伙伴 孙,2020年3月22日21:00:00 -0700 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

云第一已成为应用现代化和迁移的指导原则。云是原生应用开发的口头禅。而像容器热技术中,微服务和<一个HREF =“//m.banksfrench.com/article/3514188/serverless-computing-ready-or-not.html”>无服务器计算均与公共云相关联。所以,在这里,这会让私人云 要看完这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3533459/private-cloud-reimagined-as-equal-partner-in-multi-cloud-world.html IDG内幕 你可能不使用,但应在10 SD-WAN功能 孙,2020年2月2日21:01:00 -0800 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

SD-WAN平台发展如此之快,几个月前部署的那些可能已经有了新的功能,可以提高效率和安全性,并使IT专业人员的生活更容易,但许多人还没有利用它们。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3518992 / top-10-underused-sd-wan-features。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3518992/top-10-underused-sd-wan-features.html IDG内幕
排名前20位出价最高的技术认证 星期四,2019年12月12日12:25:00 -0800 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格 证书可以增加,平均超过7%到你的基本工资。但问题是,证书提供了最大收益。我们研究了从多个角度这个问题,并确定了20强认证专注于来年。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3489800/top-20-highest-paying-tech-certifications.html VPN正在消亡,零信任万岁 2019年12月4日星期三21:00:00 -0800 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

The venerable VPN, which has for decades provided remote workers with a secure tunnel into the enterprise network, is facing extinction as enterprises migrate to a more agile, granular security framework called zero trust, which is better adapted to today’s world of digital business.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3487720/the-vpn-is-dying-long-live-zero-trust.html IDG内幕
29个顶级云认证 2019年11月6日星期三05:20:00 -0800 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格 当涉及到最有需求的技能,云是要去的地方。我们的导游来顶云认证的外观在设计AWS,谷歌和微软服务方案 - 以及供应商中立的认证。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3444564/29-top-cloud-certifications.html 如何IT专业人员处理SD-WAN安全问题 周三,2019年10月23日21:00:00 -0700 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

SD-WAN technology is becoming increasingly popular because it's less expensive, more flexible and easier to deploy than MPLS, it provides centralized visibility and management, and it boosts the overall performance of WAN links, which makes employees more productive. But enabling end users in branch offices to connect directly to the public internet and to cloud services raises serious security concerns, which adds another level of complexity and risk to an SD-WAN rollout. 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3447618/how-to-augment-sd-wan-security-with-intrusion-prevention-anti-virus-utm-and-more.html IDG内幕
支持托管SD-WAN的5个理由和反对托管SD-WAN的5个理由 周一,2019年8月12日四点55分00秒-0700 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

北门冈萨雷斯市场,杂货店的南加州链,正在启动,需要它的WAN基础设施进行全面改造一个快节奏的数字化改造的倡议。To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3431080/5-reasons-for-and-5-against-managed-sd-wan.html IDG内幕 10家最强大的公司在企业网络 星期二,2019年5月7日14:45:00 -0700 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

企业认识到,所有的新技术,他们希望部署 - 物联网,的边缘计算时,无服务器,容器,混合云和AI - 需要一个强大,灵活,安全,自愈,软件驱动的网络阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3211410/the-10-most-powerful-companies-in-enterprise-networking.html IDG内幕 VMware的持续再造 星期三,2019年2月20日03:00:00 -0800 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

VMware’s introduction of x86 server-virtualization technology was a game-changing event in the history of enterprise computing. But if you look at VMware’s corporate messaging today, it’s almost as if server virtualization has been scrubbed from the lexicon. Instead, VMware highlights its multi-cloud strategies, software-defined data centers, networking, hyperconverged infrastructures, security, SD-WAN, containers, blockchain, IoT and more.

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固态硬盘VS解释 2018年12月7日星期五03:00:00 -0800 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


虽然记录players top out at 78 rpm, today’s enterprise-grade HDDs can spin at 15,000 rpm. Even at that speed, however, there are unavoidable delays associated with heads finding the spot on the drive that contains the data being requested. And sometimes a drive may need to read from multiple locations in order to complete a command, multiplying wait times.

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如何使SD-WAN的商业案例 周三,2018年11月7日03:00:00 -0800 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

Entegra银行,总部设在北卡罗莱纳州的蓝岭山脉一家快速成长的金融机构,从MPLS链路切换为它的22个分支机构对WAN基于SD宽带和削减了广域网连接的法案了50%,同时增加带宽平均五倍的。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3318660/how-to-make-the-business-case-for-sd-wan.html IDG内幕 为什么DHCP的日子可能屈指可数 2018年8月14日星期二13:34:00 -0700 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


DHCP,这可以追溯到1993年,是分配IPv4地址的自动方式,但IPv6的设计时,它被提供有被称为SLAAC,一个自动配置功能最终可能使DHCP无关。麻烦的是,新的DHCP - 的DHCPv6 - 执行如SLAAC为IPv6是独立创建的相同的功能 <一边类= “fakesidebar”> <强> [现在读 20个热门职业雄心勃勃的IT专业人员应该打一枪换。]

Deciding between SLAAC and DHCPv6 isn’t something admins will have to do anytime soon, since the uptake of IPv6 has been slow, but it is on the horizon.

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服务器虚拟化的未来是什么? 周三,2018年7月11日四点12分00秒-0700 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

Server virtualization is one of those technologies that’s simple in concept and profound in its impact on enterprise data centers.

What if, instead of running one operating system instance and one application per server, you could add a layer of software, known as a hypervisor, that enables you to run multiple operating system instances and associated workloads on a single physical server?

That’s the idea behind server virtualization, and the idea dates back to IBM mainframes in the 1960s and was popularized by VMware, which introduced virtualization software for x86 servers in the early 2000s. Since then, other vendors have developed their own server-virtualization platforms and the industry as a whole has created advanced management, automation and orchestration tools that make deploying, moving and managing virtual machine (VM) workloads a breeze.

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超级融合为桌面虚拟化注入了新的活力 2018年4月26日星期四03:00:00 -0700 尼尔·温伯格 尼尔·温伯格

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is one of those tantalizing technologies that looks great on paper, but hasn’t gained much traction over the years for a variety of financial, technical, cultural, even philosophical reasons.

However, a relatively new framework called hyperconvergence, which combines compute, storage and networking in a single data center appliance, could breathe new life into VDI by reducing the cost and complexity associated with a VDI rollout.

The argument in favor of VDI, also known as desktop virtualization or thin-client computing, makes perfect sense.

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