足球竞猜app软件Serdar Yegulalp //m.banksfrench.com en - us Sun, 24 May 2020 12:43:31 -0700 Sun, 24 May 2020 12:43:31 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png. 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288. 现代化指南保持安全在线 星期五,2017年5月19日09:57:00 -0700 Fahmida Y.Rashid,Serdar Yegulalp Fahmida Y.Rashid,Serdar Yegulalp

The internet can be a scary place. Threats come in many forms, lurking in practically any corner. Worse, yesterday’s prevailing advice for staying safe online -- avoid dodgy websites, don’t traffic in stolen or illegal goods, interact only with people you know -- no longer holds. Phishing emails from supposed family members, spyware piggybacking on legitimate apps, well-known sites hijacked with malicious code -- digital safety clearly needs new rules to meet today's evolving threatscape.

Considering how much of our digital lives occurs online -- communications, financial transactions, entertainment, work, education, to name a few -- adopting even a few safe browsing practices can lead to broad benefits. And this includes how we deal with email messages as well, given how popular email is as a delivery mechanism for online attacks using exploit kits and malware.

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谷歌的机器学习云管道解释 星期五,2017年5月19日04:3900 -0700 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp

When Google first told the world about its Tensor Processing Unit, the strategy behind it seemed clear enough: Speed machine learning at scale by throwing custom hardware at the problem. Use commodity GPUs to train machine-learning models; use custom TPUs to deploy those trained models.

The new generation of Google’s TPUs is designed to handle both of those duties, training and deploying, on the same chip. That new generation is also faster, both on its own and when scaled out with others in what’s called a “TPU pod.”

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14个Python库太好了,不容忽视 2017年2月07日星期二06:27:00 -0800 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp < span style =" font - family:宋体;font - family:宋体;14 Python库太好而忽略< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100707108 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/02/python -隐藏的宝石- 14 - 100707108 - gallery.jpg”data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/02/python -隐藏的宝石- 14 - 100707108 - square.jpg“alt = "隐藏的宝石:InfoWorld


//m.banksfrench.com//m.banksfrench.com/article/3166351/hidden-gems-14-python-libraries-too-good-to-tooverlook.html. 面向开发者的5个坚如磐石的Linux发行版 星期三,2016年12月21日04:47:00 -0800 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp


要全面阅读本文,请单击此处 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3152745/5-rock-solid-linux-distros-for-developers.html IDG内幕 回顾:6个Python ide开始了 星期三,2016年10月19日05:09:00 -0700 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp


LiClipse为Python项目提供对运行时环境的精确控制。当您创建一个新项目时,您可以选择与它关联的Python解释器,以及特定启动配置使用的PYTHONPATH。如果同时安装了不同的Python版本,并且希望确保给定的项目使用特定的Python版本运行,那么这将非常有用。你甚至不需要使用已经注册到系统中的Python解释器;它可以是某个文件夹中的可执行文件。也支持基于jvm的Jython和基于。net clr的IronPython (,正在积极开发中),以及常用的CPython解释器。


(内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3132836/review-6-python-ids-go-to-the-mat.html. IDG内幕 25岁的Linux:容器和unikernel证明了少即是多 星期二,2016年8月23日04:56:00 -0700 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp

If there’s been one constant through Linux’s 25 years in the wild, it’s change. The kernel itself has been through dozens of revisions; Linux distributions for most every use case have emerged; and the culture of Linux has evolved from weekend hobby project to an underpinning of worldwide IT infrastructure.

Now we’re seeing the first versions of the next wave of Linux change. Containerization, unikernels, and other experiments with form are reshaping Linux from the inside out, opening up unheralded avenues for how the open source operating system that could (and did!) can do it all over again.

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点评:6个光滑开源路由器 星期二,2016年8月16日05:10:00 -0700 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp 全世界的黑客们,团结起来!除了路由器附带的糟糕固件,你没有什么可失去的。


//m.banksfrench.com/article/3108045/review-6-slick-open-source-routers.html. IDG内幕
点评:13 primo python web框架 星期三,2016年8月10日04:58:00 -0700 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp 如果你正在开发一个web应用程序,并选择Python作为构建它的语言,这是一个聪明的举动。Python成熟的开发、健壮的库以及广泛的实际应用使其成为web开发中无需动脑的工具。Zope不适合简单的RESTful api (per Bottle or Flask),甚至不适合具有交互性的基本网站(à la Django)。相反,它是一个成熟的企业级应用服务器堆栈,类似于Java产品。文档将该框架描述为“对组件开发人员、集成商和web设计人员最有用的”。Plone CMS是一个主要的第三方产品,它使用Zope作为其基础,并作为Zope持续开发的主要驱动程序。

(内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com//m.banksfrench.com/article/3105990/review-13-primo-python-web-frameworks.html IDG内幕 10个API设计,开发和测试的免费工具 2016年4月29日星期五07:04:00 -0700 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption > 10方便的免费工具API开发< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100657793 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2016/04/00 - 17 - ss - API -服务- 100657793 - orig.jpg”data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2016/04/00 - 17 - ss - API -服务- 100657793 - orig.jpg”alt = " 10方便的免费工具API开发”/ > < p类= >“slideCredit”形象的<跨类= >“slideCreditText PeteLinforth通过Pixabay < / span > < / p > < div class = " slideBody " > < p > < a href = " http://www.infoworld.com/article/3013051/apis/in - 2016 - API -会- 3 -对- ubiquity.html”目标= >“平等”的RESTful API < / >已经了工具for creating, testing, and managing them. Whether you’re an API newbie or an expert on an intractable deadline, you have a gamut of services to help you get your API up and running quick, and many of them won’t cost you a dime.

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Git 2.8可提高Windows用户的代码控制 2016年3月29日星期二10:10:00 -0700 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp

Version 2.8 of Git, the popular and powerful open source version control system used to power the GitHub and GitLab services, was released late yesterday.

According to an announcement on GitHub's blog, version 2.8 includes various small but useful improvements to features, as well as a range of bug fixes. Some of the most significant changes are for Windows users, but functionality across all three major platforms (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X) will be kept in closer sync from now on.

For example, "it is relatively expensive to start processes on Windows, so many Git commands that were originally written as scripts have been rewritten in C to make them snappier," the GitHub announcement says.

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充分利用免费的亚马逊网络服务 2016年3月25日星期五05:00:00 -0700 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp


要全面阅读本文,请单击此处 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3048231/make-the-most-of-free-amazon-web-services.html IDG内幕 提高Python速度的10个核心编码技巧 2016年3月17日星期四04:00:00 -0700 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp

by andly,人们使用python,因为它是方便和编程的友好,不是因为它快速。第三方图书馆为Python的行业支持的广度为其没有java或c 的原始性能。开发速度优先于执行速度。

全面阅读本文,请单击此处 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3045444/10-hard-core-coding-tips-for-faster-python.html. IDG内幕 点燃Spark大数据引擎的7个工具 星期四,2016年3月17日03:57:00 -0700 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >视觉之旅引发生态系统< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100650464 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2016/03/00a - 11 - ss -火星-工具- 100650464 orig.jpg”data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2016/03/00a - 11 - ss -火星-工具- 100650464 orig.jpg”alt = " 7/>

Image by Dawn Hudson via Public Domain Pictures


//m.banksfrench.com//m.banksfrench.com/article/3045443/7-tools-to-fire-up-sparks-big-data-engine.html 加州仍然是IT工作的首选 星期一,2016年3月7日06:09:00 -0800 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp

Where's a good place to find a job in technology? Texas, New York, Florida, Massachusetts, and Washington are all strong players, but California continues to be tops for tech employment, often by a wide margin.

Industry group CompTIA's "Cyberstates 2016" report analyzed trends in the tech jobs field -- manufacturing, telecom, software, IT services, and engineering -- over the past year, broken down by state. California, with 1.15 million tech jobs, had a nearly two-to-one lead over second-place finisher Texas, with 585,600. New York, Florida, and Massachusetts trailed with 369,500, 311,800, and 294,600 respectively.

California also had the largest number of job postings in tech -- 152,700 in Q4 2015, leaving New York's 63,200 a distant second.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3041210/want-a-job-in-it-californias-still-the-spot.html. 8个密码管理器,适用于Windows, Mac OS X, iOS和Android 星期三,2016年2月24日04:58:00 -0800 Serdar Yegulalp Serdar Yegulalp < p >我讨厌密码。我讨厌提这些问题。我讨厌记住它们。我讨厌连续打错四次。我讨厌在登录过程中被锁在外面。

Keeper Password Manager 8.3

(内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3037337/review-8-password-managers-for-windows-mac-os-x-ios-and-android.html. IDG内幕