足球竞猜app软件网络世界Steve Ragan //m.banksfrench.com en - us 2020年6月26日星期五12:04:00 -0700 2020年6月26日星期五12:04:00 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 假期和未来一年的安全基础 周一,2016年11月21日五点45分00秒-0800 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “幻灯片”>
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至于盗窃和欺诈而言,消费者面(和自觉接受)风险适量的,当他们在网上或商店出来在当地社区。这个假期是没有什么不同,但风险升高一些,因为犯罪分子正在寻找容易的商标和唾手可得的。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3143566/security-basics-for-the-holiday-season-and-the-year-to-come.html 问与答:窃听选举的神话和现实 2016年10月5日星期三04:40:00 -0700 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan

Election hacking has become a key topic during this year's presidential elections, more so now that candidates and voters are being actively targeted by actors that are assumed to be acting with Russian support.

In this modified edition of CSO Online's Hacked Opinions series, we explore the myths and realities of hacking an election, by speaking with a number of security experts.

Q: Can the national election really be hacked? If so, how?

"It’s unlikely that the national election could really be hacked to alter the outcome. Voter registration databases have recently proven vulnerable, but adding, modifying, or deleting records doesn’t produce the intended effect (changed outcome); it just raises questions about the integrity of the database on election day," said Levi Gundert, CP of Intelligence and Strategy, Recorded Future.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3128079/qa-the-myths-and-realities-of-hacking-an-election.html 黑客攻击选举关乎影响力和破坏,而不是投票机器 2016年10月05日星期三04:39:00 -0700 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan

Every time there's an election, the topic of hacking one comes to the surface. During a presidential election, that conversation gets louder. Yet, even the elections held every two years see some sort of vote hacking coverage. But can you really hack an election? Maybe, but that depends on your goals.

The topic of election hacking is different this year, and that's because someone is actually hacking political targets. Adding fuel to the fire, on Aug. 12, 2016, during an event in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump warned the crowd that if he loses the battleground state, it's because the vote was rigged.

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五人因冒充美国国税局被捕,听一段正在进行的骗局录音 2016年5月25日星期三05:09:00 -0700 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan

Five people have been arrested in Miami who are said to be responsible for scamming 1,500 people out of more than $2 million by impersonating IRS agents. Their scams centered on contacting individual taxpayers out of the blue and demanding payments under the threat of jail time.

News of the arrests circulated Tuesday after the Associated Press reported on them. Sources in the Treasury Department said that the five individuals - all Cuban nationals - demanded money from their victims, threatening arrest if the payments were not wired immediately.

In recent months, the scammers demanded payment via iTunes gift cards.

Scams such as this, Deputy Inspector General Tim Camus told the Washington Post, have become the "largest and most pervasive" the IRS has faced over the last three decades. Some 6,400 victims have reported more than $36 million in losses, some paying up to $5,700 on average.

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Comcast的Xfinity家庭安全脆弱的,不能暴露开放缺陷叶家 2016年1月5日星期二05:53:00 -0800 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan <文章> <节类= “网页”>

研究员在Rapid7已经公开在 Comcast的Xfinity漏洞家居安防产品的。这些缺陷导致系统错误地报告说,家里的门窗都关闭并固定,即使他们已经被打开。


然而,研究人员在Rapid7发现缺陷,将导致康卡斯特的系统错误地报告说,家里的门窗都关闭,并妥善固定,即使他们已经被打开。此外,缺陷也意味着Comcast的系统将无法在家里感知入侵者的议案。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3019218/comcasts-xfinity-home-security-vulnerable-fail-open-flaw-leaves-homes-exposed.html 微软更新私钥的Xbox Live泄漏后信任列表 2015年12月8日星期二12:36:00 -0800 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan

On Tuesday, Microsoft updated their Certificate Trust List (CTL) after the private key for xboxlive.com was leaked to the Web. The company didn't explain how the leak happened, but the exposed certificates were immediately revoked and replaced.

"Microsoft is aware of an SSL/TLS digital certificate for *.xboxlive.com for which the private keys were inadvertently disclosed. The certificate could be used in attempts to perform man-in-the-middle attacks," the software giant explained in their advisory.

"To help protect customers from potentially fraudulent use of the SSL/TLS digital certificate, the certificate has been deemed no longer valid and Microsoft is updating the Certificate Trust list (CTL) for all supported releases of Microsoft Windows to remove the trust of the certificate."

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摩根大通黑客案中有三人被起诉 2015年11月10日星期二10:03:00 -0800 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan <本文> <节课=“页面”>



周一的起诉书侧重于格里Shalon,约书亚塞缪尔·亚伦and Ziv Orenstein.

In court documents shared with CSO Online, the prosecutors say that between 2012 and 2015, the three pulled off "the largest theft of customer data from a U.S. financial institution in history" by stealing the personal information of more than 100 million people.

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在客户名单上市后,康卡斯特重置了近20万个密码 2015年11月9日星期一05:26:00 -0800 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan

Over the weekend, a reader (@flanvel) directed Salted Hash to a post on a Dark Web marketplace selling a number of questionable, if not outright illegal goods. The post in question offered a list of 590,000 Comcast email addresses and corresponding passwords.

As proof, the seller offered a brief list of 112 accounts with a going rate of $300 USD for 100,000 accounts. However, one wished to purchase the entire list of 590,000 accounts, the final price was $1,000 USD.

Saturday evening, Salted Hash contacted Comcast about the account list being sold online. By the time our message reached them, Comcast had already obtained a copy of the list and their security team was checking each record against the ISP's current customer base.

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联邦调查局没有错;有时你必须支付赎金 2015年10月28日星期三06:28:00 -0700 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan

Last week, during the 2015 Cyber Security Summit in Boston, Special Agent Joseph Bonavolonta said that the FBI's advice for some Ransomware attacks is to pay the ransom. Immediately, some security professionals took offense at his remarks, but the bigger picture is that payment might be the only option.

Let's look at things in context. The debate over this topic starts with a story written by the Security Ledger.

Bonavolonta, who is the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s CYBER and Counterintelligence Program at the Boston field office, made his comments while discussing Ransomware, particularly CryptoWall.

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从开始到结束,贝宝网络钓鱼骗局中 2015年10月27日星期二05:25:00 -0700 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan
全球最具目标的品牌之一…< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100623831 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/10/paypal_logo - 100623831 - orig.jpg“data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/10/paypal_logo - 100623831 - orig.jpg“alt = "贝宝标志" / > < p class = " slideCredit " >图像类< span = " slideCreditText " >贝宝< / span > < / p > < div class = " slideBody " > < p >贝宝对钓鱼是最常见的有针对性的品牌之一,几乎等于银行潜在经济利益时罪犯。今天,通过最近针对PayPal客户的钓鱼活动,我们将重新讨论如何识别钓鱼邮件的概念。我们将从指出视觉线索,这将帮助你避免成为受害者,但我们也会去彻底的骗局,所以你可以看到它看起来像。< / p > < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 2998193 / from-start-to-finish-inside-a-paypal-phishing-scam。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

道琼斯公司披露了违约,事件可能与史考特 2015年10月9日星期五13:13:00 -0700 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan

On Friday, in a letter to customers, the CEO of Dow Jones & Co. disclosed a data breach affecting 3,500 people. Based on public details, the incident seems similar to a breach reported by Scottrade last week that impacted 4.6 million investors.

In his letter, Dow Jones Chief Executive William Lewis said that law enforcement officials informed the company about the potential breach in late July.

After bringing in outside help, an investigation turned up a confirmation that the systems housing the customer data was accessed – but there is no proof that data was exfiltrated. The investigators also determined that the attackers had access to the system between August 2012 and July 2015.

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企业应该注重数据共享事件后,不归属 2015年8月4日星期二05:44:00 -0700 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan

LAS VEGAS - There have been several notable security incidents in the news this year, from healthcare and retail breaches, to financial; even security firms themselves have been targeted.

In each instance, attribution seems to take the lead during incident response, something organizations should resist. The key is collecting the right information and passing it on to the right people. When it comes to figuring out who did it and where they are, authorities are the ones who should take the lead – organizations that focus on this area first are wasting resources and time.

US Attorney Ed McAndrew (DE), who has years of experience working cases dealing with Internet-based crimes under his belt, recently spoke to CSO Online and offered some unique insight into the federal side of incident response and what organizations can to do better prepare for law enforcement involvement.

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社会工程:6个通常的目标数据点,没有很好的保护 周一,2015年8月3日13时07分00秒-0700 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >的小事导致的最大问题< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100599324 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/07/1_title - 100599324 - orig.jpg“data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/07/1_title - 100599324 - orig.jpg“alt = " 1标题" / > < p class = " slideCredit " >图像类< span = " slideCreditText " >思想库< / span > < / p > < div class = " slideBody " > < p >本周,成千上万的黑客前往拉斯维加斯学习最新的安全研究和技术在拉斯维加斯和黑帽。这个周末,在DEF CON期间,黑客们继续在大厅里四处游荡,从一个演讲到另一个演讲,或者前往某个村庄。< / p > < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 2955938 / social-engineering-6-commonly-targeted-data-points-that-are-poorly-protected。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

由恶意广告驱动的最新钻机开发套件 2015年8月3日星期一13:04:00 -0700 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan

LAS VEGAS - Earlier this year, a disgruntled reseller leaked the source code for version 2.0 of the RIG exploit kit.

Since then, the RIG's author has released version 3.0, which was recently discovered by researchers from Trustwave. The latest version uses malvertising in order to deliver a majority of its traffic, infecting some 1.25 million systems to date.

There have been a few notable changes made to RIG between versions, including a cleaner control panel that's easier to navigate, changes to the URL structure used by the kit that helps it avoid detection, and a security structure that prevents unauthenticated users from accessing internal files – clearly implemented to avoid leaks such as the one that exposed the source code for the previous version.

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图片:黑客团队策划的黑客 2015年7月7日星期二05:01:00 -0700 史蒂夫Ragan 史蒂夫Ragan <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >黑客团队暴露< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100595096 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/07/hackingteam_logo - 100595096 - orig.jpg“data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/07/hackingteam_logo - 100595096 - orig.jpg“alt = "黑客团队标志" / > < p class = " slideCredit " >图像类< span = " slideCreditText " >史蒂夫Ragan / Twitter < / span > < / p > < div class = " slideBody " > < p >专业监测黑客团队从外部人士监控他们的事务中得到了教训,而保护隐私的倡导者却为此幸灾乐祸。下面的幻灯片是研究人员和记者们发现的经过整理的文件和各种技术元素的集合,这些来自黑客团队的400GB的数据缓存已经被整理好。这里包括合同、代码示例、电子邮件和其他项目,可以让你了解这家已经将espoinage转变为一家商业企业的公司。< / p > < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 2944753 / in-pictures-hacking-teams-hack-curated。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里
