足球竞猜app软件网络世界 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 2020年8月10日星期一09:51:53 -0700 2020年8月10日星期一09:51:53 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 回顾:微软Windows Server 2019 星期二,2019年11月19日10:36:00 -0800 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森 Windows Server 2019包括微软在过去三年中推出的更新,以及许多新的安全、管理、存储和Azure云集成功能。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3454599/review-microsoft-windows-server-2019.html 网络中立性的丧失:告别一个自由和开放的互联网 2018年5月17日星期四09:31:00 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

Update May 17, 2018

Following the U.S. Senate’s 52-47 vote to reinstate net neutrality rules, U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) announced the House of Representatives will attempt to also force a vote on the issue under the Congressional Review Act (CRA).

“I have introduced a companion CRA in the House,” Doyle said during a press conference yesterday, “but I’m also going to begin a discharge petition, which we will have open for signature tomorrow morning. And I urge every member who supports a free and open internet to join me and sign this petition, so we can bring this legislation to the floor.”

To force a vote in the House, the petition needs 218 signatures. The Democrats hold only 193 seats there, so they need 25 Republicans to switch sides.

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评论:VMware的VSAN 6.6 2018年1月5日星期五1400:00 -0800 汤姆·亨德森和布兰登·艾伦 汤姆·亨德森和布兰登·艾伦

的VMware已经推出了VSAN(虚拟存储区域网络)软件多年,和最新版本起坐改良超收敛功能,并就地加密。加码的To完全阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3243579/review-vmware-s-vsan-6-6.html IDG内幕 VMware的vSAN如何为超聚合的数据中心提供存储组件。2020欧洲杯预赛 2018年1月5日星期五1400:00 -0800 汤姆·亨德森和布兰登·艾伦 汤姆·亨德森和布兰登·艾伦

VMware's vSAN (virtual SAN) architecture is designed to be a significant step into software-defined-computing, where the vSAN component is responsible for providing software-defined storage.

Previously, systems architecture was one server containing its own compute, operating system, networking and storage. Virtualization abstracted this so that more than one OS could run per server, if still bound by captive network functionality, and storage.

+See our review of vSAN 6.6+

What is hyper-convergence?

Hyper-convergence is the ability to abstract all of the components, be it the OS, storage, the network relationships a system has, and so forth. It’s the foundation of the software-defined-datacenter, distributed yet converged into a workload unit.

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回顾:Mojo无线入侵预防系统 2017年9月20日星期三03:00:00 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

网络管理者不需要从非法AP对可能降临他们的网络威胁的引物,从人在这方面的中间人威胁到全球流行勒索。这是一个糟糕的局面却丝毫没有很快改善任何时候的迹象。这并不奇怪,那么,无线入侵防御系统正变得越来越流行要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3224465/review-mojo-wireless-intrusion-prevention-system.html IDG内幕 英特尔出卖了你 2017年5月8日星期一09:38:00 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森 <文章> <节类=“页”>


人们警告过我这一点,我呸,pooh'd它。请把我刮,这样我可以擦拭掉鸡蛋我的脸。The servers are so wickedly simple to jack that a third-grader can log into them and merrily do essentially root damage.

+ Also on Network World: The insecurities list: 10 ways to improve cybersecurity +

That the largest server CPU provider on earth doesn’t fall all over itself in sincere apologies (United Airlines gone wrong?) doesn’t surprise me. No one falls on their sword anymore. No one takes product managers out behind the cafeteria and strips the access key fob from the management toy room. It’s all just jolly. Oops. Sorry, folks

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网络中立是净新收入 2017年5月3日星期三11:31:00 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

There is no goal in stifling net neutrality other than profits for telcos and broadband providers and their media empires. The current stink about having your favorite data communications pathway classified under Title II is this: No preferential treatment is given for data transport paths, and they’ll tend to seek the shortest, lowest-cost routing in various ways. 

Perhaps you forgot these following paradoxes: 

  • Xfinity owns NBC/Universal, but it believes that the FCC’s designation (by Wheeler and the FCC Commissioners in their prior regime) as a Title II Carrier is wrong, while at the same time it believes themselves to be in favor of net neutrality.
  • Verizon owns AOL (along with the Huffington Post and perhaps bits of what we once knew as Yahoo!) and believes the very same paradox. 
  • AT&T owns a lot of turf as well, including the Dish Network for both data and consumer video entertainment. 

Each provider, in this case, has something to gain by letting its own stuff ride on its own transport for cheap, to the detriment of other services on the internet. 

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安全证书出错 星期二,2017年4月25日11:50:00 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

Security certificates are designed to authenticate hosts. Browsers have become pretty good about understanding chains of authorities, and making users accept the risk when websites can’t prove the chain of authorities needed to verify they are who they say they are.

Sites masquerading as legitimate sites, however, employ sad little tricks, such as “punycode”—URL links embedded in otherwise official-looking phishing emails. These tricks are malicious. There are also sites that should be well-administrated but are not.

Then there are sites, important sites, that botch their own security with certificates ostensibly granted by places such as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

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虚拟助手能听到一切,所以要注意你说的话。我不是在开玩笑 周一,2017年4月17日11:38:00 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

The law of unintended consequences is once again rearing it’s ugly head: Google, Apple, Amazon and others now make virtual assitants that respond to commands, and recordings can trigger them.

Burger King found out how, via a radio commercial, it could get Google’s attention. It produced an ad designed to trigger Google Home to advertise the Whopper. The ad featured a Burger King employee saying, “OK, Google. What is the Whopper burger?” The Google Home device would then read the Wikipedia definition of a Whopper. The trigger stopped working a few hours after the ad launched.

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砖块的物联网:有人在使用不安全的物联网设备 2017年4月10日星期一03:45:00 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

I can’t justify the vigilantism, but someone is bricking vulnerable IoT devices. I ponder the morality of it all. It’s called BrickerBot. It finds IoT devices with dubious security and simply bricks/disables them.

Insecure dishwashers, teapots, refrigerators, security cameras—all become part of vast botnets. The botnets can do many things, and we’ve seen them become the armies behind the largest internet attacks in history. How to cleanse these devices has become the crux of many cries, including numerous ones in this space.

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Linux Mint 18.1:大部分平滑,但有些锋利的边缘 周一,2017年4月10日2时29分00秒-0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

我们一直很喜欢Linux Mint,因为它能够为普通终端用户提供友好的界面,同时拥有一个稳定的Debian和Ubuntu基础。在这篇综述中,我们研究了名为Serena的LinuxMint 18.1。我们发现一个可靠的操作系统在边界情况下可能会遇到问题。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3188295 / linux-mint-18-1-mostly-smooth-but-some-sharp-edges。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3188295/linux-mint-18-1-mostly-smooth-but-some-sharp-edges.html IDG内幕
保护私隐后的互联网的10个实用私隐贴士 2017年3月30日星期四11:54:00 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

ISPs and providers can now sell your data and browser histories. The U.S. Congress sold you out. If you had any browsing dignity, you don’t now. Too bad you couldn’t pay the legislators as much as the data wolves.

You should have been doing these things all along, but now it’s time to decide just how much dignity you have. Most of you won’t bother. This isn’t for you. Click away, and go surf.

For those remaining, take these privacy tips seriously.

1. Educate yourself about cookies and clean them out regularly

For some of you, this means a daily cleanout. What you DO NOT clean out (will cause you hassles) are cookies associated with financial institutions. They will put you through a drill when they don’t find the cookie that they like. Scrape them. Every browser has the ability to do this, with Chrome being the most difficult. But we’re not surprised because it’s from Google—the company whose very life depends on knowing information about you.

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不安全感清单:10种方法来提高网络安全 2017年3月28日星期二10:56:00 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

A friend asked me to list all of the cybersecurity things that bug me and what he should be diligent about regarding user security. We talked about access control lists, MAC layer spoofing, and a bunch of other topics and why they mattered. You should come up with a list of head-desk things.

After a bit of thought, here’s a list. It’s by NO means comprehensive, and it’s not an organized best practices document. Instead, these are marbles that roll around in my head and bother me a lot.

1. Ban and route to null t.co, bit.ly, and other URL shorteners

Why? Especially in phishing emails, a user has no idea where the link is going, what’s behind that link, or what kind of benevolent or conversely malicious payload is going to load in the default browser. Sure, your anti-malware or antivirus tool, or even the browser’s own instinct, might prevent a page load that opens a back door into your network. Maybe.

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回顾:VMware vSphere急需改头换面 2017年3月27日(星期一)02:10 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

VMware公司的vSphere 6.5虚拟化平台的修复,我们不得不使用vSphere 6.0,并提供管理,安全性和高可用性显著改善许多问题。也有朝向的vSphere-泊坞积分的第一个步骤。 要阅读在这篇文章中满,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3184270/review-vmware-vsphere-gets-much-needed-facelift.html IDG内幕 Pwn2Own 2017:你的东西就像碎肉 2017年3月20日星期一08:52:00 -0700 汤姆·亨德森 汤姆·亨德森

They came from miles around to carry out a hallowed, decade-long mission: To eat your lunch. 

The security researchers assembled at the Pwn2Own 2017 hacking competition, sponsored by Trend Micro, and occasionally grouped together, then performed essentially zero-day exploits (at least by the rules, heretofore unknown) on your favorite stuff, such as Windows, MacOS and Linux. Smoldering pits in the screen were left, as teams collected cash prizes and creds. 

For giggles and grins, a Type 2 Hypervisor, VMWare Workstation was also left for shrapnel, one of the first times a hypervisor has been penetrated by a virtual machine in this way. It wasn’t a cascade effect, but rather a shot across the bow. I suspect there are more ways to penetrate a foundational hypervisor, too, but they haven’t been seen in captivity to my knowledge. 

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