Free Software Foundation petitions against Windows 8 secure boot

The Free Software Foundation is asking the public to sign a petition against the use of Secure UEFI boot in Windows 8 machines.

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The controversy over Microsoft's required use of a new secure boot specification continues to grow. The Free Software Foundation has stepped in, asking the public to sign a petition against Secure Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) if the PC manufacturer doesn't let the PC owner turn it off or install software on their machines such as wiping out Windows 8 in favor of Linux.

请参阅以前的文章:下一代启动规格可以永远锁定Windows 8 PC的Linux;andSome W8 PCs won't turn off secure boot, Red Hat warns

自由软件倡导者在Windows 8 PCS船上进行了进攻。正如我先前报道的那样,Windows 8 PC将超速启动,部分原因是下一代UEFI引导规范。4月8日发布的最新UEFI包括一个安全的启动协议,Microsoft要求将Windows 8 PC包括Windows 8徽标程序。安全的UEFI旨在通过在允许将可执行文件或驱动程序加载到设备上之前要求键来阻止Rootkit感染。问题是,此类键也可用于防止PC的所有者擦除当前的操作系统并安装其他选项,例如Linux。

PC manufacturers can install secure UEFI in such a way as to allow users to turn it off. Or they can take a shortcut and simply make it the only way a device will boot. Sources at Red Hat have said that some PC manufacturers are already far along in their W8 device development and didn't include the "off" switch for secure UEFI. If that's the case, the only way for a user to install drivers or operating systems is if they are on a pre-approved list (they ship with the public key) or the user is given access to the private key, and has the technical know how to use it. Getting a public key for all Linux distros is problematic at best but even so, that doesn't help the user who wants to install a customized Linux distro to a former W8 PC if UEFI isn't implemented in a way that gives control to the user.

For this reason, the FSF writes:

When done correctly, "Secure Boot" is designed to protect against malware by preventing computers from loading unauthorized binary programs when booting. In practice, this means that computers implementing it won't boot unauthorized operating systems -- including initially authorized systems that have been modified without being re-approved. This could be a feature deserving of the name, as long as the用户is able to authorize the programs she wants to use, so she can run free software written and modified by herself or people she trusts. However, we are concerned that Microsoft and hardware manufacturers will implement these boot restrictions in a way that will prevent users from booting anything other than Windows. In this case, a better name for the technology might be Restricted Boot, since such a requirement would be a disastrous restriction on computer users and not a security feature at all.freedoms.

... It is essential that manufacturers get their implementation of UEFI right. To respect user freedom and truly protect user security, they must either provide users a way of disabling the boot restrictions, or provide a sure-fire way that allows the computer owner to install a free software operating system of her choice. Computer owners must not be required to seek external authorization to exercise their

This isn't the first attempt by a free software group to ensure that UEFI is implemented with an off switch. A few weeks ago, Members ofLinux Australiapetitioned the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) on the matter.

Readers have commented on my previous blog posts on this topic that they think the situation is a tempest in a teapot. Says a reader with the user name visomvet, "Bah. I'm convinced Linux folks will see for themselves that this won't be a problem. Always with the pessimism."

I think visomvet is probably right, but only because of the high visibility Windows 8 Secure UEFI is getting from the free software advocates. Now that people are watching the issue, PC manufacturers will be motivated not to take shortcuts.

Here is the link to the FSF's petitionwhere interested readers can sign to show their support.

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