
凭借25年的IT经验,Stewart Bond将许多不同应用架构的丰富经验和知识从大型机应用程序到客户端 - 服务器应用程序,到基于云的SaaS应用程序和API-First平台。Stewart的演示文稿将侧重于最近的趋势来现代化这些应用程序 - 这次使这次是独一无二的,以及人们如何用坚固的连接面料凭借稳健的连接结构。

He’ll discuss emerging trends in the applications space, including such diverse topics as serverless architectures, event-driven architectures, headless APIs, and streaming analytics, all with an eye for the practical uses of those technologies in real retail, healthcare, and manufacturing examples. Join us for an in-depth conversation about modern application architecture and strategy: application integration, APIs, events, data hubs, data governance, and a whole lot more!