

在Windows 10中设置防止数据丢失的策略,以防止数据泄漏。



苏珊在线为您报道。今天我们将讨论防止数据丢失的政策。这是在你的组织中建立规则的一个非常简单的方法,这样就不会有人不小心发送了一封包含敏感信息的电子邮件。首先从数据丢失预防开始。然后点击政策。在这里,您可以编辑默认不启用的现有默认策略,也可以设置一个新策略。我将向你展示如何建立一个新的。好的方面是他们根据你的行业和国家建立了几个模板。举个例子,如果你知道你和我一样生活在美国,如果你要处理金融规则。2020欧洲杯夺冠热门您知道您可以从这些已经为您的组织设置了规则的模板中挑选。 In my day job I work for financial organizations so I'm going to choose financial and U.S. financial data. Now what this does is it looks in the emails or in the files up on SharePoint for certain information. As you can already guess credit card numbers bank account numbers routing numbers have patterns. So this rule actually sets it up. So it says hey you know I see a number that matches this pattern. I'm going to make sure it does not go outside of the organization or perhaps between email boxes inside of your organization. However you want to set that rule up. You click next. You can choose to change the policy name.
或者一些信息,如果你想要一个关于它的描述。单击next。然后你选择你想要的位置如果你想要它在你的office 365交换电子邮件,一个驱动器,SharePoint的所有位置或者你可以缩小到特定的位置。我们可以设置它,所以它只在组织外部。只有在我的组织内部,如果你两者都想要的话。你制定了两条规则。你也可以设置高级设置。当你开始你想要如何快速下一步。我有E5微软365 E5订阅。这里我有政策建议,我可以打开,这是什么时候的人打开他们的outlook电子邮件如果他们尝试电子邮件到另一个组织一个社会安全号码它会警告他们内部的电子邮件,他们不允许这样做。 Again much you've got all of these settings the way you want to click next. If you want to test it out so let's say you don't want to enforce it right away you want to make sure it's doing what it's supposed to but not what you don't want it to do. You can actually set it up to test it out and you can also show the policy tips if you want to enable it right away you say yes. Otherwise you keep it in audit mode click next. And then when you're done hit create.