2013年是微软繁忙的一年,宣布首席执行官史蒂夫鲍尔默将在33年后离开公司,升级其有争议的Windows 8平台,在其表面片上翻了一番,在办公室365的成功中启动,并成功调整了Windows Server。但2014年有更多待做的事情。
2013年是微软繁忙的一年,宣布首席执行官史蒂夫鲍尔默将在33年后离开公司,升级其有争议的Windows 8平台,在其表面片上翻了一番,在办公室365的成功中启动,并成功调整了Windows Server。但2014年有更多待做的事情。
微软本可以加强与诺基亚的伙伴关系,也许在公司中投入大量投资,成为一个主要的股东,以摇摆在诺基亚的作用。相反,它拥有72亿美元的价格。在购买公司微软收益全面控制其硬件产品 - 手机主要还有平板电脑。
+也在网络世界足球竞猜app软件A complete list of Outlook 2014 stories+
However, measuring the success of the Nokia deal isn’t about whether its hardware can unseat these more popular devices. Worldwide there are vast markets for low-end phones in markets where cell service is still taking hold and where Windows Phone can make headway, says IDC analyst Ramon Llamas.
诺基亚制造了ASHA家族的低端特色和智能手机 - 其中三家公司声称是印度,中东和非洲的三大销售手机,这些手机被认为是持有巨大销售潜力的未开发市场。诺基亚宣布三个新的ASHA智能手机今年秋季,在非洲,亚太地区,欧洲和中东(拉丁美洲中的两家)销售在69美元至99美元之间。
骆驼表示,Windows Phone可以达到足够的一年 - 尽管是第三个电话操作系统 - 虽然在Android和iOS后面的一个很远的距离 - 并击败黑莓。他说,在上一季度Apple销售了大约3400万个IPhone,他说。“他们没有堕落的路边,我必须给他们信任,”他说。
他说,拥有诺基亚将在创新方面取得更快的决策和转变时间,可能使手机更具竞争力。如果微软可以从高端竞争对手区分Windows Phone,它可以在北美,日本和欧洲发达的市场上取得进展。“Android和Apple被根深蒂固,但没有100%在用户中锁定了,”骆驼说。
诺基亚平板电脑也可以是一个福音。随着公司试图卸载库存,微软的地表RT平板电脑在大幅降低的价格上销售价格均匀降低,以准备销售其继任者,表面2.这是一个没有蜂窝连接的设备。诺基亚已经根据Windows RT操作系统销售平板电脑加上4G无线,以399美元,通过与AT&T的服务加上硬件处理。它还宣布Lumia 2520,带LTE的Windows RT平板电脑499美元。
Nokia’s Lumia 1520 and lower priced 1320 phablets – smartphones with screens between five and seven inches – give Microsoft an immediate entry into the relatively new phablet market that last quarter accounted for 22% of all smartphone sales, according to IDC.
这很重要不仅为实现这些目标,but also for convincing investors of the company’s ability to execute. Microsoft’s stock price has jumped up and down over the past month on rumors about who will be the next CEO and when that person will be announced.
Despite the company’s continued enormous profits during Ballmer’s tenure as CEO -- $5.2 billion last quarter, up 17% from the same quarter last year – critics have been calling for his replacement for years, and his successor must address some of the reasons they’ve been so vocal.
"Hey, dude, let's get on with it," Microsoft board member John Thompson told Ballmer earlier this year, according to a故事在华尔街日报。"We're in suspended animation."
但是在鲍尔默下,微软错过了两种平板电脑和手机的移动革命的主要浪潮,在两个地区提供产品,只能捕捉客户并在迭代试图追赶后经历迭代。随着鲍尔默本人所说,他领导地位下的最大失败是Windows Vista,他在一个中说财富文章花了太久了 - 八年 - 与Windows 7的装运交付。
新老板还需要确保当产品发布时,他们就绪。在鲍尔默下,Windows 8是从Windows 7的雄心勃勃的变化,这将是由于其流行的前任的故意差异,所以可以采取一些习惯。但只有10个月后,Windows 8.1发布8.1的Microsoft地址在发布时应该解决问题。
微软entered the computer hardware market with its laptop/tablet Surface line but wound up writing down $900 million in Surface RT losses, something the company can afford financially but that hurt its reputation in a market it wants to dominate. Its Surface RT (now Surface 2) looks like an attempt to better Apple’s iPad by adding Microsoft Office to a tablet. It’s solid hardware but is doing poorly because of price, and a dearth of apps that customers actually want.
These are part of Ballmer’s legacy, and the stigma should leave when he does. His replacement needs to make clear that nothing Ballmer left behind is sacred.
No. 3: Build on the success of Office 365
微软successfully bet that customers would rather buy Office as a service that is available from multiple machines – including phones - and is constantly updated than to buy it as software they have to install and upgrade as they go along. It comes along with cloud storage, too.
Office 365 scored 1 million users back in May. That doubled by the end of October, a strong start and an important part of transitioning users from software buys to continuing services. At $100 per year for Office 365 Home Premium, that’s already a significant revenue stream that seems to be soaring. It helps validate the company’s definition of itself as a services and devices operation.
由于企业客户没有将员工限制使用仅使用Windows的设备,因此Microsoft不应使用流行的生产力套件冻结其他设备。流行不是没有保证状态,并且有竞争替代方案 - 例如Google Apps - Microsoft不应该忽略。将产品销售给Apple客户,而不是忽略它们并驱使他们购买别人的产品。
微软has been chipping away at Amazon Web Services, racking up impressive numbers of new customers and producing a constant beat of new features for its own cloud service. This includes multi-factor authentication for services, adding big-data analytics based on Hadoop, auto-backup to Azure, and creating a public cloud for government (planned).
第6号:获取更多Windows 8应用程序
The Windows Store boasts more than 135,000 applications, but no single one of them nor even a collection of them is compelling enough to cause customers so choose Windows 8 in order to use the apps.
该公司一直持续一年多的应用程序和游戏开发人员为Windows 8创建应用程序和游戏,在通过Windows商店销售产品销售时提供工具和有吸引力的收入分配。它甚至在开发人员会议上留下了Windows 8笔记本电脑和平板电脑。
它还与Windows 8版本的流行游戏的第三方合作。一个例子是迪斯尼,在某些情况下,在一些情况下,在释放其Android的过程之前发布了Windows 8版本的游戏 - 这是制作Windows 8相关的一步。
它的努力似乎在工作。8月,用户界面开发人员Infragistics提出了100个必须为iOS提供的应用程序,并发现其中只有54个可供Windows 8。100是一个令人震撼的社交网站应用程序,如Google+,服务如HBO Go和PayPal,以及IMDB等资源网站。但是,尽管如此,这些应用程序中的72个适用于Windows 8。
Coming up with the next Angry Birds requires inspiration and innovation in a way that can’t be plotted out, but Windows 8 needs that kind of lightning to strike.
Beyond that Microsoft needs compelling business apps to be written for Windows 8, taking advantage of its touch-friendliness. Expanding the usefulness of Windows 8 by making workers more productive when they use it will make it more attractive.
第7号:促进Windows 8.1进行业务
它可能已经太晚了,但随着Windows XP逐渐消失在今年4月,Microsoft需要尽一切努力将那些XP Diehard推入购买Windows 8机器作为更换。
Figures indicate that Windows 7 is gaining in popularity whileWindows 8正在浸渍根据Netmarketshare统计数据的说法。
One remedy for this could be pushing Windows 8 into large businesses, which would not only boost sales but also promote consumer popularity by forcing workers to become familiar with the operating system.
But adopting Windows 8 wholesale into enterprises is a longshot given that the touch aspects that make Windows 8 superior in some cases to Windows 7 aren’t needed to do many corporate jobs. Those that lend themselves to touch, such as mobile workers and sales staff, could transition to Windows 8 while others remain on Windows 7, but that’s a long process. It could result in businesses hanging on to Windows 7 until Microsoft irons out the kinks, much as they did by hanging onto Windows XP, skipping Vista, and ultimately adopting Windows 7.
Tim Greene涵盖了网络世界的微软和统一通信,并将主要是Microsoft博客写道。足球竞猜app软件到了他tgreene@nww.com.并在Twitter上关注他@ tim_greene。