足球竞猜app软件网络世界蒂姆·格林 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 2020年4月10日星期五20:59:30 -0700 2020年4月10日星期五20:59:30 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 COVID-19:每周对isp、云提供商和会议服务进行健康检查 2020年4月6日星期一20:23:00 -0700 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林

As COVID-19 continues to spread, forcing employees to work from home, the services of ISPs, cloud providers and conferencing services a.k.a. unified communications as a service (UCaaS) providers are experiencing increased traffic.

ThousandEyes is monitoring how these increases affect outages and the performance these providers undergo. It will provide Network World a roundup of interesting events of  the week in the delivery of these services, and Network World will provide a summary here. Stop back next week for another update.

Update April  6

Outages for ISPs globally were down 9.13% during the week of March 30 from the week before, whereas U.S. outages were down 16.7%, dropping from 120 to 100. Worldwide the outages were also down, from 252 to 229. Public cloud outages rose worldwide from 22 to 25, and in the U.S. there was one outage, up from zero the previous week.

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什么是互联网骨干网和它是如何工作 2020年3月12日星期四16:57:00 -0700 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林

The internet generates massive amounts of computer-to-computer traffic, and insuring all that traffic can be delivered anywhere in the world requires the aggregation of a vast array of high-speed networks collectively known as the internet backbone, but how does that work?

What is the internet backbone?

Like any other network, the internet consists of access links that move traffic to high-bandwidth routers that move traffic from its source over the best available path toward its destination. This core is made up of individual high-speed fiber-optic networks that peer with each other to create the internet backbone.

The individual core networks are privately owned by Tier 1 internet service providers (ISP), giant carriers whose networks are tied together. These providers include AT&T, CenturyLink, Cogent Communications, Deutsche Telekom, Global Telecom and Technology (GTT), NTT Communications, Sprint, Tata Communications, Telecom Italia Sparkle, Telia Carrier, and Verizon.

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如何使用Linux uniq命令 2019年12月12日星期四14:47:00 -0800 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林

In Linux, the uniq command can help find out the individual users who are logged into a given server, but it’s not a straightforward process.

Yes, using the command on its own yields a list of who’s logged in, but it can list individual users more than once depending on what they’re doing.

There are ways to get around this by sorting the results of uniq so they deliver only once the names of all the users. This 2-Minute Linux Tip video by Network World’s Unix as a Second Language blogger Sandra Henry Stocker shows how to do just that. Click below.

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世界上最快的10台超级计算机 周一,2019年11月18日7时50分零零秒-0800 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林 <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
的世界最快的超级计算机 图像通过<跨度类= “slideCreditText”> Henrik5000 /盖蒂图片

在TOP500排名是世界上最快的超级计算机是今天宣布,随着电脑自上次半在TOP10的排名绝对没有变化年度等级在六月。外面的前10名,不过,有变化,特别是它的更难超级计算机在所有的TOP500榜单上获得:排名最低的超级计算机现在提供1.14PFlop /秒,从1.02PFlop /秒六月。总体而言,整个TOP500排行榜的总体性能坐镇1.65 exaflops。检查出这个幻灯片的其余部分上看到的当前顶部-10-排名机的信息。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3236875/embargo-10-of-the-worlds-fastest-supercomputers.html IBM完成了340亿美元的红帽交易,进入了云计算领域 2019年7月9日星期二10:10 -0700 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林

国际商用机器公司(IBM)已经完成了对红帽公司340亿美元的收购,并表示将利用这家Linux巨头的开源技术,使更大规模的客户项目成为可能,并建立一个合作网络,简化项目的实施。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3316960 / ibm-closes-34b-red-hat-deal-vaults-into-multi-cloud。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

(内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3316960/ibm-closes-34b-red-hat-deal-vaults-into-multi-cloud.html IDG内幕 高通输掉了移动芯片授权费的官司 2019年5月23日星期四13:30:00 -0700 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林

Chip maker Qualcomm has lost a round in federal court over how much it charges makers of wireless devices for its mobile chips.

The company must lower its fees and submit to seven years of monitoring by the Federal Trade Commission, which brought the suit. Qualcomm says it will appeal.

For more details about the suit and its impact on upcoming 5G deployments, watch this TECH(feed) video.

研究:大多数企业物联网交易是未加密的 2019年5月23日星期四13:07:00 -0700 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林

Of the millions of enterprise-IoT transactions examined in a recent study, the vast majority were sent without benefit of encryption, leaving the data vulnerable to theft and tampering.

The research by cloud-based security provider Zscaler found that about 91.5 percent of transactions by internet of things devices took place over plaintext, while 8.5 percent were encrypted with SSL. That means if attackers could intercept the unencrypted traffic, they’d be able to read it and possibly alter it, then deliver it as if it had not been changed.

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HPE收购Cray,提供HPC服务 2019年5月17日星期五10:51:00 -0700 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林

HPE已同意购买超级计算机制造商Cray公司为$ 1.3十亿,交易,该公司称,将带来他们的企业客户高性能计算作为一种服务,以帮助需要人工智能和机器学习分析,而且还配套产品高性能的存储,计算和软件。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3396220/hpe-to-buy-cray-offer-hpc-as-a-service.html IDG内幕 这Linux命令 2019年4月30日星期二21:00:00 -0700 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林

在你知道你手头的任务需要哪个Linux命令之前,需要花一些时间来处理它,如何格式化它,期望得到什么结果,但是有可能加快这个过程。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3391029 / must-know-linux-commands。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3391029/must-know-linux-commands.html IDG内幕
俄罗斯要求访问VPN提供商的服务器 2019年3月29日星期五12:23:00 -0700 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林 Roskomnadzor < p >俄罗斯审查机构下令10 < a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/article/3268744/understanding-virtual-private-networks-and-why-vpns-are-important-to-sd-wan.html " > VPN < / >服务提供商在俄罗斯服务器链接到其网络为了阻止国内用户达到禁止网站。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3385050 / russia-demands-access-to-vpn-providers-servers。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3385050/russia-demands-access-to-vpn-providers-servers.html IDG内幕
能源部计划建造世界上最快的超级计算机 星期二,2019年3月19日六点39分00秒-0700 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林

美国能源部说,他们正在研制一种超级计算机,这种超级计算机将突破每秒进行10万亿次浮点运算的目标,以处理高性能计算和人工智能。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3373539 / doe-plans-worlds-fastest-supercomputer。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3373539/doe-plans-worlds-fastest-supercomputer.html IDG内幕
什么是防火墙?远不止网络周边防御 2019年1月25日星期五11:49 00 -0800 蒂姆·格林和布兰登·巴特勒 蒂姆·格林和布兰登·巴特勒

Firewalls been around for three decades, but they’ve evolved drastically to include features that used to be sold as separate appliances and to pull in externally gathered data to make smarter decisions about what network traffic to allow and what traffic to block.

Now just one indespensible element in an ecosystem of network defenses, the latest versions are known as enterprise firewalls or next-generation firewalls (NGFW) to indicate who should use them and that they are continually adding functionality.

What is a firewall?

A firewall is a network device that monitors packets going in and out of networks and blocks or allows them according to rules that have been set up to define what traffic is permissible and what traffic isn’t.

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技术日历2018-19:即将到来的事件感兴趣的IT专业人员 2018年11月16日星期五06:53:00 -0800 蒂姆·格林和莎伦·马格里斯 蒂姆·格林和莎伦·马格里斯 <文章> <节类= “网页”>

技术活动 <一边类= “大”> <表ID = “cwsearchabletable” 类= “的tablesorter” WIDTH = “100%” CELLSPACING = “0” CELLPADDING = “0”> 事件 描述 开始 位置 的Computex台北 在亚洲,这种大规模的技术贸易展览和博览会的重点是信息和通信技术,供应链和物联网的生态系统。 2019年5月28日 2019年6月1日 台北,台湾 要阅读此文章全面,请按此 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3314639/tech-calendar-2018-19-upcoming-events-of-interest-to-it-pros.html 什么是私有云?[有些事情不是这样] 2018年10月16日星期二15:12 -0700 布兰登巴特勒和蒂姆·格林 布兰登巴特勒和蒂姆·格林

Private cloud is a well-defined term that government standards groups and the commercial cloud industry have pretty much agreed upon, and while some think its use is waning, recent analysis indicates that spending on private cloud is still growing at a breakneck pace.

A study by IDC projects that sales from private-cloud investment hit $4.6 billion in the second quarter of 2018 alone, which is a 28.2 percent increase from the same period in 2017.

So why are organizations attracted to private cloud?

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思科增加了新的功能,它的基础设施IBN 2018年1月30日星期二03:00:00 -0800 蒂姆•格林 蒂姆•格林

Cisco has advanced its intent-based networking gear so now it can both verify that networks are actually running according to the intentions set by admins and also so it can help to find and resolve network problems faster on both wired and wireless networks.

The company says this is a new phase in the evolution of its IBN in which it is addressing assurance – the ability to assess whether the intentions that have been translated into policies and orchestrated throughout the network by configuring individual devices are carrying out the intentions they are supposed to.

+DON'T MISS:Getting grounded in intent-based networking; A deep dive into Cisco's intent-based networking; What is intent-based networking?+

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