
Mountain Lion的默认设置仅允许安装经批准的Mac软件


Apple will introduce a new Mac security model with OS X Mountain Lion this summer that by default lets users install only programs downloaded from the Mac App Store or those digitally signed by a registered developer.




去年,several campaigns of "scareware,"programs that posed as antivirus software but actually infected systems with attack code, made headlines. Apple responded to the scareware threat by repeatedly updating a初步封锁清单两年前首次亮相。

Apple even took the trouble during the skirmishing to issue a tool that scrubbed infected machines of the "Mac Defender" malware.

山狮,苹果公司周四说会的今年夏天晚些时候发货, uses a new mechanism to bar malicious applications from most Macs.

苹果公司在2011年1月推出的Lion Mountain应用程序提供了免费的软件注册许可证,开发者只能在苹果公司的Lion Mountain上免费注册。

因为每个数字证书与一个我ndividual developer or company, Apple will know who was responsible for, say, sneaking a malicious app by users, and be able to revoke the certificate and ban the developer from its program.


Mountain Lion's Security & Privacy preferences screen also has options for tightening or loosening Gatekeeper's vigilance. If "Mac App Store" is selected, only software downloaded from Apple's mart can be installed; choosing "Anywhere" lets users install programs obtained from, well, anywhere. The latter is the wide-open model that Macs -- and Windows PCs -- have used since personal computing's infancy.

在默认设置下,Gatekeeper是一个集而不提的“白名单”,即批准的程序列表,它源于苹果多年来一直在使用OSX操作系统“这就像一个巨大的白名单按钮,”Gatekeeper的nCircle安全部主管Andrew Storms说。


Rich Mogull,一位安全顾问,前Gartner分析师,在他为小道消息博客Thursday. And in a更多技术说明在他的公司博客上,他认为这会攻击黑客。


总部位于俄勒冈州波特兰市的Mac应用程序开发者Panic的联合创始人史蒂芬·弗兰克(Steven Frank)认为,把关人是苹果在iOS中使用的锁定模式之间的“相当不错的折衷方案”,一些Mac开发者担心这种模式会迁移到OSX上,要求所有的软件都要通过Mac应用程序商店,并且免费安装任何在任何地方找到的东西。

"We think Gatekeeper is a bold new feature that should do wonders for the security of your Mac for years to come," Frank wrote Thursday onPanic's blog.


丹佛安全顾问Accuvant的首席研究顾问、著名的Mac和iOS漏洞研究人员Charlie Miller说:“下载程序第一次运行时检查签名与iOS的强制代码签名不同。”tweet昨天。


That's different from the code signing required of iOS apps, which prevents them from using unauthorized commands once they're downloaded and installed. (Miller knows code-signing: Last November, he demonstrated a bug in iOS that let himcircumvent Apple's iOS App Store code signing.)

安全研究人员Chet Wisniewski在英国的防病毒公司Sophos工作,他指出守门人不会妨碍一些恶意软件攻击策略。

"[Because] Gatekeeper code signing only applies to executable files ... anything that is not itself a Trojan, like malicious PDFs, Flash, shell scripts and Java will still be able to be exploited without triggering a prompt," Wisniewski said on theSophos博客周四晚些时候。

雷格·凯泽尔covers Microsoft, security issues, Apple, Web browsers and general technology breaking news for Computerworld. Follow Gregg on Twitter at@gkeizer公司,发送电子邮件至gkeizer@ix.netcom.comor subscribe to格雷格的RSS源.

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