

您今天购买的几乎任何移动设备都配有Wi-Fi无线电芯片,或者可以安装一个。但仍然令人讨厌和令人困惑的部分无线上网is that while it lets you move around, you still have to move around from one place to another, each having a Wi-Fi hotspot or network.

什么WiMax 2承诺

覆盖整个城市的Wi-Fi网络的发烧愿景几乎萎缩,虽然一些观察者认为联邦刺激措施即使移动运营商现在竞争部署,美元也可以重新激励它Wi-MAXor, as evenClearwirenow is hinting, WiMAX-like Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks as the foundation for pervasive wireless connectivity.


Many of the most immediate changes ahead for Wi-Fi are those that will strengthen wireless connectivity as an increasingly pervasive "utility."

This week, for example, theWiGig Alliance正在宣布下一次移动将Wi-Fi带到一个新的频段:60 GHz。新的乐队将使高达7Gbps在相对较短的距离上,例如客厅或书房的尺寸。

That's a huge increase compared with what is now becoming the Wi-Fi standard for access points and a growing number of client adapters: 802.11n. The 802.11n radios use two or three simultaneous data streams, and can merge two 20MHz channels together. The results are data rates that can start at over 100Mbps and reach 300Mbps, though useable throughput is much less. By comparison 802.11g and 802.11a have a maximum data rate of 54Mbps and throughput in the 20M to 24Mbps range in ideal conditions.

WGA的计划是支持将其规范的快速行业部署到将支持现有Wi-Fi标准的产品,特别是802.11n,同时添加60GHz频率以支持在短距离上的非常高数据传输。应用程序包括无线I / O,未压缩视频流,高速数据网络等。



WGA计划完全支持IEEE的60GHz工作,但如果这是博格下来的,WGA计划推迟,根据Mark Grodzinsky,营销工作组主席为明智联盟。“我们将积极参与IEEE进程,”他说。“但我们不会等待另一个七年的[标准]过程[参考11Napproval cycle]."


Sometime in the next 12 to 18 months there will be other Wi-Fi changes also:

* Wi-Fi客户端设备之间简单,直接连接,绕过接入点或无线路由器。

Wi-Fi联盟正在制作一个调用的规范Wi-Fi Direct。Like Bluetooth, the spec will include protocols to let Wi-Fi devices discover each other and securely create a direct connection with each other. The spec will support 802.11n and enterprise-grade Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) security. The WFA will begincertification testing在Q3中的“直接”。

Edgar Figueroa,Edgar Figueroa,联盟首席执行官表示,目前的802.11标准支持对等连接,但它缺乏Wi-Fi Direct将添加的智能级别,并具有性能和安全权衡。

* Improved VoIP support, with a new set of WFA-authored protocols to let Wi-Fi networks support many high-quality, concurrent voice calls.

* 无线上网网状网络。Mesh connections, which let access points connect directly to each other and transmission hop from one to another, are currently offered based on non-standard, often proprietary protocols. An IEEE standard, 802.11s, which is due out by mid 2011, will make Wi-Fi mesh networks simpler to create and use. More widespread use of a standard mesh will increase the footprint of Wi-Fi networks, and by offering alternate routes, will improve reliability.


*更智能的Wi-Fi客户,与接入点或热点合作,以提高性能和安全性。该802.11V标准, due for completion this summer, is aimed at providing more client data, and power management, to incorporate and control client radios in network management. Accelerating implementation of 802.11k, for radio resource management, will let Wi-Fi networks "see" the client's RF environment, identify weak signals or poor coverage, and optimize the connection.

John Cox涵盖网络世界的无线网络和移动计算。足球竞猜app软件推特:http://twitter.com/johnwcoxnw.



什么WiMax 2承诺


WiGig fast wireless may change Wi-Fi, home networks

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