强大的IPsec VPN配置所需的

如果您是使用IPsec IKEv2的带,SHA-2,AES?


Virtually all network professionals are familiar with the Internet Protocol Security (IPsec的)标准。互联网工程任务组(IETF) created IPsec as a method to secure end-to-end IP communications by providing confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of the data. Originally, IPsec was a method of authenticating and encrypting IPv6 packets. However, it was such a great idea that it was also applied to IPv4.


几年前,马克·刘易斯还写了一大篇关于“十大理由的IPSec VPN失败" that covers these same concepts about IPsec configuration options.



IPsec的deployments operate in much the same way. However, many organizations insist on configuring pre-shared secrets that are identical on both ends of the connection. Rather than take the time to set up a Certificate Authority (CA) and issue individual keys to each IPsec endpoint, administrators take the easy way out and use the same key on each IPsec endpoint. Therefore, if one endpoint is compromised or physically stolen, all the other IPsec links are vulnerable.




这就是为什么许多企业转而使用NAT穿越要解决这个问题。NAT穿越技术封装在UDP端口号4500的IPsec报文(虽然其它端口可以被选择),并封装在UDP端口500 IKE消息然后,当分组从源发送到目的地的内IPsec报文保持在粘着性和只有外部IP报头被修改与NAT。问题是,即使NAT穿越许多组织仍然不能或不使用AH所以他们的实现只使用封装安全载荷(ESP)和ESP-HMAC。

由于IPv6的部署,组织将使用集聚全局单播地址。这些公共地址不需要在他们的互联网周边使用任何NAT功能。因此,所有节点开始使用全球单播IPv6地址,然后将不会有需要NAT。如果没有NAT那么我们可以肯定的是,内部和外部的数据包的IPv6地址将匹配,我们可以结合使用ESP AH更高完整性IPsec连接。

在IPv6网络中,不需要为NAT提供更多的IP地址。在IETFRFC 4864提供周边“局域网保护IPv6的”,并说明为什么在IPv6中,不需要NAT的问题高度覆盖。

However, no sooner than I write this, we now have a new IETFRFC 6296“IPv6到IPv6网络前缀转换”已经出版。这里的区别是,该方法提供了一个1:IPv6地址的一对一映射,也没有必要PAT型函数来处理IPv6地址短缺的问题,我们与IPv4的。

There is a misconception that IPv6 is more secure than IPv4 because IPv6 mandates the use of IPsec. IETFRFC 2460states that to have "a full implementation of IPv6" then nodes must support AH and ESP extension headers. IETFRFC 4294states in section 8 that IPv6 nodes must support AH and ESP. However, this is in fact false, because we know that in the "real world", not all IPv6 devices have the CPU resources required to perform the encryption mathematics. IPv6 networks could have small sensors that have limited CPU and battery resources so they want to minimize the packets they send and they will not use IPsec.


Issues with Weak Encryption and Hashing Algorithms

随着时间的推移和处理器越来越先进这么做攻击者蛮力解密加密数据的能力。一年后的一年,因为在密码分析的能力的进步,我们正在使用的加密算法得到越来越弱。例如,年前电子前沿基金会(EFF)和distributed.netwas able to use theirDES饼干“深裂缝”破解22小时56位的密钥。今天,它甚至可以更快的在现代计算机和分布式系统被破解。

对于这一点,在IETF发布RFC 4722“使用DES的安全隐患”,建议有利于不使用DES高级加密标准(AES)。

Message Digest 5(MD5)和Secure Hash Algorithm 1(SHA-1)是散列消息认证码(HMAC)产生的数据包的内容的校验和,以确保该分组没有被在传输过程中篡改的技术。SHA-1被普遍认为是加密强于MD5但SHA-1需要更多的计算周期来计算,从而SHA-1中,需要较高的整体安全性的环境中被使用。

人们普遍接受的是,40位和56位的对称密钥加密是易与计算能力适量的断裂。即使是128位的MD4(相当于64位)被打破,研究已经发生打破128位MD5的现实。由于这些弱点,在IETF出版RFC 6151“MD5和HMAC-MD5安全注意事项”,这建议并不赞成SHA-1和AES-CMAC的使用MD5(RFC 4493)。为了比较,SHA-1具有的2 ^ 80和RSA-1024还具有2 ^ 80强度的功率。


Suite B加密算法

在IETFpublished anRFC 4308这给出了推荐的“加密套件为IPsec”的行业指导。在IETF还建议在使用“的Suite B加密套件为IPsec”RFC 4869。美国国家安全局(NSA)还建议使用“的Suite B“密码算法作为其密码现代化计划的一部分。几年前,比尔Lattin写了题为一个网络世界的文章”足球竞猜app软件Upgrade to Suite B security algorithms" which reinforces the need to use better cryptographic algorithms. Therefore, you should take the advice of these experts and favor the use of Suite B algorithms in your IPsec configurations.


Government organizations have specific mandates on the types of encryption that can be used. NIST has recommended phasing out these older encryption techniques in favor of new ones with increased key-size. If your organization has the need to transmit Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) data over the Internet and you are using IPsec then you must adhere to the guidance from the NSA and NIST to use stronger cryptographic algorithms. In fact, there is a variety of standards that U.S. federal organizations must follow regarding IPsec algorithms.

联邦信息处理标准(FIPS) standards are published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)和1996年是的信息技术改革法案和2002年联邦信息安全管理法案的一部分。FIPS 197提供information on the use of AES with keys sizes of 128 and 256 bits.FIPS 186-3提供数字签名标准(DSS)信息,并建议使用椭圆曲线数字签名算法与具有256和384位的素模曲线。FIPS 180-4提供information on the Secure Hash Standard (SHS) recommending using SHA-256 and SHA-384.FIPS-140-2提供加密模块和产品提供这些功能的安全性的安全性要求的指导方针。该标准正在修订成FIPS 140-3。NISTSP 800-77是一个很好的“指南的IPSec VPN”。NIST的SP 800-56B(soon to beSP 800-56C)提供了密钥协商和谈判与具有256和384位的素模曲线建议椭圆曲线的Diffie-Hellman(DH)的建议。美国国家安全局(NSA) also publishes information on the use of Suite B algorithms.


The other problem that organizations run into and end up configuring weaker IPsec deployments involves the methods used to perform the exchange of the keys. TheInternet密钥交换(IKE)协议来促进交换他们的密钥以安全方式的系统的过程。Internet密钥交换(IKE)在IETF最初定义RFC 2409


Even though IKE is widely used there were improvements that could be made to the protocol. In December of 2005, the IETF publishedRFC 4306"Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol". Both the ISAKMP RFC and the IKE RFC are now obsoleted by IETF RFC 4306. The IETF also publishedRFC 4718“IKEv2的澄清和实施指南”很多产品现在也开始支持IKEv2协议所以如果你有配置IKEv2协议的能力,那么你应该选择的是更强的选项。

Vendor Updates

虽然IPsec的标准已经稳定了许多年仍然有在他们的IPsec协议的实现供应商正在取得进步。例如,新的微软操作系统Vista一样的Service Pack 1,在Windows Server 2008和Windows 7中现在有对于Suite B的支持algorithms. Cisco released a64位版本去年他们的IPsec客户端软件。因此,如果你正在使用旧版本的思科IPsec客户端,那么你将要升级到最新版本,因此您的企业可以保持最新。

Cisco and other vendors haven't supported IKEv2 for many years but now they are starting to support it. CiscoIOS 15.1(1)Thas support for IKEv2 SHA-2 and Suite B algorithms. The newest ASA firmware释放8.4supports IKEv2现在SHA-2。Be sure to check with your vendor and see what options are available in their latest versions. Upgrade your software and configure the stronger IPsec methods.

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