

对于希望“走出去云”,不亚于微软已经Azure服务,让机构单位重写他们的应用程序和主机它们在云组织,这个新的Azure的虚拟机实际上允许你建立一个完全成熟的Windows 2008或2012在云中的虚拟机(VHD),这样你可以加载你想在server.Azure虚拟机的任何应用程式仍处于测试阶段,相信正式发布时间是春天到夏天2013年,但它是可用于IT专业人员设置an eval account, build whatever you want, and get a chance to fiddle / experience this new VM in the cloud.It’ll take you about 30 minutes max to get a system running in the cloud, and since Microsoft is providing free evaluation of Azure VMs right now, it doesn’t cost anything nor is it difficult to setup at all. To create an Azure Virtual Machine, do the following:1) Create a dummy Live.com account that you can associate your evaluation to (you can use a real email address, but for a throw away test, just create an account so that when you are “done” you are done) –http://www.live.comhttp://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/home/features/preview/


3)“注册”为Azure的虚拟机与您的联系方式,他们可能会问的信用卡号码,您可以使用Visa礼品卡,或者如果你还记得,只是“取消”帐户,当你完成(和within 90-days), they won’t charge anything to your card. Note: And I have confirmed, if you exceed the trial limits as I accidentally did on my first trial account, they will “shutdown” your trial and deactivate the trial as opposed to charge you anything, so I have confirmed that they will not charge the credit card during the trial.






d。大小,选择1-core,双核,基于4或8核嘉宾会话(你得到你想要的但是10-cores使用试验,所以你可以10 1-core客人,或一个8核和双核,但是你想要拼接的核心(稍后您可以改变核心设置只要回到配置页面,石头还是石头设置(然后客人会议重启当你改变核心设置))


6)单击Create Virtual Machine(创建虚拟机需要5-10分钟的时间)。你可以在你的http://manage.windowsazure.com页面上查看你的虚拟机正在“启动”、“运行”或“停止”的状态。即使它说在运行,有时你也需要多花几分钟才能远程进入它



9)一旦IIS安装在服务器上,测试,以确保Web服务器正在工作(打开IE浏览器上的VM guest虚拟机,并输入http://本地主机,你应该得到的Windows IIS页面,显示其工作


11)在终结点页上,单击+添加终端(在页面的底部中心),选择添加端点,指定TCP端口公开80 /私有端口80,让HTTP流量穿过你的客户端虚拟机


13) Then from an external system, type http://{External IP Address of Guest}, in my example it’ll be (the IP address shows on the “manage.windowszure.com” page per the screenshot below.

你可以在来宾会话上安装广告,加载SharePoint,在云中拥有一个完整的SharePoint服务器。您还可以在Azure客户和您的家庭广告之间设置一个站点到站点VPN,这样云中服务器就是您家庭广告的域成员。您可以加载Exchange 2013并在云中测试Exchange。基本上,你可以用虚拟客户会话做的任何事情,你都可以用Azure来做。关键是确保打开的端口,这样客人会话访问外部任何你想要的(即:端口443如果你想交换访问外部,等等…)注:好的,至于免费试用,他们将允许您创建10核心的客人会议和拯救他们,您仍然需要适合Azure的极限试验包括750计算小时35 gb的磁盘空间。一个“计算小时”基本上是一个核心运行1小时。如果你在31天内24小时运行1核心客户会话,你将消耗744个计算小时。如果你运行4个核心客户会话,你将在8天内消耗掉750个免费“计算小时”(24小时/天x 4个核心= 96个计算小时一天,或有效地7.8天,你将消耗掉750个免费计算小时分配。我学到的教训是,我启动了4个客户会议,一些是4核的,一些是2核的,在3天内,微软没有给出任何解释就关闭了我的Azure账户。我打开一个事件在Azure支持下,他们回到我在2个小时内,礼貌地告诉我,他们给了我10核心来摆弄,那一刻我打开我所有的结实的客人会议和运行它们,我烧掉了,每月750小时计算自由限制在2天……,免费试用期间,当我跑出计算时间, they actually deleted my VMs (something they said is standard procedures because a lot of people fire up guest sessions and then forget about them, so rather than having them run or take up space, they delete the eval guest sessions). So, lesson learned, turn on, fiddle, turn off your guest session. If you want to turn on and run continuously, then expect to ONLY run 1 core guest session that’ll burn through 744 of your free 750 compute hours in a month and you'll be able to run that 1 core guest session continously with no interruption during your 90-day free trial period.Note: Same thing with storage, you are only give 35gb of free storage, so if you try to load up a bunch of stuff, remember the total usage of all of your guest sessions needs to be under 35gb, or they will (presumably) disable your account as well for going over usage allotment.Azure VMs are pretty slick though, slick enough that I put my company Website up on Azure (http://www.cco.com)正在运行Azure vm !我只运行了一个客户会议,获得了一些好的指标和管理支持经验,客户运行,我没有花费任何东西,很好的学习工具。当Azure上线时,我必须为我的网站支付Azure VM的费用,费用将达到57.60美元/月,这是他们每月运行1核客户会话的统一费用。还有存储费用,据我计算,每月的费用不到1美元。但是,仍然是便宜的…具体计算你的成本是做以下的:找到你的用法,做以下:https://account.windowsazure.com/

14)IIS /网络将外部访问

1) Setup the Virtual Machine in Azure and run it for a couple weeks (I’m sure there’s a more elegant way of doing the calculation, but nothing like actually setting it up, getting actual data back, and then running that data through a calculator). So what I did was setup my company Website and ran it for weeks)



1)登录您的Windows Azure账户:



http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/pricing/details/which in a nutshell for VMs, it calculates:So for my www Website, we’re looking at about $82.80 + .77 + .03 = $83.60 a month which includes the Microsoft Windows license.Do note, Microsoft is offering a volume discount, 6-month commitment discount, and pre-payment discount, so if you plan to spend as little as $500/month (which is only about 5-6 running VMs), you can get 20% off if you commit that rate for 6 months. You can get an additional 2.5 percent discount if you purchase a 12-month plan and another 2.5 percent if you elect to pay for your entire commitment up-front.Monthly commitment Discount on 6-month planOf course the pricing and details "may" change before this all goes general availability later this year, BUT again, if you want to fiddle with Virtual Machines in the cloud, this is a GREAT way to experience hosted Hyper-V without paying a penny for it!






In my case, I was running a “small” VM instance, so in the beta/preview, they’d charge me (if they charged me) .08/compute hour (which 720 hours in a month), that comes to $57.60 a month. When this goes General Availability, they’ll charge me .115 per compute hour, or $82.80 a month. If I setup a 4 core “large” VM configuration with 7gb of RAM, then they’d charge me .46 per compute hour, or $331/month to run the VM. The Windows price per hour INCLUDES the cost of Windows licensing, so you don't even have to buy a $500 copy of Windows, that's included in the cost!


So in my case, I’m using 6.17gb of storage, with Geographically redundant rate of .125 per GB per month, so if/when I have to pay for this, my storage cost is 77-cents a month on top of the $82.80/month VM cost, cheap!

C。“Storage Transactions”: There’s also a cost for “storage transactions” at 1-cent per 100,000 transactions, which in the 2 week period that I was tracking I had 134,000 storage transactions, so figure in a month that’ll be about 300,000 storage transactions, or 3-cents a month for that component.

$ 500至$ 14999 20%

$15,000至$39,999 23%

$ 40,000 27%以上


