Metasploit 3.5释放带来62更多的利用


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最着名的和最简单的使用安全渗透测试工具包,Metasploit,刚发布了一个新版本3.5。此版本包括白色和黑色帽子所使用的框架的大量预期更新。这是看看工具的亮点。如果您之前没有使用METASPLOIT,则虽然已经有一段时间了,但我强烈建议您立即下载并使用它来测试网络系统。它也是测试IPS传感器的功效的重要工具。所以3.5版中有什么新的?首先,Metasploit现在有613个漏洞模块和306个辅助模块可供选择。从551的漏洞利用和261个Aux Mod中提供3.4。新的漏洞包括最新的Adobe,Windows操作系统,Java和无线漏洞。Metasploit的GUI也是全新的。 The old web GUI has been deprecated and replaced with a slick new one. The new GUI is Java based and performs much faster than the previous one. Behind the new GUI lie improvements in the database backend, PostgreSQL. These make the database faster and better able to handle imports/exports. Tons of new bug fixes are in the 3.5 release. A definite focus of creating cleaner, more stable code is paying off dividends and this release proves that. Over 130 bugs have been fixed since release 3.4. The Nessus plug-in is now included in the standard build. This allows you to run full Nessus scans within Metasploit. Windows users also now get a tabbed native console as well. All in all the new Metasploit version feels faster and more stable. The addition of the new exploits proves that Metasploit isn't going anywhere. And true to their word, Metasploit is still FREE! What are your experiences with Metasploit? Any good tips to share with others? For more info on Metasploit go to: Read on Metasploit Pro (for fee) addition here: //


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