

一年一度的、也是20周年纪念的RSA安全会议即将在旧金山召开。它将于2月14日至18日在莫斯康中心举行。今年将是一个精彩的展会,各种安全厂商,尤其是思科,肯定会发布许多令人兴奋的公告。-超过200个行业会议,但他们今年的重点是云安全,这是我想听到的。-克林顿总统的主题演讲应该很有趣-基础设施安全的新轨道,这是我的心和根。-很多很棒的PCI和其他合规研讨会,研讨会等。我将在思科的PCI展台工作,所以一定要停下来接受PCI挑战。-超过350家参展商参展。我喜欢看看有什么新鲜事,拿点东西。-创新沙盒很有趣。 You can whiteboard with security experts on different topics. It is the most fun to try and stump them. ☺ -Peer2Peer sessions have been around for a while and can be informative, but I'm looking forward to the new create your own Peer2Peer session this year. I was thinking of doing a compliance one or maybe a Cisco security one. -Security bloggers meet up. This will be my first one and I'm looking forward to it. -And last but not least, RSA gives you a chance to network with your security peers. Probably the best part of any security conference. Also, don't forget to stop over at the BSides security conference Monday or tuesday. They also put on a great free show. Check it out here I'll be giving a PCI 2.0 update presentation at 11:30 Tuesday at the Cisco booth. Come on by. I hope to see you in San Fran!


Jamey Heary报道: 信用卡欺诈:小偷如何在你不知情的情况下窃取你的信用卡信息 谷歌Nexus One vs.十大手机安全要求 为什么你总是撕碎你的登机牌 视频租赁记录提供了比你的在线数据更多的隐私保护 关于新的SSL攻击的真相 2009年度IT安全最佳城市传奇 杰米的博客 参阅更多有关安全的文章。


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