Windows 2008 R2中的ServerCore


Microsoft以Windows Server 2008的形式发布了ServerCore,作为Windows Server操作系统的无关版本,尽管我们许多人都摆弄了ServerCore,但确实没有在企业中安装它。管理员面临的最大挑战是使用ServerCore执行基本的管理任务。Since there was no GUI, doing basic mundane tasks like changing the IP address of the server, joining a domain, loading on a feature or server role, even doing something that we’ve always just gone to the Control Panel to do was a challenge because there is no Control Panel on the GUI-less ServerCore version. After doing “net user administrator…”, “netdom rename computer…”, “netdom join..” commands to even get a ServerCore system assigned an IP address and joined to a domain before you could even do anything, most of us gave up on ServerCore in Windows 2008.

随着Windows 2008 R2的发布,Microsoft添加了单个实用程序,该实用程序极大地提高了我们使用ServerCore的能力。实用程序Microsoft添加的是呼叫sconfig.exe。现在,您只需在屏幕上键入sconfig即可键入“菜单”(基于文本)的内容。您将菜单命名为服务器,给它一个IP地址,加入域,最重要的是设置它,以便您可以运行远程服务器管理器以远程管理服务器系统。因此,您现在可以使用一个简单的菜单来使基础知识运行,然后远程远程进入系统,并使用Server Manager GUI完成其余的工作!

Where I can count the number of original Windows 2008 ServerCore systems we put into production on a single hand, now with Windows 2008 R2 ServerCore, we’re implementing ServerCore on at least half if not more of the common “utility servers” for enterprise environments. A “utility server” as I describe it is what you used to put on a thin (1U) “pizza box” type server that acted as an Active Director Global Catalog server, or a DNS server, or a DHCP server. We’re now even setting up Hyper-V R2 hosts and IIS Web Servers as ServerCore systems for security purposes so that applications are better protected on a system with a limited attack surface operating system.


When installing Windows Server 2008 R2 Server Core, the actual installation process is very similar to a regular server install. As in a normal Windows Server installation, an administrator agrees to the licensing terms, supplies configuration responses, and the Windows Server 2008 R2 Install Windows Wizard copies the files and configures the server. However, unlike a traditional installation of Windows, when the installation is complete and you log on, there isn't a GUI to configure the server. The server can only be configured and managed via the command prompt.

The Server Core installation will reboot your machine or virtual server a couple of times when device detection and the installation takes place. Eventually, you'll be presented with the logon screen.

Follow these steps to conduct a Windows Server 2008 R2 Server Core installation:

1.插入Windows Server 2008 R2媒体。安装Windows页面将自动启动;否则,单击setup.exe。



4. On the Select the Operating System You Want to Install page, select the Windows Server 2008 R2 Server Core. Click Next to continue.

5. Review the license terms and select the I Accept the License Terms option, and then click Next.


7.在哪里安装Windows页面上,选择计划安装Windows系统文件的磁盘。另外,您可以单击驱动器(选项)以创建,删除,扩展或格式分区。此外,单击“加载驱动程序”以安装媒体上无法使用的Windows Server 2008 R2安装驱动程序。


如果可用的唯一驱动器是未分配的空间,则Windows Server 2008 R2将根据最大尺寸创建分区,并使用NTFS格式化分区。


Managing and Configuring a Server Core Installation

以下各节涵盖了通过命令提示符完成安装后与管理和配置服务器核心系统关联的一般任务。作为替代方案,管理员可以使用Sconfig实用程序来配置常规设置。从Sconfig,您可以介绍更改服务器的IP地址,重命名服务器,将服务器加入到Active Directory的过程中,以及最重要的启用ServerCore系统的远程管理。

In the SConfig menu, the options that need to be configure (in order):



After the system has rebooted:


After the system has rebooted:

#5 Change the Windows Update settings so the ServerCore system gets updates regularly (unless you plan to install something like a System Center Configuration Manager or configure Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) policies to automatically update the system


Then, #7 to enable Remote Administration and Remote Desktop.


服务器管理器遥控管理is disabled by default. This is a security feature, much like Remote Desktop, and so Windows Server 2008 R2 defaults to a more secure state out of the box. To enable the Server Manager Remote Management, execute the following steps:


2. Choose #7 “Remote Desktop”

3. Choose to Enable remote server administration through Server Manager

现在,该系统已准备好接受远程服务器管理器控制台的连接。要从另一个(启用GUI)Windows 2008 R2服务器的服务器管理器控制台连接到远程计算机,请右键单击Server Manager root,然后选择“连接到另一台计算机”。输入ServerCore系统的计算机名称,然后单击“确定”。


With the basic server operating, you can now install server roles (DNS, DHCP, GC, IIS/Web, HyperV, etc) onto the ServerCore system. Couple ways you can do this. You can run the OCSetup command that is provided with ServerCore to setup the server system with server roles, or there’s a 3rd派对产品称为“核心配置器”,您可以在ServerCore系统上下载并安装。Core Configurator是一个很好的实用程序,它为您提供了GUI,能够执行其他服务器任务,例如添加服务器角色并使用Microsoft激活服务器。

If you want to use the OCSetup from the command line, the command-line options use the following syntax:

ocsetup.exe [/?] [/h] [/help] component [/log:file] [/norestart] [/vassive] [/passive] [/letim] [/quiet] [/unattendfile:file] [/uninstall] [/x:parameter] [/x:parameter]

/?, /h, /help解释所有可用于OCSETUP的选项




/passive Suppresses unnecessary noise and only includes progress status

/quiet Does not require user interaction



/x: parameter Supplies additional configuration parameters


DNS服务器角色OCSETUP DNS-Server-core-Role


File Server role ocsetup FRS-Infrastructure

Print Server role ocsetup Printing-ServerCore-Role

Active Directory Lightweight Directory Server role ocsetup DirectoryServices-ADAM-ServerCore

Windows Deployment Server (Windows DS) role ocsetup Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services

Web Server (IIS) role ocsetup IIS-WebServerRole

Streaming Media Services role ocsetup MediaServer

Hyper-V角色OCSETUP Microsoft-Hyper-V

Fiddle with ServerCore, we’ve found that we’ve been implementing more and more ServerCore in environments because of the SConfig, the remote Server Manager, and 3rdparty utilities like Core Configurator make setting up ServerCore “easy”, and once you setup a DNS Server, DHCP Server, IIS Web Server and can remotely administrator, configure, or manage the system, it doesn’t really matter that the core operating system ON the server itself is GUI-less.

A portion of the above excerpt came from my book “Windows Server 2008 R2 Unleashed”, a 1550-page hardcover book covering everything from Active Driectory Design and migration, to Remote Desktop Services (“terminal services”), to Windows administration, to configuring DHCP/DNS, to Hyper-V R2, and more.


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