上周,我在本地的PASS分会会议(SQL Server专业协会)上做了演讲。很高兴能参加这次会议,并与我所在地区的其他SQL专业人员进行交流。我的演讲题目是“R2有什么新特性?”并介绍了SQL Server 2008 R2 CTP的最新特性。我的演讲涵盖了将于明年上半年发布的3个主要项目:project Gemini, Madison和Kilimanjaro。Gemini项目是为“自助商业智能”而设计的,它集成了SSAS 2008 R2和Office 2010。Project Madison集成了收购的DATAllegro技术,以支持超过100tb的大型数据库。8月份的CTP包含了乞力马扎罗项目的第一个功能,该项目提供了多服务器管理功能。我演示了如何创建一个UCP(效用控制点),该控制点托管名为效用管理数据仓库(UMDW)的中央存储库,并注册托管实例,这些实例是您想要管理/监控的SQL server。我还展示了如何创建数据层应用程序组件(DAC),以便您也可以监视各个应用程序数据库。我用的是“Julia Child”的方法。 After showing how to get started, I took a "fully baked" UMDW out of the oven to show some actual results after 24 hours of data collection. Then they could see the UCP Dashboard to quickly assess the health of the SQL Servers. There were some great questions and comments. For instance, if the managed instances all have to be SQL 2008 R2 Enterprise (as it is in the CTP) it will be a very long time before this feature is used. I think the phrase "non-starter" was used. Hopefully that will change in future CTPs. Another question revolved around the polices that define "over-utilization" and "under-utilization". I was able to answer the technical questions but I think we all agreed that we had no concept of what an under-utilized server looks like, never having seen one before. Have you? In your dreams maybe... cheers Brian
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