

正如我在上一篇文章中提到的,“绿色数据中心”这个词对不同的人有不同的含义。2020欧洲杯预赛对一些人来说,一切都是关于能源消耗和效率。对其他人来说,该设施的碳足迹是一个关键因素。还有一些人认为,需要考虑数据中心的所有方面,从它所使用的硬件到建筑中使用的材料,再到数据中心有多少电力来自可再生能源等等。2020欧洲杯预赛我自己对绿色数据中心的定义与更广泛的建筑行业描述绿色建筑的定2020欧洲杯预赛义相呼应:以更有效的方式使用资源、对人和环境影响更小的设施——在这里是数据中心。这个定义对你有用吗?你有更喜欢的吗?或者你见过你不太喜欢的人吗?说到绿色的定义,我很感兴趣的是,数据中心特有的标准正在被纳入两个最具影响力的环境建筑评估体系——BREEAM和LEED。2020欧洲杯预赛如果你不熟悉的话,BREEAM代表建筑研究机构环境评估方法LEED代表能源和环境设计的领导能力。 They are arguably the most prominent of about a dozen such assessment systems used in various counties to rate how energy efficient and eco-friendly buildings are. Under the assessment systems, building projects are awarded points for using design elements to accomplish green goals such as energy efficiency, water efficiency or good indoor air quality. The more points a project accumulates, the higher level of certification it earns. The U.S.-based LEED has certified, silver, gold and platinum tiers, for instance, while the U.K.’s BREEAM has pass, good, very good, excellent and outstanding. Although most assessment systems have versions available for a range of building types, from office buildings to schools to health care facilities, they have historically not had Data Center-specific criteria. This made it difficult for a Data Center project to achieve certification, because certain design strategies that earn points under assessment systems don’t make good sense for a hosting environment. The classic example of this is the practice of daylighting – using natural light to supplement a building’s lighting system. It’s a great approach for most buildings, lowering energy consumption and even improving employee productivity, but not for high-security Data Centers. Green considerations that are more relevant to a Data Center, such as how highly utilized its servers are, haven’t traditionally been included in such assessment systems. Fortunately, things are changing. the Building Research Establishment that governs BREEAM has established Data Center-specific criteria and certified its first Data Center project last year and the U.S. Green Building Council that oversees LEED has created a working group to develop Data Center credits. No word on how long before that Data Centers will be introduced into LEED ratings, but it’s a definite step in the right direction. On that note, let me close with a trivia question: Although LEED does not have Data Center-specific criteria today, a number of Data Center projects have obtained certification, typically as part of larger mixed-used facilities. How many Data Center projects are known to be LEED certified to date? (Hint: The U.S. Green Building Council says more than 32 Data Centers have been registered for future LEED rating, but they are not among those certified today.)


