That's a good problem to have. Many fear that the popularity of social networking -- among individuals as well as organizations -- will precipitate an increase in social engineering attacks that could result in security breaches that expose corporate data or damage a company's reputation.
考虑到在社交网络存在之前,Netragard LLC的首席技术官Adriel Desautels表示,犯罪分子必须做出抵御受害者,这是一家安全服务提供商,为客户执行漏洞评估和渗透测试。通常,收益不值得。但是,通过社交媒体,他说,很容易击中大量目标,并迅速地击中了大量目标。
deloitte llp.调查echoes those results. Only 15% of 500 executives polled said that the risks of social media are being addressed in the boardroom, although 58% said they agree that it's important to do so. But even those that do have policies may not effectively communicate them. Of 2,008 employees that Deloitte surveyed, 26% said their employers had guidelines regarding what they could say online, 24% said they didn't know if their employers had such a policy, and 11% said that there was a policy but they didn't know what it was.
不是一个政策涵盖了每个基础,Ira Winkler是一个Computerworld.com专栏作家以及我们(Wiley,2005)和互联网安全顾问小组总裁的主席,该公司的服务包括间谍模拟的IT安全公司。但肯定不再是一个选择的方法,也没有阻止社交场所的使用工作中。
关注不仅仅是员工将彻底泄露敏感数据。这将是他们将透露有关自己或工作场所的足够信息 - 无论是在一个配置文件中还是分布在几个配置文件中 - 使一个冒名者能够评估他们的个性并获得他们的信任,并弄清楚他们的密码重置问题或令人信服的假装。成为一名同事,商业伙伴或客户(见“黑客如何找到你的弱点“)。
当NetRagard进行渗透测试时,它会发现在特定公司工作的Facebook上的所有人员,并从他们的墙壁,帖子和简档中提取数据。它将这些信息拉到数据库中,并分析结果,以评估公司文化等事物,无论有人会迅速回应请求或如何严重保安人员采取工作。从一个关于Java Register再次行为不良的简单评论,Desautels说,NetRagard可以创造一个看起来像公司不会注意到或关心的东西的攻击。
这些政策从严格到非常自由。For instance, sports broadcaster ESPN Inc.'s guidelines ban employees from setting up personal Web sites and blogs that contain sports content and requires workers to receive permission before engaging in any form of social networking dealing with sports.
如果您真的担心,您可以考虑限制员工提供办公室电子邮件地址,并识别他们的办公室电子邮件地址,并识别他们在IT安全公司Cyveillance的Cyber Intelligence Director表示,识别他们工作的地理区域。即便如此,可以在员工的个人资料上可见的朋友的评论或其他对话可以揭示雇主信息。在这样的情况下,她说,它取决于个人资料所有者监控和删除这些引用。
Similarly, Winkler suggests restricting employees from mentioning business developments on their profiles. What if, for example, a researcher discusses his lack of progress on a project or, perhaps even more revealing, a major breakthrough? Or if a salesperson tweets that she's meeting friends because she just won a big account? Combined with other information, such as names recently added to a salesperson's friend list, such tidbits can reveal quite a bit, Winkler says.
"This stuff used to be under lock and key in a private diary," Gudaitis agrees. "The amount of disclosure on every level -- business dealings, trade secrets, classified information and personal information -- is enormously high." Also alarming, she says, are employees who tweet during meetings about what's happening and even who's in attendance.
当然,禁止提及雇主的政策会将公司带出来营销社交媒体游戏。But Desautels cautions against that type of marketing anyway. "You'd be opening your customers to an entire world of potential hurt via phishing and other types of attacks," he says in his blog.
Weider, on the other hand, says not using social media for marketing is unthinkable. "Why don't we just stop publishing our phone numbers so people can't get into our voice-mail system, or lock our doors so the patients can't get in?" he says.
To be even more cautious, NextAdvisor says, you should even verify whether a friend request is from the person it appears to be from, by sending him an e-mail or calling him. "It is easy for someone to set up a phony profile under the name of someone you know and trust in order to extract additional information from you," the site says.
Of course, hackers can collect that information even if you don't provide it all in one place. To guard against that, Gudaitis suggests varying your screen name.
Imagine, she says, if a hacker were able to track a specific systems administrator's or help desk technician's every move online, gathering information from message boards and forums, because the victim used the same screen name everywhere. "If I were an adversary, I could start to link all that information and even chat them up to better understand their network and system architecture," she says. "If we looked up every post someone had . . . we could put the puzzle pieces together."
Perhaps most key, says Desautels, is designing your infrastructure and managing your sensitive data with an eye toward minimizing damage in the event of an intrusion. He stresses the importance of using encryption, recording and logging network activity, classifying data and putting your most sensitive data in a zone that can't be reached through the network. With a properly designed infrastructure, "you can keep a successful penetration from being successful in stealing your data," he says. "Just because they break in, they don't have to put you out of business."
In the end, it's really about finding a balanced way to leverage social media while minimizing risk, Weider says. For him, social engineering threats are certainly among his top 10 concerns, but they're nowhere near No. 1. "It's something I take seriously," he says, "but I do think there's a balance between reasonable risk and the likelihood of these various things taking place."
这个故事,“在Facebook上待欺骗”最初是出版的Computerworld 。