Database Crime Scene Prevention





Given the wealth of information stored in databases and its value on the open market, it is no surprise that databases are a primary target of criminals. The personal, identity, trade, and military data contained in many repositories can fetch top dollar. Meanwhile, employment instability, mergers, acquisitions, etc., can also contribute to insider data theft. In addition, data can leak out accidentally and though these acts are not criminal, they can result in severe data breaches.

It can be said that the database server provides an attacker with the perfect criminal opportunity, combining motive (the resale value of the information), means (easily available tools), and opportunity (direct access to the server through thick client-applications, lax internal network controls and ill written applications).

The Five-Step Program






5. Covering the Tracks



* Internal users are not "hackers" with hacking tools and they are not equipped to produce "hacking tools" themselves.



此外,几乎所有的数据库攻击所需的能力可以在典型的办公软件工具,如发现Microsoft Excel中。可以使用简单的文本编辑器如记事本,写字板或Telnet客户机可以用其它类型的攻击(如网络协议相关的攻击)。最后,在许多组织中的用户通过他们的家用电脑在没有安装软件的限制存在于内部网络的远程访问。



年代ome types of infrastructure attacks prey on database vendor-specific vulnerabilities that require no more than this initial access in order to take down a server or execute arbitrary code. However, for most attacks an attacker must provide a valid set of access credentials. These credentials can be obtained through various methods, assuming that the perpetrator was not given them rightfully. The following are some of the methods perpetrator's use to obtain access credentials.






Many database servers and applications deployed over them come bundled with default accounts configured with default passwords. Unless all of the defaults are changed by the administrator upon installation, these accounts provide an easy access point for uninvited guests. Also, poor installation and configuration may allow anonymous database access to users. Even if access privileges granted to anonymous users are minimal, this is a crack an attacker may use to gain access.

Thick-Client Applications



这个术语用来描述一组技术,包括电子邮件和电话,其中一个想成为攻击者诱骗个人泄露个人组凭据。采用社会工程技术肇事者已经知道,招管理员为他们提供新鲜分配的凭据。(编者注 - 见社会工程学: Eight Common Tactics。)




Typical attack scenarios involve the use of the tools within common Office software, e.g. Microsoft Excel. These tools can be used to retrieve large amounts of information from the database which can be stored locally on the workstation and then exported to a detachable medium.


Privilege abuse is hard to detect using traditional access control mechanisms because in these cases, perpetrators employ legitimate commands under illegitimate circumstances. For instance, perpetrators with legitimate privileges avoid detection by committing the crimes outside of normal working hours, by using a different client machine, or by using illegitimate channels, i.e., client applications.



There are a number of techniques that result in administrative privileges being granted to a non-privileged user. The most notorious (yet the toughest to exploit) is the use of the buffer overflow attack. Server software is not designed to handle long user input. When used naively, the buffer overflow vulnerability can be exploited to quickly bring down a server. However, if the attacker carefully plans this exploit, he/she will be allowed to execute arbitrary code with administrative privileges. Buffer overflow vulnerabilities are found in built-in stored procedures, SQL statements, and even built-in functions. While the first two can be mitigated using internal access control mechanisms, the third type requires access control semantics that do not exist in the database server.

The second type of privilege elevation technique perpetrators employ is the SQL injection through stored procedures attack. Stored procedures are written in a manner that uses their parameters to construct SQL statements which are then executed with the privilege of the procedure owner. As a consequence, a perpetrator that is only allowed to execute a stored procedure can actually execute any SQL statement with administrative privileges (assuming that in most scenarios, the owner of the stored procedure is an administrative user, exposing some reduced functionality to less privileged users).

A third type of privilege elevation attacks take advantage of SQL parsing vulnerabilities such as the one reported by神谕在2007年(见。此漏洞允许攻击者创建一个特殊的数据库视图提供未经授权的INSERT,UPDATE或数据库表的DELETE能力。所有这些特权提升技术能够使用基本的数据库客户端工具来使用,例如提供与工具Microsoft Office浴室或使用默认的数据库客户端安装。

一个较新的和不太知名的,但令人难以置信的聪明的攻击技术利用了数据库的网络通信协议的实施中固有的弱点。这些专有协议用于客户机 - 服务器通信,包括安全漏洞的攻击者可以对服务器进行控制的主机。要做到这一点,一个罪犯可以使用一个简单的文本编辑器,虽然有些需要一个标准的Telnet客户端,还有一些则需要更复杂的网络控制工具。有一个数据库服务器内没有内部机制,积极防范此类攻击。

5. Covering the Tracks



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