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AMD's Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor for Notebook PCs is a very good value. Although it has a smallish L2 cache of 512KB, it's a true dual-core processor with a 64-bit architecture that runs at a respectable 1.9 GHz. It also has AMD's PowerNow power-management technology, which can tailor power consumption according to CPU workload in order to extend battery life. We were able to find notebooks based on this processor with 2GB of memory and 15.4-in. displays selling for less than $400.

The Athlon X2 Dual-Core Processor for Notebook PCs has twice as much cache and slightly faster cores, but the systems we found using this processor were priced $200 higher than those using the lesser chip. Since we were able to find notebooks using AMD's newer Turion X2 Dual-Core Mobile Processors in this same price range, we're not convinced that premium is warranted.


Celeron 450, 550, 560, 575, 585 Pentium Dual Core Mobile T2310, T2330, T2370, T2390 Core Solo T1300, T1400 Core Duo T2300, T2400, T2500, T2600, T2700


奔腾双核手机是一种非常廉价的处理器,英特尔推出了大约一年前。它有一个缓慢的前端总线速度(仅仅为533 MHz)和二级缓存只有1MB,但由于它支持Intel的SpeedStep技术,它比新的英特尔赛扬处理器是更好的选择。SpeedStep技术证书自动根据处理器的负载电压上下非常小的增量。这些几乎是瞬时波动可以做很多事情,以延长电池寿命。



See specs and pricing for all budget mobile CPUs.


Low-power processors are just what they sound like -- CPUs that are specially designed to sip as little power as possible. They are typically less powerful than standard CPUs, with slower clock speeds and front-side buses.

This means that they draw considerably less power than regular mobile processors, and since they boast much lower thermal design power specs, they don't require as much active cooling. These factors contribute to longer battery life for the machines running the chips.

低功耗的CPU是超轻明显有用的“上网本”,比如华硕电脑公司的Eee PC,但一些制造商也部署在廉价的台式电脑这些微小的处理器。美国的TriGem,例如,最近宣布了一项新的Averatec all-in-one PC基于英特尔Atom N270处理器。



原子230,330,N270,Z500,Z510,Z520,Z530单核U1300,U1400睿2单U2100,U2200,SU3300酷睿L2300,L2400,L2500,U2400,U2500酷睿2 L7200,L7300,L7400,L7500,U7500,U7600,U7700,SL9300,SL9400,SU9300,SU9400

英特尔's Atom series are single-core processors manufactured using a 45nm fabrication process. They have relatively staid front-side bus speeds of either 400 MHz or 533 MHz, depending on the processor, and their core clock speeds range from 800 MHz to 1.6 GHz. Their biggest attraction is their thermal power design specs, which are as low as 0.65 watts for the Atom Z500 and top out at just 8 watts for the Atom 330.

一些英特尔酷睿单核,酷睿双核,酷睿2 Solo和Core Duo处理器的产品也融入了低功率范围。大多数这些CPU的比原子更强大,但他们也更昂贵;你可以期望支付使用这些计算机的溢价。

苹果公司选择了新的Core 2 Duo SL9300和SL9400,例如,以增强其newest MacBook Air models。这些CPU使用的是45nm工艺制造,并且特征的时钟速度分别为1.6 GHz和1.86千兆赫,的。他们每个人都有缓存为6MB(3MB每个核心)和前端总线是在运行1,066MHz的。然而这两种芯片都只有17瓦TDP一个规范。苹果指控1799 $为基于SL9300-MacBook Air和基于该SL9400型号2499 $。

酷睿2 SU9400,联想集团有限公司选择了其使用X301具有较低的时钟速度(1.4千兆赫),较慢的前端总线(800兆赫)和一半的缓存(3MB)。但它只有10瓦TDP一个规范。对于ThinkPad的X301的价格范围$ 2600 $ 2,900个之间。

再有就是在睿2单核U2100,其仅为5.5瓦TDP一个规范。戴尔挖这个1.06 GHz的处理器的Latitude XT平板电脑($ 1,800至$ 2,000)的几种模式,以及索尼公司选择的CPU其手持的Vaio UX490N / C微型PC(2499 $)。



Via's single-core Nano processor is based on the company's earlier C7 processor and is pin-compatible with that part, which means the chip can be dropped into any existing C7 motherboard. All Nano processors are manufactured using a 65nm fabrication process.

以外的所有的U2300有一个800兆赫的前端总线(533兆赫的U2300的前端总线运行时,相同英特尔的Atom)。纳米内核时钟速度范围从1 GHz至1.8 GHz的。对于Nano的更强大的功能权衡来自于它的散热要求,其范围从5瓦特一路至25瓦的面向桌面的L2100形式。

见规格和价格的所有低功耗移动处理器, or see all of our快速参考图表。



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