All Things Gibbs

* Gearhead: Serving up files and text * Backspin: The trouble with vendor support * Gibbsblog: The past 7 days

Gearhead: Serving up files and text

Reader Stuart Douglas dropped us a note as a follow-up to ourrecent Gearhead articleon FileZilla, a free, open source FTP client.

To read this week's Gearhead in its entirety,click here.

Backspin: The trouble with vendor support

Reader Louis Smith dropped me a note the other day to tell me a story: "I am a support engineer for a large technology company, and I recently purchased a Maxtor external Shared Storage Drive. However, there was one feature that was not working - the sync feature that keeps the external drive in sync with the source drive."

To read this week's Backspin in its entirety,click here.

Gibbsblog: The past 7 days

IE7 on the Way

In the Washington Post Brian Krebs notes that "Microsoft this month will be pushing out Internet Explorer 7" through their security update service.

A post on Microsoft's IE blog broke the news last Friday that the update which starts on Tuesday will consist of 11 patches including a "high-priority update" ... could that be IE7?

IE7 has been a long time coming. It is billed as providing an improved user interface, RSS feed reading, and tabbed browsing (better late than never I suppose) along with better security than IE6.

Yet More $#&* newsletters!!

In the blog entry before last I took a company named Touchpoint Communications to task for subscribing me without my permission to their mailing list and sending me their lame advertisements. I let them know that I had blogged about them but no response at all ... until just now when they sent another advertising message to another of my e-mail accounts that I had previously gone through their unsubscribe process to have removed and that their Marketing Director, Karl Harris, had assured me had been removed.

These people can't be too bright and they certainly aren't organized ...

Wibree, Nokia's Replacement for Bluetooth

"Nokia has released a short-range wireless connection specification [called Wibree] that is smaller and more energy-efficient than Bluetooth ... Broadcom, CSR, Epson and Nordic Semiconductor have [licensed the technology]." -- Inquirer article and also see Shashdot.

More $#&* newsletters!

I suppose by now I should be used to it but the endless stream of newsletters that I haven't asked for just keeps on coming.

I just got one from Touchpoint Communications addressed to an old account that was used for a column I used to write for a realty association.

What amazed me is that Touchpoint's business is "personalized" newsletters for email and print for the mortgage and real estate industries yet their message to me wasn't personalized and wasn't CAN SPAM complaint as it lacked a valid physical postal address (a violation that is subject to fines of up to $11,000)!

From these factors I conclude that Touchpoint can't actually supply the service they claim to offer (they didn't personalize the message) and are either ignorant of the law or willfully ignoring it. Whatever the problems are you have to wonder who would want to do business with this company?

I wonder whether Touchpoint's management will respond to this?

I must now go an unsubscribe from the list they so kindly added me to ...

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