With the New Year upon us, we have two podcasts that look at the year ahead:
Major Looming Threats for 2007
YouTube将成为2007年计算机病毒的主要来源吗?会有重要的ATM(自动柜员机)攻击跛行银行机构吗?主要操作系统将如何“及时退回”才能向前迈进吗?诚信保护首席执行官Ken Steinberg(图)与高级编辑Keith Shaw关于这些预测以及2007年地平线上的其他与其他安全相关的威胁聊天。(15:47)
是过去几年的主要安全威胁要继续,或者是网络经理需要了解的地平线的新安全威胁吗?Keith Shaw与顶层网络中的首席战略官员谈论迈克Paquett(图为首席战略官员,关于2007年的迫在眉睫的威胁,以及网络管理人员需要准备好。(11:14)
Multiple flaws in Cisco Clean Access
Cisco is warning of a flaw in its Clean Access product, which is used to detect, isolate and clean infected systems on a corporate network. One flaw could allow snapshot files to be read. Another results in an unchangeable shared secret, according to a Cisco advisory. Updates are available.
安全研究人员对一个供应商称为“令人叹为观止”的Web浏览器插件在Adobe Systems Inc.的Acrobat Reader程序中的弱点进行了困扰,用于打开流行的“.pdf”文件格式。IDG新闻服务,01/03/07。
安全厂商Imperva已经确定了地下水脆弱性lity in AJAX, which it says an attacker could use to compromise an application based on the Web scripting components known collectively as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript + XML). The vulnerability in the Direct Web Reporting component of the AJAX development framework is probably the first server-side-based vulnerability to be identified, according to Imperva, which has issued guidance on a workaround that would let application programmers close the hole. Network World, 01/03/07.
Google closes Gmail cross-site scripting vulnerability
Google has fixed a flaw that would have allowed Web sites to harvest information from Gmail contact lists, a problem that could have let spammers collect reams of new e-mail addresses. IDG News Service, 01/02/07.
迄今为止“Apple Bug的月份”(1/1至1/3):
1。Apple QuickTime RTSP URL处理程序堆栈的缓冲区溢出
2。VLC Media Player UDP://格式化字符串漏洞
3。Apple Quicktime HREFTrack Cross-Zone Scripting vulnerability
Trustix releases "multi" update
Two updates from rPath:
Mozilla Thunderbird (multiple flaws)
w3m (format string, code execution)
squirrelmail (cross-scripting attack)
OpenSER (buffer overflow, code execution)
links (insufficient input sanitization, shell command execution)
w3m (format string, code execution)
If there's one thing that Aaron Kornblum would like to quash, it's the botnet armies. These are the remote-controlled PCs that have been taken over without their user's knowledge. Symantec Corp. counted more than 4.5 million of them during the first six months of the year, and according to Kornblum, they are the backbone of today's cybercrime. IDG News Service, 12/27/06.
Antispam Blacklist Service,开放式继电器数据库(ORDB),由于垃圾邮件发送了复杂的垃圾邮件,已经在五年半后拉了插头。TechWorld,12/21/06。