
7年前,我开始在Global Knowledge教授课程。阅读这篇博客的许多人都希望拥有自己的测试环境,这样就不会破坏生产网络。我投资了一个家庭IP电话实验室设置,这样我就可以跟上变化,并测试我的任何客户都没有使用的选项。我将在这个博客中介绍创建您自己的思科IP电话环境的大部分方面。考虑您是否希望Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM)和/或Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (CUCME)成为基于家庭的统一通信部署中的中央呼叫处理设备。这个装置将起到手术大脑的作用。如果你打算最终参加思科语音CCIE,你可能会想要合并这两个组件。我将在这篇文章中讨论这两个问题,并在博客上跟进。我决定为我的网络购买以下硬件:(2)Cisco 7960 IP phone (1) Linksys Switch (1) Compaq DL320 (1) Gateway router(1)我购买了E-Bay上使用的Cisco 7960 IP phone。虽然它们当时每个要300美元,但它们带有交流电源线,所以我不需要3550-24T-PWR开关,这超出了我的预算。 The 3550-24T-PWR is a very affordable switch now that it is approaching end of life (EoL) status. The end of sale (EoS) announcement was made on the 3550 inline power switch a long time ago. If you decide to buy this switch, you should be aware that it only supports Cisco inline power (PoE) with a maximum of 10 watts per port. Many of the newer Cisco IP Phones require more than 10 watts of power. The 3560 and 3750 switch lines have some inline power options that include IEEE 802.3af inline power at up to 15.4 watts per port, but these switches are going to cost thousands of dollars. If your budget is tight, buy a cheap Linksys switch and buy power cables for your Cisco IP Phones. The 7960 is a very old phone at this point in time. I recommend buying a 7941 or 7961 phone because there are some new CUCM 6.x and 7.x features that will not work on the older 7940, 7960, 7912, 7910, and 7905 IP Phones. The 79x1, 79x2, 79x5, 7970, and 7911 phones have more resources to support more features. The older phones are referred to in the CUCM SRND as Type A phones, while the newer phones are Type B phones. The flash and DRAM on the Type B phones allow them to support the full feature set, while Type A phones have been out of DRAM since Call Manager 4.1. A used 7960 phone should cost less than $100- per phone, while the 7961 will be less than $150- per phone. The 7961 is a better investment if you can spare the extra money. I recommend buying 3 Cisco IP Phones so you can emulate a real world dial plan on one of the phones. The real world dial plan will require two call processing agents in addition to three Cisco IP Phones. Here are some examples of having two call processing agents: 1) Two CUCM clusters 2) One CUCM cluster and one CUCME platform 3) Two CUCME platforms The next blog will focus on some details of running CUCM and/or CUCME. Feel free to discuss different lab options.


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