First look: Project Spartan, Microsoft's next-generation Web browser


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借助新的浏览器(Code-Name Project Spartan),Microsoft终于摆脱了支持最古老的网页和Web技术的需求。Project Spartan并没有将Internet Explorer的Trident HTML和CSS渲染引擎融合在一起,而是围绕一个基于Trident的HTML5功能的新引擎而建立的(并且已在以前的Windows 10构建中作为Internet Explorer's Edge Rendoring选项可用)。与Trident不同,新型浏览器引擎旨在更新,这使Microsoft能够以IE不可能保持其新的浏览器电流。

There's a lot in Microsoft's new browser and, at least in this build, a lot that's been left out. You won't find support for device-to-device synchronization of tabs and browsing history or for the promised new extension model. Other features still to come include a download view, browsing history, a roaming reading list (synced across Windows 10 devices), and offline reading. You won't get access to all of Internet Explorer's plug-ins, either. Project Spartan will provide a level of plug-in support similar to Windows 8's Metro IE browser.


Microsoft有望在所有Windows 10设备上使用脱机阅读体验。虽然部分仍然缺少,但刷新的阅读视图使您可以清晰地查看网页,这是在平板电脑和电话上阅读的理想选择。

Project Spartan's user interface is reminiscent of other modern browsers while still remaining familiar to Internet Explorer users. There's direct access to Cortana from inside the browser (as demonstrated at Microsoft's January Windows 10 event in Redmond). Cortana can be activated from the browser's search bar. Building a search-based agent into a browser makes a lot of sense, especially when it's able to use the context of your searches and browser history to make inferences about what information you need -- initially giving you weather and stock information.

Microsoft Project Spartan Cortana

Microsoft has integrated Cortana with Project Spartan's search tools. While it's not yet ready to proactively notify you, it's able to quickly deliver relevant, up-to-date information about the weather and financials.

Another new feature integrates the browser more closely with Microsoft's OneNote note-taking tool. You'll be able to annotate pages using ink (a feature that's focused on Microsoft's own Surface tablets) or by typing into a Web page, sharing the results as a Web note. You won't need Project Spartan to see shared Web notes. They can be saved into OneNote as an annotated screenshot of a Web page or emailed to contacts, with the added option of sharing to social networks.

Microsoft Project Spartan注释

Project Spartan的新注释工具让您使用笔或键盘快速将注释添加到网页中。然后,您可以通过社交媒体或电子邮件共享带注释的网页 - 或将其保存到OneNote作为研究笔记本的一部分。

Project Spartan improves on Internet Explorer's Reading View for viewing page content without distracting graphics or advertising, with a page layout that's easier to read. Reading View is also integrated with Project Spartan's Reading List (formerly a separate Windows 8 app). As offline reading won't arrive until a future build, you'll have to read saved pages while connected to the Internet. The final version will allow you to share your Reading List across devices, including Windows Phones and small tablets running a mobile version of Project Spartan.

Microsoft将Project Spartan正面和中心放置在Windows 10中,并将新的浏览器固定在开始菜单和Windows任务栏上。您仍然可以找到IE,如果您已经固定了它,则不会将其删除。微软最近宣布,IE和Project Spartan将拥有单独的渲染引擎,现在,随着Windows 10 Build 10044中的IE删除边缘引擎,该更改已进入Windows。来自所有应用程序)供企业与旧应用一起使用。

Web developers will find this build of Windows 10 to be useful for tuning sites and applications in preparation for Windows 10. You won't find any surprising new HTML or CSS features in this release. Project Spartan is basedIE在构建10041中使用的边缘引擎的相同版本随着一些较小的添加,其中包括支持响应式图像。

Microsoft Project Spartan tools

开发人员将在Project Spartan中找到Microsoft的网页调试工具的最新版本,该工具非常方便地获取Windows 10的网站和应用程序,以及Microsoft的新浏览器和渲染引擎的最终版本。

But as in IE of the previous build, there's support for much of ECMAScript 6, as well as Web Audio, CSS Gradient Midpoints, CSS Conditional Rules, and Touch Events. Now that Microsoft has divorced its new rendering engine from IE's Trident, Project Spartan will be where you'll find new Web technologies in the future, making it important to add the Windows 10 Technical Preview to Web test suites.

With only a week or so of development time separating this Windows 10 release from build 10041, Project Spartan is not merely the big news but the only news in this release. Apart from the new browser, there are only a handful of bug fixes in build 10049. Still, it's another step on the road to Windows 10's promised summer release.

请记住:这仍然是Spartan项目的早期Beta版本。在html5 -test, Project Spartan beats Internet Explorer 11 (375 to 336) but still lags the latest versions of Chrome (518), Opera (497), Firefox (449), and Safari (396). Much remains to be revealed before Windows 10 launches, including -- one hopes -- improved compatibility with HTML5.

这个故事是“ First Look:Microsoft的下一代网络浏览器Project Spartan”最初由InfoWorld


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