6件事情三星Galaxy S6的确是iPhone 6不能

The Samsung Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 are two of the hottest smartphones available, but they each have their own individual strengths and weaknesses. Here are six ways the GS6 outperforms the iPhone 6.

Samsung and Apple are the undisputed kings of the smartphone world, and both own right about 20 percent of the global market,according to recent research from IDC.苹果and the iPhone beat out Samsungand its seemingly endless array of handhelds in total sales to end users for the first time during the final quarter of last year, thanks in no small part to the white-hot market reception of both theiPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

However, Samsung's latest darlings, the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge are about to go on sale next week in the United States, and the Korean electronics leader has every intention of stealing back some of that share. During the coming months, millions of consumers will fire up their Web browsers or strut into local wireless carrier shops to compare the latest and greatest smartphones. On the top of their lists of options will be the GS6 and iPhone 6.

[Related:How to pick between the Samsung Galaxy S6 and GS6 edge]

I got both my GS6 review phones last Tuesday, so I've had more than a week to spend with the new Galaxys. And I've been using the iPhone 6 since the day it was released last September. One of the first things I do after a company sends a new smartphone that piques my interest (and not all of the review devices I receive do, mind you) is stack it up to the iPhone, to see how (or if) it compares.

这正是我所做的与GS6和GS6边缘。虽然这是为时过早使iPhone 6和GS6之间做出一个决定,我要说的是:我喜欢新的GalaxyS。很多。而新的手机做了不少事情,苹果的金色的孩子不能。本文不打算指出他们中的每一个。相反,它的意思聚光灯跳出我,因为我不能用我的iPhone 6做他们的事。

As is always the case with these matters, there are two tales to be told, so make sure to check out my companion story,"6 things iPhone 6 does that Galaxy S6 can't."To be clear,I am not saying the GS6 is better than the iPhone 6, or suggesting the GS6 would win in an arm-wrestling bout.

现在,这就是出路,到事GS6这是否iPhone 6不能。(注:和弯曲显示器和稍微不同的电池容量的异常,新的Galaxy手机是相同的,因此,所有在这篇文章提出的观点的同时适用于新的手持设备)

1) Galaxy S6, Samsung Pay and MST tech


The main competitive differentiator, and competitive advantage, for Samsung Pay compared to the popular Apple Pay is its support of magnetic secure transmission (MST) technology, which in theory lets you pay at any PoS terminal that accepts magnetic stripe credit cards. That includes about 90 percent of U.S. retailers, compared to the roughly 5 percent that support NFC and Apple Pay, according to Samsung. (Read“4件事情你需要了解三星的工资”更多细节。)


2) Samsung Galaxy S6 and wireless charging

Both new GS6 smartphones support wireless charging without any sort of add-on accessory. The devices support both the无线充电联盟(PWC)Qi (pronounced "chee") andPower Matters Alliance (PMA)wireless charging standards, so they work with charge mats that use either technology. In other words, hungry GS6 users cancharge their famished phones at select McDonald's,其中一些具有PMA充电站,并GS6业主需要修复的咖啡因也能够以无线方式charge their sleepy smartphones at some Starbucks locations, where Qi stations are available.

三星Galaxy S6边缘无线充电 Brian Sacco

它需要较长时间GS6无线充电比,如果你使用传统的电源线。例如,使用随GS6边缘,这使得前来专用充电器“自适应快速充电,”我能够到死的设备完全充电只需不到两个小时,而我花了近三个小时,完全充电的死GS6边使用Samsung's new Wireless Charging Pad, which costs $50 and uses Qi. In many cases, wireless charging is more convenient, though.

iPhone 6 users can purchase cases to enable wireless charging, but most of these accessories support only one standard, and many are bulky and relatively expensive. (On a separate but related note, the GS6 phones both use standard micro USB ports, compared to Apple's proprietary Lightning ports, so you can use micro USB cords and accessories from a variety of other manufacturers with Samsung phones but not Apple devices.)

samsung galaxy s6 edge rear micro usb Brian Sacco

3) Samsung Galaxy S6 security and Smart Lock


一个GS6所有者可以,例如,设置了Android Wear智能手表是一个值得信赖的设备,所以他的手机处于解锁状态在手或装在口袋里的时候,但这时如果他把手表掉,并走开锁定。或者,他可以编程的NFC标签,如三星TecTiles,是值得信赖的标签,然后设置标签上他的电话,以保持它在他的办公桌或床头柜上解锁。

Android's Lollipop Smart Lock features are not unique to the Galaxy S6 — other newish Android devices also offer variations of Smart Lock, including a unique "face unlock" option that's absent from the GS6s — but you won't find anything like them in the iPhone 6. (Certain IT policies may block the use of Smart Lock on corporate connected devices, so if you use Android for work, you may not be able to take advantage of Smart Lock.)

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