银河S6边缘令人印象深刻的企业电话 - 一个大例外

This enterprise-oriented Samsung Galaxy edge review looks at the strengths and shortcomings of the hottest new Android phone from a business perspective. Hint: It has a glaring Achilles heel.

三星的最大和最流行的Android合作伙伴之一,已经慢慢在进军企业市场。上个月,公司发布其两个新主打智能手机,银河S6和Galaxy S6边缘,它们是除了GS6边缘的弯曲显示器和稍大电池相同。

由于三星的Galaxy S设备的普及,很容易找到GS6评论,但我们的评价是针对企业用户而编写的 - 谁需要支持他们的IT人员。我已经经常使用这两种设备近两个月,虽然我被吸引到GS6边缘。因此本次评测的重点是GS6边缘,虽然大部分结论适用于这两款手机。

[有关:6 things Samsung Galaxy S6 does that iPhone 6 can't]

Is the GS6 edge a good BYOD device? Does it meet all the basic needs of today's business-oriented "power users?" Which GS6 phone is better-suited for enterprise use? And are there any shortcomings IT and corporate users need to know about?



The most important business-oriented feature in the Galaxy S6 edge isKNOX, Samsung's security platform that's built into the Android OS.

samsung knox

KNOX lets IT admins use a variety of popular mobile device management (MDM) tools to manage Samsung devices, including BlackBerry, AirWatch, SOTI, MobileIron, Citrix, FAMOC, Good Technology and MaaS360. KNOX provides more than 1,500 MDM APIs. It has federal information security certifications from multiple governments, including Australia, Canada, Finland, the United Kingdom and the United States. And the U.S. FBI currently uses KNOX to manage more than 28,000 devices, according to Eric McCarty, vice president of mobile product marketing, Samsung Business.

诺克斯工作区允许它独立工作和个人data on corporate-managed devices, but GS6 users automatically get a variety of KNOX security features, even if their IT departments choose not to deploy Workspace. The My KNOX app, which is available on the Google Play store, also lets business users create their own "containers," to separate work and personal data. I tested My KNOX, and though it's a bit buggy (more on that coming up), it mostly works as advertised, and it's more intuitive than some other containerization options I've tried. (I'm looking at you, BlackBerry Balance.)

KNOX也与无缝协作互补,的Android for Work,安全平台谷歌内置的Android V5“棒棒糖”,让IT部门可以选择他们想要使用哪些特定的安全功能,或采用各种来自诺克斯和Android for Work的功能,麦卡蒂说。

当然,诺克斯是不完美的,而且它也有一些缺点BYOD。(读这个comparison of KNOX and Android for Work, from my InfoWorld.com colleague Galen Gruman, for specifics. Samsung also provided an为诺克斯和Android for Work的官方功能比较文件。)

三星的Galaxy S和Galaxy Note的手机最后一代对用户进行认证指纹扫描仪,但坦率地说,这些扫描仪吮吸。你必须慢慢滑动手指,并且该过程经常导致错误。在GS6边缘指纹识别器的效果要好得多,而且你再也不用刷卡手指;您只需轻按在椭圆形的主按钮一个数字,你是好去。它的工作原理以及(如果略高于更慢苹果相媲美的触摸ID系统),它是保护GS6边缘,这是它和它的企业用户是好事一种简单,安全的方法。

samsung galaxy s6 edge right side 布莱恩·萨科

The GS6 edge is also a thing of beauty, which may not mean all that much to IT, but image-conscious execs and other businesspeople looking to make solid first impressions will surely appreciate the phone's design. It's light, slim, trim and sleek-looking. The GS6 edge is particularly eye-catching, thanks to is curved, dual-edge display, which makes it look as much like a piece of jewelry, or a fashion accessory, as a smartphone.

该GS6边缘包我见过一个移动设备上的最佳显示。5.1英寸四倍高清的Super AMOLED(2560×1440)显示屏,使我的iPhone的略小的“视网膜”屏幕看起来比较平淡透顶。

[有关:如何将三星Galaxy S6和GS6边缘之间挑]

The GS6 edge supports both the PMA and Qi (say: "chee") wireless charging standards, and you do not need to use any sort of case or accessory to enable the feature. In my experience, wireless charging takes significantly longer than traditional charging, but it is convenient. (Check out my三星新推出的无线充电垫的审查for more details.)

samsung galaxy s6 edge wireless charging 布莱恩·萨科



If you use the default Android mail application, you can touch a message header with two fingers and then drag down to see an extended message preview and get access to quick reply, reminder, read/unread and deletion features, which make it simple to monitor and respond to messages, as well as organize your inbox without leaving the main inbox screen.

[有关:Galaxy S的6设计师说GS6手机是“三星的新脸”]

Depending on the wireless carrier, Microsoft's Office suite may come preinstalled on the device, but even if it doesn't you can download the individual apps from Google Play. I didn't spend too much time with the apps, but I was able to easily open up Word documents that were attached to email messages and then make minor changes. New GS6 edge users also get 100GB of OneDrive cloud storage for two years.


samsung galaxy s6 edge side front angle 布莱恩·萨科

The GS6 edge has top-of-the-line technical specifications. In addition to what I already touched on, its octa-core, 64-bit processor and 3GB of RAM mean you'll see little lag when running multiple applications at the same time. The GS6 uses a standard micro USB port for charging and syncing. It has a helpful infrared blaster, which can be used along with a variety of different applications to advance PowerPoint slide decks and control other peripherals. You can crank the external speaker to an impressive volume, which is good for speakerphone calls, though the audio quality is expectedly tinny. It also supports NFC and Wi-Fi calling (depending on the carrier), which could save organizations significant money.


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