

SANTA CLARA -- AT&T is considering offering bare metal switches and servers to consumers as customer premises equipment for the carrier’s services.

开放网络峰会会议here, Andre Fuetsch, AT&T senior vice president, Architecture & Design, said the economics of commodity bare metal switching, as well as the scale, performance and programmability, make it appealing for the carrier to sell into the customer premises.

+MORE ON NETWORK WORLD:AT&T lays out 'radical' network changes with SDN+

Fuetsch said bare metal/white box switching also makes sense at the carrier’s cell sites and central offices.

他在ONS主题演讲中说:“白盒不仅适合数据中心。”2020欧洲杯预赛AT&T’s massive software-defined networking and network functions virtualization project。许多操作员等运算符正在部署裸金属/白色盒子开关,以使其服务和操作网络更加灵活和可扩展。


Fuetsch说,客户场所的白色盒子开关也可以运行应用程序,例如虚拟化IP PBX。




AT&T is also looking at extending SDN and NFV “down the stack” into Layer 1 functions such as optical transport and access. Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers are proprietary and rigid, he says, so software programmability would enhance configurability and provisioning.

In access, SDN and NFV can be used to offer virtualized optical line termination for fiber-to-the-home deployments based on Gigabit Passive Optical Networks. Indeed, AT&T is looking atON.Lab’s ONOS SDN controller, which AT&T helped define, for that specific function, Fuetsch says.

As for AT&T’s own internal SDN transformation of its service network, Fuetsch says the carrier is 5% of the way along on its goal of 75% virtualization by 2020.


AT&T通过确定技术和生产准备的200个目标VNF的方式来保持得分。Once determining which services make the 200 VNF target list – legacy services like ATM, frame relay and TDM voice will not – AT&T evaluates the degree to which each is virtualized, under SDN control, and integrated into the carrier’s Enhanced Controller Orchestration Management Policy (ECOMP) operations management framework.


AT&T Labs开发了ECOMP的政策引擎。差异化是为什么AT&T开发了自己的原因,而不是采用OpenDaylight基于小组的政策模型之类的原因。

“A lot of our secret sauce makes our architecture unique and differentiates it from the others,” Fuetsch says.

他说,VNF还必须能够通过实时交通或工作量。一旦这些200 VNF中有75%达到了虚拟化,可编程性和实时流量先决条件,AT&T将达到其75%的虚拟化里程碑。

But VNF suppliers also have to meet stringent requirements. Of the 10 announcedAT&T的SDN项目的域2.0供应商Fuetsch说,到目前为止,只有四个制造了沙箱,可以通过一套严格的虚拟网络指南和要求将其产品放置。他拒绝说哪一个。

And in terms of customer-facing VNF services, AT&T’s Network On Demand is an SDN back-ended offering rolled out in 100 markets. It uses Brocade’s OpenDaylight-based Vyatta controller as its brains.


ONOS might have the inside track.

“OpenDaylight is much more of a grab bag,” Fuetsch says. “There are lots of capabilities, a lot more contributions have gone into it. ONOS is much more suited for greenfield. It takes a different abstraction of the network. We see a lot of promise and use cases for ONOS – in the access side with a virtualized OLT as well as controlling a spine/leaf Ethernet fabric. Over time ONOS could be the overall global centralized controller for the network. But because we have the existing network – brownfield -- we have to coexist” with other controllers. “ONOS is still maturing.”


“We haven’t gone public with where we are going with those,” Fuetsch said. “Going forward with our Domain 2.0 architecture the real question is, who is going to be the main player that we end up using? That is still yet to be announced.”

Fuetsch说,在AT&T近两年域2.0 SDN/NFV旅程中,最大的挑战是对传统运营过程的变化。更改网络意味着更改以前构建,操作,管理,扩展和人群的所有方式。

Also, AT&T combined its network and IT staffs into a 2,000-strong workforce dedicated to Domain 2.0.

“There’s a lot of cultural inertia,” Fuetsch said. “We’ve relied on the supply chain to be the integrators. Now that role is shifting to us. That has cultural implications. The network engineer of yesterday has to be a lot more software savvy for tomorrow. Network engineers and IT engineers speak different languages.”



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