生命值goes after Cisco, Arista with open source OS

Allies with Broadcom, Intel and VMware on OpenSwitch NOS

惠普spearheading multivendor development of an open source network operating system for data centers in an effort to address scale, dynamic operation and vendor independence.

生命值is banding together with three other hardware companies and a hypervisor vendor to launch theOpenSwitch Community,这将寻求社区参与发展基于Linux的Openswitch No.其他参与者是英特尔,Broadcom,Accton和VMware。

Though the community lacks a pure operating system vendor, HP says it has plenty of OS and NOS expertise to lend OpenSwitch credibility in that regard. VMware also provides software-based network virtualization and control experience through its NSX product line and developers.

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"HP clearly believes it has a mandate to play as a NOS vendor in network disaggregation," says IDC analyst Brad Casemore. "I expected that we would see other NOS vendors, including a big name or two, get into network disaggregation, but HP wasn’t the first name that came to mind."

Though a potential competitor, Arista views the OpenSwitch effort as an endorsement of its strategy.

“Arista始终拥有商人硅和开放的基于标准的网络,”Arista的EOS产品管理和服务副总裁Jeff Raymond表示,在HP Press发布的准备好的声明中。“我们相信Devops和Netops未来的整合需要云堆栈中最好的生态系统。我们欢迎OpenSwitch计划作为扰乱遗留模型的另一个例子。“

生命值and Arista are already collaborating on joint data center accounts where Arista is the preferred network switch supplier


“We didn’t find one that fit the modern architecture and subscription model,” says Mark Carroll, HP Networking CTO. “There wasn’t anything out there” that satisfied HP’s desire for a programmable and scalable OS built onsysdb模型

Carroll指出Arista的EOS作为市场上最接近的OOS满足这些要求,但他说OpenSwitch NoS将允许开发人员访问源代码,而不是通过API作为大多数供应商OSE提议。

关于OpenSwitch NoS对惠普与CICA8的安排的影响,Carroll表示,即使OpenSwitch NoS也将是HP Switch客户的选择。

“我们计划继续为(NOS)提供的各种产品生命值’s new Altoline series of bare metal/white box switches

Carroll said Cumulus Linux and Pica8’s PicOS address features sets for particular vertical markets and applications, but that OpenSwitch NOS will be integrated across HP’s switch portfolio and facilitate integration with OpenStack clouds.


“我们知道我们所做的事情不会适应每个组织,”营销副总裁Steve Garrison说。“目标是提供客户选择。市场将根据组织和工具决定。我们都在棋盘上。“


“惠普与我们谈到了这一计划,我们将其视为另一种可用于开放式网络平台的选项,”Cumulus首席执行官JR Rivers说。“与此同时,许多”开放“的努力,OEM支持最终作为”投资和忘记“作为赞助OEM战斗,以保持其相关的付费产品相关。我们在积云网络需要是最好的解决方案我们的客户,反对所有人。“


“对于积云8,我想在近的团队中,没有任何改变,”他说。"It’s a matter of different NOSes serving different use cases and market segments. Cumulus Linux appeals to Linux shops where DevOps practitioners want to use common processes and tools to automate across all their data center infrastructure, including their networks. HP wants to be able to serve that market. As for Pica8, HP believes it will appeal to customers more inclined to OpenFlow or to more traditional approaches to networking. Obviously, given its investments in OpenFlow andthe VAN Controller, HP wants to serve that market, too. It’s too soon to tell whether either NOS vendor will be sidelined, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re concerned about this development."


生命值says traditional networking is based on a closed, proprietary and vertically integrated model that does not allow customers or developers to innovate and tailor networks to meet business needs because there is no community-based access to NOS source code for modification. An open source NOS, the company says, allows developers to engineer networks to prioritize business critical workloads and functions, ease interoperability, and relieve customers of proprietary software licensing structures.

The OpenSwitch NOS will include:

  • 第2/3层协议支持;
  • 一种持久和短期状态的状态驱动数据库。OpenSwitch NoS数据库将基于OVSDB., Carroll says;
  • 通过系统状态数据库的模块间通信;
  • 支持CLI,休息和木偶/厨师API。

OpenSwitch社区今天正在运营。新的OpenSwitch NoS的第一个开发者发布将在2016年上半年之前提供,其中部署预计在下半年。

OpenSwitch NOS code will be available onGitHub或通过像HP这样的供应商提供认证分布。

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