IoT dangers are here, they're real, and they're widespread

Two surveys show IoT dangers are prevalent in enterprises

IoT security surveys hero image

Two studies, one from HP, and one from DNS and security vendor OpenDNS, took a look at the dangers IoT devices pose, and both concluded the same thing: They’re real, they’re here, and they’re more widespread than you might imagine. Following are summaries of each study.

Internet of Things in the Enterprise 2015

OpenDNS is a DNS provider that routes more than 70 billion Internet requests daily from approximately 50 million consumer and enterprise users in more than 160 countries. For itsreport on IoT dangers, OpenDNS sampled statistically relevant data on the 15th day of February, March, and April in 2015.

The company found an astonishing number of security holes in enterprises, including highly regulated ones such as healthcare, education, energy infrastructure, manufacturing, government, financial services, and others.

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